This week, the Sun takes center stage as the cosmic VIP, shining its light on areas of life that need clarity and focus. Step one: embrace its vitality—it’s your chance to recharge. Step two: let the Sun reveal truths you’ve overlooked. Step three: take bold, authentic steps forward.
This week, the Moon in Virgo steps into the spotlight as the VIP during a powerful lunar eclipse, urging us to tidy up emotional chaos and restore balance. Focused on health, routines, and self-improvement, Virgo demands practical changes. Engage in emotional revelations with grounded action, and remember—progress matters more than perfection.
This week’s VIP is Mercury, the trickster god. Mercury reflects how we think, communicate, and process information as it moves through the zodiac. Its swift movement brings a shift in focus, influencing our mental energy and how we interact with others. Mercury’s energy drives curiosity, adaptability, and the exchange of ideas. It encourages conversations, decision-making, and intellectual pursuits. By tuning into Mercury’s transits, we can align our thoughts and actions with the prevailing energy, improving clarity, connection, and understanding in our daily lives.
Every year, Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo Limited Edition candles fly off the shelves, and for good reason. These aren’t just candles; they’re powerhouses of intention, expertly crafted to deliver real results. Whether your customers need a financial boost, a confidence reset, or an extra push to break through obstacles, this line has exactly what they need. And when they see results? They come back for more. That’s the magic of these candles once someone experiences their energy firsthand, they don’t just want them, they need them.
Venus is the VIP of the week as she shifts into retrograde motion on Saturday, inviting a deeper dive into love, values, and relationships. Venus asks us to reflect on what truly matters. Expect slowdowns in romance and finances, but use this time to reassess priorities and foster harmony.
Mars turning direct in Cancer makes it the VIP of the week, urging us to take decisive steps. Motivation returns, especially for home and family matters. Emotional boundaries strengthen as protectiveness rises. Conflicts require intuitive handling, not aggression. Finally, healing old wounds becomes possible, making emotional resilience a powerful force.
Uranus is our VIP this week, shaking the foundations of routine and demanding a fresh perspective. Its energy disrupts the mundane, opening the door to innovation and unexpected breakthroughs. Resistance is futile—embrace the chaos as a chance to evolve. Uranus whispers: freedom lies in embracing change, not fearing it.
Astro Magic February 2025
In February, we enter Pisces season. Now, there is a lot of confusion surrounding the sign of Pisces, and it ranges from spiritual ecstasy to alcoholic stupors. The point is that after being confronted with the realities of the real world in Capricorn season, and the landscape of group speak in Aquarius, Pisces urges us to seek something more meaningful.
This week, Jupiter takes center stage as our VIP, infusing the energy with optimism, growth, and endless possibilities. Its influence encourages bold moves, expansive thinking, and a fresh perspective on old challenges. Opportunities seem larger-than-life, and the urge to take risks feels undeniable. Let Jupiter's confidence guide you toward bigger, brighter horizons.
Once again, Saturn is the VIP of the week. Saturn demands discipline, structure, and
accountability. Step by step, it guides us through life's challenges, emphasizing patience, hard work, and facing reality. Saturn isn’t here to punish—it’s here to build. By embracing its lessons,
we gain maturity, stability, and the tools for long-term success.
When Venus takes center stage, it’s all about connection, beauty, and value. Step by step, she
encourages us to nurture relationships, embrace creativity, and refine our self-worth. She
sweetens the mood, inspires meaningful interactions, and offers opportunities for joy. Venus
reminds us to slow down and savor life’s finer moments.
This week, Saturn steps into the spotlight as the VIP of the zodiac, demanding discipline and
long-term thinking. Step by step, Saturn breaks down illusions, tests your patience, and insists
on accountability. It’s all about building strong foundations, learning from challenges, and
emerging wiser. No shortcuts—just Saturn’s signature tough love!
The VIP for the first full week of the New Year is Mars retrograde. Mars Rx is a cosmic timeout
for reassessing your actions, energy, and goals. Instead of charging ahead, it’s a time to pause, reflect, and recalibrate. Frustrations and delays highlight where you've been off track, offering a
chance to realign with purpose. Slow down, strategize, and act intentionally for lasting results.
Aquarius Season
Ah, 1969. The year when people thought we were entering the “Age of Aquarius,” and
everything suddenly turned into a utopia of peace, love, and cosmic hugs. The 5th Dimension were crooning about how “when the Moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, peace would guide the planets, and love would rule the stars.” Well, I hate to break it to you, but a quick flip through The New York Times since then tells me that peace may have missed the memo, and love? Well, it’s stuck in traffic somewhere between confusion and chaos. So, what gives?
This week’s VIP is Saturn, which is currently moving through Pisces. Saturn transits are your
life’s personal trainer, showing up to push you toward growth and accountability. It strips away
illusions, reinforces boundaries, and demands hard work. Though it feels heavy, Saturn rewards
effort with stability and wisdom. Stay disciplined, let go of what’s failing, and build something
that lasts.
This week’s VIP is the planetoid Chiron. When Chiron turns direct in Aries, life’s unfairness gets a spotlight. You’ve had your retrograde pity party—now it’s time to suit up! Aries says, “Yes, life’s unfair, but whining won’t fix it. Own your pain, learn from it, and march forward like the warrior you are.” Boom!
This week’s VIP is Jupiter Rx. When Jupiter is retrograde, it's like the big guy takes a sabbatical. Instead of handing out growth and luck like candy, he’s asking you to pump the brakes and do a deep dive on your beliefs. Time to question your life philosophy—because honestly, you might just be overdue for a personal reboot!
This week’s VIP is Mercury, who turns direct on Sunday. Translation: the chaos parade is coming to an end. The fog lifts, the lost emails find their way to your inbox, and the tech gremlins start packing. But remember—baby steps, okay? We’re still in the post-shadow; it's like hangover recovery. Proceed gently and mindfully!
December 2, 2024 – December 8, 2024
This week’s VIP and biggest newsmaker (everyone will be talking to him) is Mars, who turns retrograde later this week. Mars retrograde calls us to pause and reflect on our actions, motivations, and inner frustrations. This period often brings delays, fatigue, and irritations, forcing us to confront impulsive behaviors. Rather than pushing forward, Mars Rx urges us to reassess and refine our approach, leading to more intentional actions afterward.
The month of December brings us Capricorn season, which begins on Winter Solstice (December 21) and continues until the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th.
Capricorn is an earth sign that is concerned with taking charge, being ambitious, striving for success, and focusing on things that matter. In other words, it’s not the time to be passive and let the world pass you by; it’s time to seize your moment and make things happen. Since Capricorn is a cardinal sign, the past no longer matters. It is what you can do today that should be your focus.