Aquarius Season
Ah, 1969. The year when people thought we were entering the “Age of Aquarius,” andiStock 1391074176
everything suddenly turned into a utopia of peace, love, and cosmic hugs. The 5th Dimension were crooning about how “when the Moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, peace would guide the planets, and love would rule the stars.” Well, I hate to break it to you, but a quick flip through The New York Times since then tells me that peace may have missed the memo, and love? Well, it’s stuck in traffic somewhere between confusion and chaos. So, what gives?

Let’s talk Aquarius. Sure, this sign is about revolution, breaking down walls, and banding together for a better future, but it’s not about immediate results. Aquarius is playing the long game, like seriously long – centuries, maybe. The 5th Dimension may have been tapping into the Aquarian vibe, but the spirit of Aquarius is way more complex than a pop song can capture. So, where do we start? Well, in astrology, Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and he’s a real piece of work in mythology. Basically, he’s the grumpy sky god who’s so unimpressed with his own kids (the Titans) that he tosses them into the pits of Tartarus. Total drama king move, right? But if you’re looking for a myth that embodies the Aquarian spirit of rebellion and innovation, look no further than Prometheus – the guy who stole fire from the gods. And no, I don’t mean fire as in lighting your backyard BBQ. We’re talking about fire as a symbol of knowledge, inspiration, and foresight. It’s the good stuff.
Now, Zeus, ever the buzzkill, wasn’t too happy about humans getting their hands on this divine fire. Why? Because if humans could create and solve their own problems, they’d stop groveling to the gods for help. And Zeus, being Zeus, just couldn’t have that. So, he orders his blacksmith, Hephaistos, to whip up the original Trojan horse in the form of Pandora (yeah, that Pandora), who promptly opens her infamous box, releasing every kind of trouble known to humanity. To keep things interesting, however, hope is left locked inside the box, like the ultimate cosmic punchline.
So, what does this have to do with Aquarius? Well, on a personal level, when the Sun moves into Aquarius, it’s not about lounging around waiting for world peace to magically appear. No, no, no. Aquarius season is about rallying the troops, fighting the good fight, and tearing down anything that limits progress. This is when we join forces, unite for a cause, and, like Prometheus, stick it to the man (or the gods) by creating something better. It's a time for teamwork, technological breakthroughs, and for realizing that together, we can achieve way more than we can alone.
Aquarius is like the friend who convinces you to join a protest, invent an app, or create a DIY
solar-powered smoothie maker (because why not?). They’re all about forward-thinking,
disrupting the status quo, and getting us out of our own way. But here’s the kicker – it’s not
always smooth sailing. Just like Prometheus paid the price for his fire theft by getting his liver
pecked out by Zeus’s eagle (every day, no less!), Aquarian progress often comes with some
pushback. But hey, nothing worth having comes easy, right?
So, while the 5th Dimension’s hopeful tune might not have delivered the “Age of Aquarius” as
advertised, the Aquarian spirit is alive and kicking. It’s just a bit messier than we’d like. But if we keep working together, stay rebellious in all the right ways, and never give up hope (thanks,
Pandora!), we can make that Aquarian dream of a better world a reality – eventually. And if you
get your liver pecked along the way? Well, at least you’re in good company with Prometheus.
Now, where’s my solar-powered smoothie maker?

5 Ways to Make the Most Out of Aquarius Season

Air Magic: Aquarius is a member of the air element, and one of the easiest ways to tap into the
season is doing a little air magic. Astrologically, air is thoughts, ideas, and the written and
spoken word. This is an excellent time to do journaling, affirmations, write blessings, and even
pray to your higher power. There are excellent resources on the web to help you tap into this
elemental power. All you need to do is cruise over to your favorite search engine and start your
Recommended: Mercury (Astro Magic), Problem Solving (Blessed Herbal), Ancestor (BlessedHerbal)

2. Needed Change: Since Aquarius is about rattling the cage of the establishment, we can use this
energy to rattle the cage or our ‘personal establishment’. As humans, we are comfortable with
our habits, even ones that may diminish the value of your life. So, if there is an area of your life
that isn’t working properly or troubling, shake things up. Release the old and embrace the new.
Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Jupiter (AstroMagic)

3. Gotta Have Your Friends: When the going gets tough, it’s best to have your circle of besties
around to help you navigate through difficult times. Aquarius season lets you tap into your inner
‘Thelma and Louise’ and attract people aligned with your greater good, and maybe get rid of
those that don’t.
Recommended: Attraction (Blessed Herbal), Saturn (AstroMagic), Soulmate (Affirmation)

4. Networking: This is the little sister of friendship magic. Aquarius season is about groups and
unity. You can use this season to find groups that you are aligned with or participate in causes
you believe in. It’s also the season to find your inner circle – a group of like-minded people that
help you become the best version of you that you can be.
Recommended: Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)

5. Communication Magic: I saved the best for last, because communication issues easily happen.
As Aquarius season approaches, keeping communication lines clear may be more important
than ever. You can use this time to reopen communications with someone you’ve had a falling
out with, a person you have lost touch with, or to repair broken relationships that may need a
little assistance.
Recommended: Truth Serum (Mercury -- AstroMagic), Healing Rx (Aunt Jacki), Van Van (AuntJacki)

Lunar Magic
The Full Moon in Cancer
On January 13, 2025, the Full Moon occurs in watery Cancer. The Full Moon in Cancer is an
emotional powerhouse, inviting us to reflect on feelings, nurture connections, and prioritize inner

Step one: expect emotions to rise like the tide—don’t fight them; feel them.

Step two:
focus on home and family—whether that means deepening bonds or setting boundaries.

Step three: balance Capricorn’s practical goals with Cancer’s need for emotional fulfillment.

Step four: release old emotional baggage through reflection or ritual.

Lastly, embrace self-care by creating a space where you feel safe and supported. This lunation reminds us that true strength lies in vulnerability and taking care of what matters most.
Recommended: Let It Go (Full Moon – Astro Magic), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Do You! (The
Moon – Astro Magic)

New Moon in Aquarius
On January 28, 2025, the New Moon occurs in airy Aquarius. The New Moon in Aquarius is
your green light to reinvent yourself step by step. First, think about where your life feels
outdated—Aquarius thrives on innovation, so this is the time to explore fresh ideas. Next, focus
on authenticity. What makes you unique? This lunation asks you to own it unapologetically.
Then, consider how your goals can uplift others. Aquarius loves collaboration, so connecting
with like-minded people can amplify your impact. Finally, detach from emotional noise and look
at your life objectively. This is the moment to dream big, set bold intentions, and trust your ability
to make them happen.
Recommended: Let it Grow (New Moon – Astro Magic), Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo),
Out of My Way (Wicked Witch Mojo)

Weekly Breakdown

December 30, 2024 – January 5, 2025
This week’s VIP is Saturn, which is currently moving through Pisces. Saturn transits are your
life’s personal trainer, showing up to push you toward growth and accountability. It strips away
illusions, reinforces boundaries, and demands hard work. Though it feels heavy, Saturn rewards
effort with stability and wisdom. Stay disciplined, let go of what’s failing, and build something
that lasts.

Monday, December 30, 2024
The New Moon In Capricorn: On Monday, New Year’s comes early with the New Moon in
Capricorn. The New Moon in Capricorn is like the stern but savvy coach who’s here to get you
in shape for real success. This isn’t about chasing dreams with glitter and glam; it’s about
getting down to brass tacks. Set serious goals, think practically, and build a solid game plan.
Capricorn loves dedication and doesn’t do shortcuts, so make every step count. Grab your
planner, set your sights high, and commit—Capricorn will take you places!
Recommended: Let It Grow (New Moon – Astro Magic)

Tuesday, December 31, 2024
The Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus Rx in Taurus: When the Moon in Capricorn trines
Uranus retrograde in Taurus, we’re talking grounded innovation, people! Capricorn’s no-
nonsense vibes meet Uranus’ quirky side, making it the perfect time to jazz up old routines.
Think of it as spicing up the classic recipe of your life with just a dash of “weird.” Embrace fresh
perspectives on practical goals, and watch your productivity get an unexpected boost. It’s
tradition with a twist—safe but secretly thrilling.

Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal)

Wednesday, January 1, 2025
The Moon in Aquarius: We start the New Year off with the Moon moving through Aquarius.
The Aquarius Moon is a bit of an oddball, valuing freedom over handholding and logic over
lovey-dovey drama. Emotions? Sure, they’ve got them—just served with a cool, intellectual
twist. This Moon prefers bonding over big ideas and shared causes, rather than candlelit
dinners. Relationships work best when there’s room for independence; anything clingy sends
them running. They’re here to challenge the norm, one quirky, forward-thinking thought at a
Recommended: Do You! (The Moon – Astro Magic)

Thursday, January 2, 2025
Venus in Pisces: On Thursday, Venus moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces, the sign of her
exaltation. When Venus moves through Pisces, it’s like putting on emotional 3D glasses.
Suddenly, everything is dreamy, forgiving, and just a little bit blurry. Love feels cosmic (without
saying cosmic), art takes us places, and we’d probably give our last dollar to save a seahorse.
But don’t get too lost—Pisces can make red flags look like carnival prizes. Open your heart,
create something beautiful, but maybe keep one foot on solid ground, just in case!
Recommended: That Bitch! (Venus – Astro Magic)

Friday, January 3, 2025
Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius: When Mars in Leo opposes Pluto, we’re in for a
dramatic push-pull. Mars in Leo wants to act boldly, flaunt its strength, and go for gold. Enter
Pluto, reminding us that there’s more beneath the surface—old fears, hidden motives, or power
dynamics that demand attention. This intense dance calls for self-awareness; channel that drive
into something meaningful, rather than control games. In essence, it’s about using power wisely
and transforming our desires responsibly.
Recommended: Fiery Wall of Protection (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate)

Saturday, January 4, 2025
The Sun in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces: With the Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in
Pisces, we’re in a rare window where ambition meets intuition. Step one: Capricorn’s Sun
grounds us, pushing us toward real, achievable goals. Step two: Saturn in Pisces reminds us
that intuition is as crucial as strategy. Together, they urge us to dream big, but act small and
steady. This transit is perfect for building plans that blend vision and practicality, keeping us both
inspired and grounded.
Recommended: Stability (Blessed Herbal)

Sunday, January 5, 2025
The Moon in Aries: Before the Moon moves into fiery Aries, it will conjoin Neptune, which could
give you a bit of brain fog through the morning hours. However, when the Moon shifts into the
sign of the ram, emotions fire up with urgency. It’s a time to act, confront issues head-on, and
reclaim independence. Begin new projects or pursue goals—but keep impulsiveness in check! Energy runs high, while patience runs thin, so expect direct communication and a little competition. Aries Moon encourages self-assertion and getting in touch with personal needs. Embrace this transit to take bold steps forward with courage and confidence.
Recommended: Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal)

January 6, 2025 – January 12, 2025
The VIP for the first full week of the New Year is Mars retrograde. Mars Rx is a cosmic timeout
for reassessing your actions, energy, and goals. Instead of charging ahead, it’s a time to pause,
reflect, and recalibrate. Frustrations and delays highlight where you've been off track, offering a
chance to realign with purpose. Slow down, strategize, and act intentionally for lasting results.

Monday, January 6, 2025
Mars Rx in Cancer: On Monday, Mars leaves Leo and slides back into Cancer. When Mars
retrogrades back into Cancer, it’s time to pause, reflect, and go inward. We’re revisiting old
family issues and emotional wounds, especially around home and security. This transit calls for
gentler boundary-setting and a focus on understanding our triggers, rather than jumping into
action. With Mars in Cancer, bravery isn’t bold; it’s about handling our emotions with empathy,
repairing our emotional armor, and facing the deep-rooted feelings that may still need healing.
Recommended: Home Blessing (Affirmation)

Tuesday, January 7, 2025
The Moon in Aries square Mars Rx in Cancer: Before the Moon moves into fiery Leo later this
afternoon, it will form a tense square to Mars Rx in Cancer. As the Moon squares Mars
retrograde in Cancer, we’re in for an emotional rollercoaster. The Moon stirs up Mars’
frustrations, but retrograde Mars isn’t ready for a direct confrontation. Expect touchy feelings
and simmering tension. Cancer adds a protective, family-focused vibe, making it hard to
express irritation openly. Use this transit to identify where you might be avoiding conflict to keep
the peace, and manage intense emotions with grounding techniques for a smoother ride.
Recommended: Tranquility (Affirmation)

Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Mercury in Capricorn: With Mercury in Capricorn, it’s time to get focused, disciplined, and goal
oriented. Start by setting clear, long-term goals, and break them down into manageable steps.
Think structure: schedules, action plans, and routines are your best friends here. Tackle
practical tasks with patience, communicate clearly, and refine your approach. Avoid impulsive
decisions—Capricorn’s wisdom calls for strategy. This transit rewards consistency, so take each
step slowly, with an eye on the bigger picture and lasting results.
Recommended: Truth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Thursday, January 9, 2025
Moon in Taurus: When the Moon moves through Taurus, it’s time to slow down, step by step,
and savor life’s comforts. This transit invites us to connect with what’s stable and familiar,
favoring activities that calm and ground us. Emotionally, Taurus keeps us steady, helping us approach things with a practical, cautious outlook. It’s a perfect time to relax, enjoy simple pleasures, and reflect on what matters. Just don’t get too attached to the status quo.
Recommended: Do You! (The Moon – Astro Magic)

Friday, January 10, 2025 – Saturday, January 11, 2025
Moon in Gemini: As the Moon moves through Gemini, it’s all about connection and curiosity.
First, expect lively conversations and plenty of mental stimulation. This energy is quick and
restless, urging us to reach out, ask questions, and learn something new. Emotionally, it’s easy
to feel scattered, so take time to ground yourself if ideas start overflowing. Ultimately, this transit
is perfect for sparking fresh perspectives, connecting with others, and gathering the insights we
need for future decisions.
Recommended: Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)

Sunday, January 12, 2025
Mars Rx in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces: Mars retrograde in Cancer trine Neptune in
Pisces invites us to step back, feel deeply, and reconnect with our inner world. Start by
exploring your intuition—emotions will guide you toward buried motivations and defenses. Let
creative projects flow, as Neptune inspires compassion and softness in your approach. Maintain
boundaries, but allow forgiveness. This is a time to trust, reflect, and act with patience, allowing
deeper wisdom to shape your journey.
Recommended: Intuition (Affirmation)

January 13, 2025 – January 19, 2025
This week, Saturn steps into the spotlight as the VIP of the zodiac, demanding discipline and
long-term thinking. Step by step, Saturn breaks down illusions, tests your patience, and insists
on accountability. It’s all about building strong foundations, learning from challenges, and
emerging wiser. No shortcuts—just Saturn’s signature tough love!

Monday, January 13, 2025
The Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus: In addition to the Full Moon in Cancer that
occurs late Monday afternoon, the Sun forms a lovely trine to Uranus in Taurus. When the Sun
in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus, we’re talking about a solid push toward change—without
the chaos. Step by step, this transit blends Capricorn’s disciplined energy with Uranus’s drive for
innovation. Think practical upgrades, career shake-ups, or financial refreshes that actually make
sense. Uranus may spark sudden insights, but Capricorn keeps things grounded, making this a
golden time for new ideas that last. Break free, but with purpose and strategy.
Recommended: Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Venus in Pisces square Jupiter Rx in Gemini: Venus in Pisces square Jupiter retrograde in
Gemini creates a fascinating tug-of-war between our heart’s need for soulful connection and our
mind’s desire for intellectual stimulation. Venus wants dreamy, deep connections, but Jupiter
questions, analyzes, and even overthinks. There’s tension here, with Venus craving emotional
depth, while Jupiter asks, "Is this real?"; The key? Balance the heart with the mind. Embrace emotional openness and honest introspection without expecting perfect harmony. Growth
comes from bridging these energies.
Recommended: Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025
The Sun in Capricorn opposes Mars Rx in Cancer: On Wednesday, the Sun opposes Mars
Rx in Cancer. When the Sun opposes Mars retrograde, it's a cosmic face-off, pushing us to
examine where our ambitions may clash with our actions. Mars retrograde urges us to pull back,
review, and slow down, but the Sun demands clarity. This tug-of-war can trigger frustrations or
impulsive reactions. Step by step, we're shown where our plans need a new strategy. Instead of
charging ahead, take this moment to regroup, recalibrate, and align with your authentic path.
Recommended: Fiery Wall of Protection (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate)

Thursday, January 16, 2025
The Moon in Virgo: As the Moon moves through Virgo, it’s time to organize, analyze, and
refine. Start by clearing out clutter, both physically and mentally. Next, focus on self-care
routines, fine-tuning your health goals and schedule. Dive into detail-oriented work—catching
errors and creating efficient systems. Finally, lend a hand to others; Virgo loves to serve. With a
bit of mindfulness to prevent overthinking, you’ll end this transit feeling grounded, productive,
and prepared for what’s next.
Recommended: Home/Peace/Serenity (Blessed Herbal)

Friday, January 17, 2025
The Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: The Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in
Pisces blends realism with imagination, making it a great time to turn dreams into practical
plans. Start by visualizing meaningful goals, then break them down into doable steps. Engage in
creative work with discipline, lead with empathy, and build spiritual practices into your routine.
Embrace compassion while setting clear boundaries. Philanthropic efforts also shine now. This
transit offers a path to make lasting, grounded progress toward inspired visions.
Recommended: Angels (Affirmation)

Saturday, January 18, 2025
Venus conjoins Saturn in Pisces: When Venus conjoins Saturn in Pisces, it’s time to merge
dreams with discipline. Step by step, start with healthy boundaries in relationships, then focus
on practical financial planning and committed creativity. Strengthen bonds through reliability and
build routines that support emotional well-being. Use structured spiritual practices to ground
your inner life. Finally, be honest about relationships that might not align with your values. This
transit is about building lasting, meaningful foundations.
Recommended: Stability (Blessed Herbal)

Sunday, January 19, 2025
Sunday is a major energy day with two aspects (Mercury sextile Saturn and Mercury sextile
Venus) and mid-afternoon the Sun moves out of Capricorn and into airy Aquarius.

Let’s break it down.
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces: With Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in
Pisces, it's time to bring those dreams down to earth, step by step. Mercury in Capricorn is
practical, while Saturn in Pisces grounds our imagination in reality. This aspect sharpens focus
and helps with disciplined communication, whether tackling projects or having serious
conversations. It’s an ideal transit for planning and learning, especially if the task blends
creativity with structure. Perfect for getting things done with clarity and patience.
Recommended: Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate)

Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Pisces: Late Sunday morning, Mercury forms a
harmonious sextile to Venus in Pisces. When Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Venus in Pisces, it’s
like blending common sense with heartfelt intuition. First, Mercury keeps things practical,
valuing clear communication and structure. Enter Venus in Pisces, who adds a warm,
compassionate tone, helping us tune into others’ feelings. Together, this transit creates an ideal
space for honest conversations, forgiveness, and creativity. It’s perfect for connecting with
others meaningfully, blending realism with imagination to bring visions into grounded, tangible
Recommended: Heart (Blessed Herbal)

The Sun in Aquarius: Finally, on Sunday, the Sun moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius.
When the Sun enters Aquarius, it’s time to step outside the box. Think innovation,
independence, and social connection. Start by exploring unconventional ideas and connecting
with like-minded groups. Engage in social causes, and stay flexible to unexpected changes.
Embrace technology and pursue intellectual growth, but remember to keep a detached
perspective—it helps make fair decisions. Aquarius energy values individuality, so seek
personal freedom while working toward the greater good, one step at a time.
Recommended: Curse Breaker (The Sun – Astro Magic)

January 20, 2025 – January 26, 2025
When Venus takes center stage, it’s all about connection, beauty, and value. Step by step, she
encourages us to nurture relationships, embrace creativity, and refine our self-worth. She
sweetens the mood, inspires meaningful interactions, and offers opportunities for joy. Venus
reminds us to slow down and savor life’s finer moments.

Monday, January 20, 2025
The Moon in Libra: We start the week off with the Moon moving through airy Libra. When the
Moon transits Libra, the focus shifts to relationships, balance, and fairness. It’s a time to mend
fences, create harmony, and embrace beauty. Start by addressing conflicts with diplomacy and
seeking common ground. Next, reflect on fairness in your relationships and daily life. Use
Libra’s refined energy to beautify your surroundings or practice self-care. Finally, be mindful of
decision-making; weigh options carefully, but avoid overthinking. Libra’s Moon reminds us to
prioritize connection and equilibrium.
Recommended: Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Sun conjoins Pluto in Aquarius: The Sun conjoining Pluto in Aquarius is a powerhouse
transit for transformation, empowerment, and shedding outdated patterns. Step one: embrace
shadow work to confront fears with clarity. Step two: innovate by trying new approaches to
stagnant areas. Step three: detox from toxic habits, people, or tech reliance. Step four: Reclaim
your personal power by embracing authenticity. Finally, focus on collective healing and long-
term change. Slowly but surely, this transit pushes us toward growth and progress.
Recommended: Curse Breaker (The Sun -- Astro Magic)

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
The Moon in Scorpio: The Moon in Scorpio invites us to explore the depths of our emotions
step by step. Start by looking at your feelings honestly, allowing space for shadow work and
deep reflection. Use this energy to release emotional baggage through meaningful rituals,
deepen intimate connections, and empower yourself by reclaiming control. Scorpio’s intuitive
edge encourages mystical exploration, whether through tarot, astrology, or meditation. Finally,
focus on healing, transformation, and forgiveness, creating space for renewal and emotional
Recommended: Do You! (The Moon – Astro Magic)

Thursday, January 23, 2025
Thursday is a busy day in the cosmos with three major astrological aspects – Mars sextiles
Uranus, Mercury opposes Mars, and Mercury trines Uranus. This is a potential powder keg of
energy where things are ripe to blow the lid off the pressure cooker. Keep a watch on your

Let’s dive in:
Mercury in Cancer Rx sextile Uranus in Taurus Rx: Mars retrograde in Cancer sextiling
Uranus retrograde in Taurus is a moment for introspection and innovation. First, Mars retrograde
urges us to revisit emotional patterns and recalibrate our energy. Then, Uranus retrograde
challenges outdated systems, sparking fresh insights. Together, this sextile encourages
emotional breakthroughs and practical experimentation. Slow down, reflect, and trust intuitive
nudges. Use this time to align your emotional needs with creative solutions, making small,
intentional changes that support growth and stability.
Recommended: Energy & Will (Blessed Herbal)

Mercury in Capricorn opposes Mars in Cancer Rx: When Mercury in Capricorn opposes
Mars retrograde in Cancer, communication gets prickly. Mercury wants logic and structure, while
Mars retrograde simmers with unexpressed emotions. This aspect fuels tension, turning calm
discussions into arguments. Expect passive-aggressive remarks or frustrations bubbling over.
To handle this energy, pause before reacting, communicate directly but kindly, and balance
rationality with emotional needs. It’s a tug-of-war—acknowledge both sides, or risk turning a
minor disagreement into a full-blown conflict.
Recommended: Home/Peace/Serenity (Blessed Herbal)

Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus Rx: Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus
retrograde in Taurus creates a perfect moment to blend practical strategies with innovative thinking. Start by grounding your ideas in reality—Mercury in Capricorn loves a plan. Next, add
a touch of rebellion from Uranus, revisiting old problems with fresh eyes. Look for unexpected
insights, but keep them manageable. Finally, use this energy to communicate creatively or
rethink financial strategies. Step by step, this aspect turns flashes of brilliance into achievable
Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal)

Friday, January 24, 2025
The Moon in Sagittarius: When the Moon moves through Sagittarius, it’s time to embrace
adventure, broaden your horizons, and reconnect with the big picture of life. Focus on learning
something new, setting future goals, or exploring unfamiliar territory. Seek truth, express
gratitude, and let humor lighten your mood. This transit is ideal for breaking free from routines
and aligning with what truly inspires you. Use the Sagittarian vibe to dream big, laugh often, and
take meaningful steps forward.
Recommended: Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)

Saturday, January 25, 2025
Venus in Pisces trine Mars Rx in Cancer: Venus in Pisces trine Mars retrograde in Cancer
blends emotional sensitivity with reflective action. Venus’s dreamy allure seeks connection and
creativity, while Mars retrograde encourages cautious, heartfelt steps. This transit is perfect for
emotional healing, deepened relationships, and inspired artistry. The trine’s flow fosters
empathy and understanding, but Mars’s retrograde motion may slow bold actions. Use this time
to reflect on desires, nurture meaningful connections, and express emotions through creative
outlets. Depth over speed wins here.
Recommended: Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal)

Sunday, January 26, 2025
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: When Mercury in Capricorn sextiles
Neptune in Pisces, inspiration meets practicality, creating a perfect moment for turning dreams
into achievable goals. Start with an intuitive spark (thanks, Neptune), then use Mercury's
grounded focus to plan step by step. This is a great time for creative writing, meaningful
conversations, or exploring spiritual insights. Just don’t skip the details—Capricorn loves a solid
plan. Let your imagination flow, but make sure it’s grounded in reality.
Recommended: Intuition (Affirmation)

Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus Rx in Taurus: Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus retrograde in
Taurus is a dreamy, yet surprising transit. First, Venus adds romance and creativity, encouraging
us to explore deeper connections and artistic inspiration. Next, Uranus retrograde shakes up our
usual routines, offering breakthroughs in love, finances, or personal values. Together, this
aspect creates opportunities for unexpected joys and intuitive insights. Stay open to the
unconventional, trust your instincts, and let spontaneity guide you toward meaningful change
and emotional breakthroughs.
Recommended: That Bitch! (Venus – Astro Magic)

January 27, 2025 – February 2, 2025
Once again, Saturn is the VIP of the week. Saturn demands discipline, structure, and
accountability. Step by step, it guides us through life's challenges, emphasizing patience, hard
work, and facing reality. Saturn isn’t here to punish—it’s here to build. By embracing its lessons,
we gain maturity, stability, and the tools for long-term success.

Monday, January 27, 2025
Mercury in Aquarius: When Mercury transits Aquarius, it’s time to think differently, connect
boldly, and embrace the future. Start by brainstorming innovative ideas and tackling problems
creatively. Then, join forces with like-minded individuals to collaborate on meaningful projects.
Explore technology, question old patterns, and stay open to new perspectives. Focus on group
goals, but keep your communication clear and logical. Finally, challenge limiting beliefs and
expand your mental horizons. Mercury in Aquarius invites progress, innovation, and bold
thinking—step by step.
Recommended: Truth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Tuesday, January 28, 2025
The Moon in Capricorn and Aquarius: As the Moon transitions from Capricorn to Aquarius
today, the focus shifts from discipline to innovation. Start the morning by tackling practical tasks
and solidifying plans—Capricorn energy thrives on structure. By afternoon, as the Moon moves
into Aquarius, embrace fresh ideas, connect with others, and think outside the box. This is a
great time to challenge conventional thinking, focus on the future, and collaborate with like-
minded individuals. Balance productivity with creativity for the best results.
Recommended: Stability (Blessed Herbal)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Mercury conjoins Pluto in Aquarius: Right before the New Moon occurs in Aquarius, Mercury will
also conjoin Pluto in the sign of the water-bearer. When Mercury conjoins Pluto in Aquarius, it's
time to dig deep. Mercury focuses on communication, while Pluto reveals hidden truths. In
Aquarius, energy shifts to ideas, innovation, and collective change. Expect intense
conversations, mental breakthroughs, and transformative insights, but watch out for obsessive
thinking or verbal power struggles. Use this energy wisely—dive into research, tackle tough
topics, and share ideas that empower others. This is your moment to uncover what really
Recommended: Problem Solver (Blessed Herbal)

Thursday, January 30, 2025
Uranus Direct in Taurus: When Uranus turns direct in Taurus, it’s time to embrace the
unexpected. First, it challenges your sense of stability, especially in finances and comfort zones.
Next, it pushes you to rethink outdated habits, nudging you toward innovation. Watch for
surprises—opportunities may come disguised as disruptions. Finally, reassess your values:
what truly matters to you now? Uranus teaches that progress is inevitable, so step boldly into
the future with an open mind and a willingness to evolve. 

Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal)

The Sun in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini: The Sun in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini is
pure astrological gold. Step by step, it brings innovation, lucky breaks, and meaningful
connections. First, expect mental breakthroughs and flashes of genius. Next, lean into
networking—opportunities may arrive through conversations or unexpected invites. Then,
channel optimism into action with big-picture thinking backed by practical steps. Finally, stay
open to unconventional paths, Jupiter rewards bold moves. This aspect is your green light for
success—use it wisely!
Recommended: Lucky Star (Jupiter – Astro Magic)

Friday, January 31, 2025
The Moon in Pisces: When the Moon moves through Pisces, emotions become heightened,
and intuition takes center stage. This is the perfect time to embrace creativity, connect with your
spiritual side, and focus on emotional healing. However, staying grounded—Pisces can blur
boundaries, leaving you prone to confusion or overextending yourself. Use this energy wisely by
journaling, meditating, or engaging in artistic pursuits. Avoid big decisions and lean into
grounding practices to balance this dreamy yet sensitive influence.
Recommended: Spiritual Cleansing (Blessed Herbal)

Saturday, February 1, 2025
Venus conjoins Neptune in Pisces: Venus conjoins Neptune in Pisces, it’s a dreamy, magical
transit that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy. First, relationships take on a romantic,
soulful tone, but it’s wise to balance idealism with clarity. Next, creativity surges—perfect for
artistic projects, but don’t let inspiration outrun structure. Spiritually, it opens pathways to
compassion and connection, but escapism and illusions lurk as potential pitfalls. Stay grounded,
honor boundaries, and let imagination flow without losing sight of reality.
Recommended: Love Me (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate)

Sunday, February 2, 2025
The Moon in Aries: The Moon in Aries charges the emotional atmosphere with boldness and
courage, but with Mars retrograde in Cancer, the usual "act now" energy slows down.
Frustrations may bubble up as emotional sensitivity and past issues take center stage. Instead
of rushing forward, this transit requires careful self-reflection. Step one: notice your reactions.
Step two: channel energy into small, intentional steps. Step three: balance Aries' need for action
with Cancer’s emotional security. Progress is possible—mindfully.
Recommended: Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal)