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Are you ready for September?

Thankfully, we had an astrological break in August from the intense energies that occurred in July. However, and there is no way to sugar coat this, September is as difficult as July was. There are more than a few unsavory aspects that will make our collective skin crawl.

In Kabbalah, Virgo is known as Elul and is the cosmic month of repentance (Teshuvah). This is the time when we let go of the negative actions we engaged in throughout the year. We will all be called to increase our understanding of the root causes and make personal changes to avoid repeating them in the future. It’s also the month where we need to make good on any promises (vows) we made over the last year. So, you can see, on the spiritual level, life is about to get rather demanding.

In the mundane world, Virgo season is equally difficult. Virgo is about details and this can be overwhelming to many, especially the fire signs. However, focusing on details may be the only way we can get the results out of life we prefer. Pay close attention to information you receive throughout September because it may be the key to removing obstacles in your life.

Act One

On September 2nd, the Sun conjoins Mars in Virgo and is a powerhouse that can attract new things and break through obstacles. For Sun conjunct Mars, we recommend Attraction Blessed Herbal oil and Out of My Way Wicked Witch Mojo oil. Beware of using too much verbal force on the 3rd. That’s when Mercury conjoins Mars. It will serve you well not to let your tongue control your better sensibilities. When the trickster planet is aligned with the God of War there is a tendency to not filter your conversations. To protect yourself, consider lighting the Gossip Stop Hoo Doo candle. To balance impulsive tendencies, we recommend the Root Chakra Magic Success candle or spray.

In other parts of heaven, dear Venus tango’s with Virgo, which is the sign of her fall. Venus feels exceptionally weak kneed in Virgo, and can lead us to feelings of insecurity in both love and money. On September 4th, Venus opposes Neptune. Venus-Neptune aspects are extremely tricky because we tend toward idealization, fantasy, and eventually disappointment when ordinary people can’t live up to our expectations. So, relationship difficulties are likely, and financial problems can easily occur. Its fun to get caught up in the glamor of money, at least until the bill comes due. We recommend the Truth and Justice Blessed Herbal candle to bring clear vision while Venus is in the sign of the Virgin, but Love’s Enchantment and Self-esteem Blessed Herbal candles work nicely once Venus moves into Libra on September 14th

Although Mars makes mainly positive aspects throughout September, it does form a difficult aspect to Neptune on September 4th. This is a potentially potent energy drain. We suggest burning the Energy Will Blessed Herbal candle to increase your stamina and get through the Neptunian slump like it never happened.

Mid-Month Magic Needed

The Full Moon is in the sign of Pisces on September 13th. Pisces is difficult to maneuver because it is never clear about anything. Also, Pisces is the sign associated with addiction. Use this Full Moon to get clear on your addiction and deal with it. We recommend Healing, Heart, and Needed Change Blessed Herbal candles for this Piscean Full Moon. Also, on September 13th, the Sun trines Pluto. This energy is great for standing in your personal power. Celebrate you with a Goddess candle from the affirmation line. Venus moves into its own sign of Libra on the 14th. This will improve relationships and financial difficulties. Another reason to celebrate.

The famous final scene

The New Moon enters Libra on September 28th. Libra is the sign of relationships and is the best time of the year to do love magic. To improve your relationships, we recommend Adam and Eve Hoo Doo candle and Love’s Enchantment Blessed Herbal candle. To bring in a new relationship, call on Attraction Blessed Herbal candle and Come to Mama Wicked Witch Mojo oil to boost your charisma. To keep you grounded in reality we suggest you also burn Stability and Self-Esteem and Truth and Justice blessed Herbal candles.

Mercury moves into fair-and-balanced Libra but unfortunately forms difficult aspects to Saturn on September 22nd and Pluto on September 26th. While Mercury is square Saturn you may feel depressed and have difficulties seeing the positive in your life. Avoid negative thinking as best as you can and use the Chakra Magic Love spray to keep your mood elevated. Then, when Mercury squares Pluto a few days later, hidden information may become known which can shake things up. Analyze everything and get to the facts. You may need to put your circumstances into perspective or trouble could occur when Venus squares Saturn on September 25th. We hope you cruse through September with grace and ease. Coventry products will certainly help.

Special thanks to our Astrology expert, Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, for his astute guidance on how the planets affect our daily lives. Meet Storm at

For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars.

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Full moon in Pisces September 13, 2019
Tap into Season of the Witch!


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