This week starts with challenging energy on Tuesday, when Venus squares Saturn in Pisces. Relationships can be tense during this time, and you may feel disconnected from the ones you are closest to. Don't succumb to feelings of iStock 1257171604 loneliness -- instead, try to focus on yourself and understanding your own motives and intentions. Take pause and reframe these moments as opportunities for growth. Embrace the discomfort and allow yourself to move through it.

During the middle of the week, Mars will move out of Libra and into Scorpio.  In Scorpio, the warrior god becomes the military general with the capacity to be focused, disciplined, and easily overcome obstacles. Mars in Scorpio is also high-energy, but in ways that are fixed and controlled, so it can be sustained for longer periods. This is your opportunity to pursue your goals, because you have the tenacity and endurance to make things happen.

This weekend, besides the solar eclipse in Libra, Mars trines Saturn in Pisces. After moving into Scorpio, Mars’ first aspect is to Saturn, and this aspect is perfect for gathering resources and gaining the stamina to go after what you want. Now Mars trine Saturn is not glamorous, it’s about doing the work necessary to get results. Often this requires plugging away at something over and over until you break through obstacles that stand in your way. But with enough patience, you will ultimately succeed.

RecommendedIDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic), Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo), Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal)