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Dream on Aquarius is Gone

Welcome to the month of May! As we enter the heart of Taurus season, we have the biggest sign change of the year as Jupiter moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces, the sign he rules.

Pisces is the sign associated with collective dreams, but what does that even mean?

Well, we all have dreams and not just the ones we have when we go to sleep. We have visions of how we would like our lives to be. We have dreams about a perfect world and a perfect society. Some of us even have dreams of perfect cheesecake – mine is raspberry flavored. But there are dreams that are bigger than individual dreams, they are the visions and aspirations of nations, groups, generations (current, previous, and those no longer with us), and even political parties. They are all governed by the sign of the fishes.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and when he dives into the deep water of Pisces, those collective dreams of a perfect world will become a predominant theme over the next year. Carl Jung believed that everyone’s dreams and aspirations add to the whole, and it is this energy that is the deepest core of Pisces, and that the actions that we take as individuals decide whether those dreams solidify into tangible realities. So, it’s a great time to work on our dreams, what we would like to see happen in our lives and in the world in the future. According to the kabbalah, the most powerful force in the universe is unity (another lovely Piscean word), but to effectively create change, we all need to do our part to uplift and inspire a better tomorrow by beginning to dream – and DREAM BIG!

Magically speaking Jupiter is a celestial powerhouse, especially when he is in his own sign. Jupiter is associated with expansion and growth. In mythology, he is a fertility god and can be used for fertility magic, prosperity spells, and increased vitality. Jupiterian magic is also good for reputation repair, public impressions, and career advancement. Amethyst and quartz are his stones to keep on hand when harnessing the power of the King of the Gods. So, when you need a bit of extra ‘oomph’ added to your magic, Jupiter is your go-to guy and over the next year, you should sup with him frequently.

Later in the month, Mercury the trickster god will go retrograde. Mercury retrograde disrupts communication, creates havoc with electronic devices, and plans go completely awry. Since Mercury will retrograde in the sign of Gemini, it’s best to try to be as clear and concise as possible when communicating and avoid overstating your opinions. Mercury remains retrograde until June 22, 2021.

Recommended for Taurus Season:Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer (Astro Magic), Sage Energetic Oil (Wicked Good Energetic Oils), Everything and Then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo), and Prosperity (Blessed Herbal)

Lunar Magic:

New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon in Taurus occurs at 21 Taurus on May 11, 2021. The New Moon makes beneficial aspects to Neptune and Pluto that provide us with creative options (Neptune) to potentially resolve long-standing (Pluto) Taurean issues. We can also harness these additional planetary energies in our New Moon magic.

Taurean magic is about prosperity, money, and self-worth. So, getting control over your finances, planting seeds for financial stability, and improving your self-image are constructive ways to work with this month’s New Moon. Taurus season is also great to pull in a little bit of fast cash and pad your wallet.

Recommended:New Moon (Astro Magic), Stability (Blessed Herbal), Money Draw (Motor City Hoodoo), Goddess (Affirmation)

Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

The Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius occurs on May 26th. I don’t recommend aggressive magic during an eclipse – especially when the eclipse involves the South Node. South Node eclipses reflect the need to let go of areas that are governed by the sign they are in, and in the case of Sagittarius, it’s our beliefs that are on the chopping block. Letting go of beliefs can be daunting because they have often propped us up and been the main feature of our personal psychology. However, now is the time to let go of outdated beliefs that may no longer be useful, and in fact, may be hindering our personal growth. Instead, I recommend protection and healing magic to heal old wounds and protect us from the eclipse’s energies.

Recommended:Full Moon (Astro Magic), Fiery Wall of Protection (Motor City Hoodoo), Spiritual Cleansing (Motor City Hoodoo), Protection (Blessed Herbal)

Weekly Breakdown

May 3, 2021 – May 9, 2021

Although the first week of May starts off a bit sketchy, the rest of the week is free of obstructions and difficult energies.

On Monday, the Sun forms a tense square to Saturn in Aquarius. Feelings of self-doubt, insecurities, and difficulties with authority figures may attempt to steal your joy. Later in the day, Mercury moves out of Taurus and into his own sign of Gemini. Expect conversations to increase, the urge to learn new things, and appreciating the opinions of those around you throughout the month because Mercury spends an extended period in his own sign because he turns retrograde on May 29th.

Midweek, Venus forms a potent trine to Pluto in Capricorn. If you have experienced relationship issues, now would be the time to resolve problems and leave the past behind. Otherwise, you will be forced to deal with them towards the end of the month. Financial opportunities may present themselves, and some may be lucrative.

This weekend, Venus joins Mercury in the sign of the twins. This is a beneficial time to enjoy the company of others because you will need mental stimulation now more than physical.

Recommended:Outta’ My Way (Wicked Witch Mojo), Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal), Adam and Eve (Motor City Hoodoo), Clarity Candle (Chakra Magic)

May 10, 2021 – May 16, 2021

This week the bulk of the cosmic energies occur during the first part of the week beginning with the New Moon in Taurus.

On Tuesday, Mars forms a beneficial aspect to Uranus in Taurus. All Mars-Uranus aspects bring a surge of energy, but Mars sextile Uranus often gives enough gumption to take risks and not be complacent. This leads us to Wednesday when Mercury forms a lovely trine to Saturn. It’s time to focus on projects or tasks that need focus and mental power.

Over the weekend, The Moon moves through emotional Cancer. Family issues and concerns may surface that leaves you a bit frazzled. Home repairs and improvements may also be on the menu.

Recommended:New Moon (Astro Magic), Problem Solving (Blessed Herbal), Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal), Home Blessing (Affirmation)

May 17, 2021 – May 23, 2021

This week the bulk of the astrological energy features the Sun. So, issues surrounding identity, inner goals, and personal destiny will be a primary focus.

On Monday, the Sun forms a harmonious trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Sun-Pluto aspects require us to look within to discover what areas of our lives are not working and then using this insight to make changes. Sometimes life throws us curve balls and we go off course, but now is a cosmic opportunity to make a course correction and get back on our path.

Later in the week, the Sun moves out of Taurus and into Gemini. Gemini season is a great time to look at your social network and sphere of influence and to use these resources when necessary. If you want to take a course or learn something new, now is the time.

Finally, this weekend, the storm clouds roll in as Mercury forms a nasty aspect to Neptune in Pisces. Communication issues may surface and it’s best to believe half of what you see and even less of what you hear. Avoid shady people.

Recommended:Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal), Answers (Chakra Magic), Hot Damn (Wicked Witch Mojo), Van Van (Motor City Hoodoo)

May 24, 2021 – May 30, 2021

The last week of May comes with a punch with a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, a tough Venusian aspect, and Mercury retrograde.

We start the week off with the Moon moving through turbulent Scorpio. As we approach the Full Moon, emotions will be on edge and difficult feelings may emerge. Further, problems from the past may leave you feeling anxious, but you will need to find a resolution to move forward.

On Thursday, Venus in Gemini forms a difficult aspect to Neptune in Pisces. Difficulties in relationships may surface if the foundation of the relationship is based on fantasies rather than realities. Breakups may occur and love lost while this configuration is active could be difficult to handle. Try to keep your expectations low and allow people to be human.

Finally, on Saturday, Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini. Communication issues may be a major concern in this retrograde cycle because Mercury is in his own sign. Avoid making firm agreements or signing documents until after Mercury goes direct on June 22nd.

Recommended:Full Moon (Astro Magic), Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal), Healing (Affirmations), Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer (Astro Magic)


Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars. Meet Patty Shaw at

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New Moon in Taurus May 11, 2021
Motor City Hoo Doo Tradition with a Modern Spin


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