This week will be intense and transformative, and perhaps the most difficult since the middle of July, amplified by eclipse season.  So, buckle your seat belt, most of the week will be challenging, to say the least. iStock 1353672146

We start the week with the Moon moving through Scorpio, and it’s a preview of the energies coming this weekend. The Moon in Scorpio is about letting go of the old and embracing the new. It’s an auspicious time to listen to your gut, especially if you are uncomfortable with a situation. This may lead you to make dramatic changes in your life, which are for your greater good.

We get a bit of reprieve from this week’s energy on Wednesday as the Moon moves into Sagittarius. It’s the perfect time to relax and enjoy yourself before the weekend.  Try to focus on your future goals and what you can do to bring them to fruition. Also, learning something new or exploring your interests would be a productive way to work with the energy.

On Friday, the challenging energy begins, and continues throughout the weekend. We start with Mercury square Pluto. Try not to get fixated on a single thought or idea. It’s best to look at all your options before making a decision, because Mercury square Pluto may trigger your fears. Avoid trying to coerce people into co-signing your agenda, because it will probably lead to difficulties and confrontations. On Saturday, it’s the Sun’s turn to bat as he tangles with Pluto. The best way to work with Sun square Pluto is to let go of patterns or attitudes that are not working for you, especially self-defeating behaviors.  We do get a cosmic assist on Sunday when Mercury moves into Scorpio.  The areas of your life that are not working properly will be revealed. You can then use your knowledge and insight to make transformative changes for your greater good.

RecommendedIDGAF (Astro Magic), Reversal (Aunt Jacki’s HooDoo), Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal)