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7 minutes reading time (1385 words)

Gut feelings rule, trust your instincts and be kind

Ordinarily, Cancer season is the time of the year where our focus is on emotional security, and can be the balm we need, especially pertinent during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we begin to understand what our ‘new normal’ is for the short-term future, our need to feel connected to others on the emotional level is going to be important.

The sign of Cancer is associated with the ‘beginning of life’, and July may prove to be a turning point within the collective psyche, and radical acceptance of the situation and continuing to live our lives within the new paradigm will be a major theme. So, despite restrictions, rules, and regulations life continues to be for the living, and it is our responsibility to live it.

Quick reminder, Mercury is retrograde until July 12th. Communication difficulties, travel snafus, and electronic problems may continue to be an issue. Mercury Rx in Cancer urges us to look within for instinctual answers rather than relying solely on logic. Your gut may prove to be a more accurate information resource than your thoughts right now.

On July 5th we have a lunar eclipse in Capricorn. Simply put, Capricorn governs our station in life and manages our reputations, place in society, and the adjectives that define who we are. Since this eclipse is a powerful Full Moon, we can use it to re-invent ourselves and let go of adjectives that are no longer useful. This eclipse is a great time to do reputation work by letting go of the old and healing the internal issues that may have led to bad choices and decisions.

Finally, at the end of the month, Jupiter will form a beneficial sextile to Neptune in Pisces. This aspect does lead to extremely idealistic opinions and beliefs, and some other beneficial features. Over the last 6 months (or so...), we have dealt with rather traumatic experiences, and this aspect can help us understand positive experiences that have been born out of difficulty. Jupiter-Neptune does not mitigate our struggles, and for the many who have lost loved ones, it does not reduce the pain, but it does give us a glimmer of hope that can help push us forward – even if that is only one inch at a time.

Coventry Candles for the Month are, Hoo Doo Uncrossing and High John, Blessed Herbal Emotional Balance and Needed Changes

July Astro forecast week by week

June 29, 2020 – July 5, 2020

The week begins with Jupiter conjoined to Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter conjunct Pluto brings drive and determination to achieve the results we would like to achieve in our lives. Jupiter expands and Pluto reflects power and when you combine these two principles together, you get a surge of energy that can push you to the next level. To help with this energetic surge, the Sun and Mercury form beneficial aspects to Uranus, which can help break through limiting mindsets that may have curtailed success in the past. Keep in mind, we have the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on Sunday.

Recommended Candles:Road Opener, Everything and then Some, Truth and Justice

July 6, 2020 – July 12, 2020

After 5 long weeks of intensive cosmic energy, the first full week of July the cosmos slows down. Don’t be fooled, the energy is still extremely intense. On Tuesday, keep a watch on your tongue because Mercury square Mars can cause us to be argumentative and say things we can’t take back easily. The best practice is to stay clear of volatile situations. Peace could be hard to hand onto.

On a positive note, Mercury goes direct in the sign of Cancer on Sunday. Barriers are released and progress will be made with everything you put on a shelf during the retrograde. Even though Mercury will remain in shadow until July 27th, communication problems will slowly return to normal. Use this time to repair any damage to relationships that occurred since mid-June.

Coventry Creations candles that will help take the edge off are, Hoo Doo Uncrossing and Van Van, Wicked Witch Tornado Alley, Blessed Herbal Heart.

July 13, 2020 – July 19, 2020

In typical type A behavior, the cosmos is packing all the energy this week into two days. On Tuesday, the Sun will oppose Jupiter and on Wednesday, the Sun will oppose Pluto. To play Jupiter correctly, avoid going overboard or act in ways that offend other people. Then you can count on Jupiter to be a protective father figure. When the Sun opposes Pluto, power struggles, especially in your professional relationships start surfacing. Difficulties with authority figures happen like spontaneous combustion. For your own safety avoid problematic situations. Peaceful protests will be stretched beyond their limit. You can count on Jupiter to amplify the energy. Any areas of your life that have become a ‘hot mess’ need to be repaired sooner rather than later. Code Red.

Coventry Candles to the rescue are Blessed Herbal Inner Balance, Protection, and Needed Change, Wicked Witch Out of My Way

July 20, 2020 – July 26, 2020

Ordinarily, New Moons are great to begin new things like projects, career objectives, and to clean the slate and start over. Although you will be inundated on social media by magical practitioners that have little astrological knowledge. We would encourage you to avoid doing magic at this time. Why? Simply put, this New Moon opposes Saturn in Capricorn.

Saturn is the planet of obstacles, limitations, and frustrations, and when you start something new under his energies, difficulties usually occur. Since Saturn is retrograde, it usually means that something from the past needs to be cleared up before you can begin something new. So, save your New Moon magic and intention work for Leo Season, when the energies are more favorable. The New Moon occurs on July 20th at 1:33 PM EST.

Coventry Candles to use this week are Hoo Doo Uncrossing, Blessed Herbal Healing and Energy, Wicked Witch Out of My Way.

July 27, 2020 – August 2, 2020

The last week of July is cram-packed with cosmic energy. You may want to print this out and put it on your bathroom mirror. On Monday, Jupiter forms a nice sextile to Neptune in Pisces. and is the ray of sunshine in a month full of storm clouds. Sadly, it’s short-lived. Later in the day, Venus will square Neptune, and once again Mercury will square Mars. Relationships will be in the crosshairs and difficulties could occur if you feel you are not getting your emotional needs met. Your frustrations could lead to arguments, so be careful of what you say.

On Thursday, Mercury reactivates the Jupiter sextile Neptune. Despite difficulties, frustrations, and obstacles created by the pandemic, you will begin to have more of a positive outlook on the future. All things eventually come to an end, and that includes plagues. Additionally, you will find yourself more sympathetic to the emotional needs of others, and more likely to offer your support. This aspect cluster encourages us to give the gift of kindness.

The weekend is the most frustrating part of the week with two challenging aspects. First up is Mercury opposed Pluto. Avoid getting involved in intellectual battles with others because it could permanently damage your relationship if it gets out of control. It would be best to avoid controversial or political discussions while this aspect is active, and since we are knee-deep in the political season, don’t take the bait. Secondly, the Sun squares disruptive Uranus in Taurus. Unresolved difficulties from late April/early May could resurface. Prepare yourself by thinking back on what was going on in April and May. Expect the unexpected and sudden changes could easily occur. Also, accidents can easily happen so be on guard.

Coventry Candles to support you this week are, Blessed Herbal Heart, Emotional Balance and Protection, Hoo Doo Road Opener.

Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars.

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New Moon in Cancer July 20, 2020
Work the Plan, take the action, create magic


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