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What freaking candle do I use?

 Build a Spell Magic Maker blogWe have 104 candles, 56 oil blends, and 15 sprays, and wow that is a lot of magic to choose from. What is even a bigger task, is guiding you toward the best product for your situation. We know because we get asked all the time, which candle should I burn? Which oil or spray should I use and how do I use it? As much as we think our stuff is self-explanatory, we realize it is not.

Not for everyone.

Our first pick a candle guide was a booklet. Now we’ve gone digital and are so excited to offer this information free and easily accessible to all. Here is the link to our Build a Spell page.

Magic is easier when you approach it systematically. Just like baking a cake. We are happier with the results when we follow the recipe. Here is our step by step process in building your perfect spell with our candles.

Step one: Identifying the problem. Do a quick grounding and centering meditation and reflect on your situation. Then pick one of the six categories. Click on it to reveal the list of drill down questions.

Step two: Choose your question. Of this list of questions, one represents your situation best. Check that box. It will reveal to you the products we recommend. Click on the one(s) that really resonate with you. If you want it, put it in your shopping cart.

Step 3: When you are ready to purchase, look to the top of the page. There will be flashing red dot showing that you have items in your shopping cart. Click on the red dot and you will be taken to check out.

Step 4: Yay, your candles have arrived. Now you can do your spell in the comfort of your own home. Have fun and remember to practice safe magic by using candle holders and removing all packaging before lighting your candles.

Digging deeper into building a spell

Spell crafting can be daunting, especially if you are trying this for the first time. This can cause a big barrier between you and diving into the empowering world of doing spells. The biggest reason we turn to magic and spell work is that we want to create a reality that closely resembles our deepest hopes and dreams. We have all had that wake-up and smell the coffee moment of, “Wow, this is not where I saw myself going five or more years ago. Where did I go wrong?”

Jacki and Patty at Coventry Creations completely understand. It is the main inspiration behind all their products. The candles, oils, and sprays are tools that help get your life back on track. Above all, they open the door to empowering you to dream bigger. They also help you build courage, so you can take action, negotiate pop up barriers and make those needed sweeping changes so your ideal life can take front stage.

In step one we gave you six categories to choose from. In life, most situations fall into these six categories. If you are not sure which box to choose, try distilling your problem down to its core elements. For example, if you got fired from your job, it's reasonable to assume the prosperity category will lead you to your perfect spell. But, if there is something to clear or heal first, you may be missing an opportunity to work on yourself. Taking care of your hurt first could make the difference between flubbing the next interview or nailing it. The path to success is not always the obvious one. Just for fun, click around in the six categories and review the list of questions. If something jumps out at you, it could be your intuition talking. Listen

After you’ve clicked on the category of choice you will be presented with a list of questions. If you don’t find a question that exactly meets your needs, don’t let that deter you. Once you get to the part where you are ready to light your candles, it’s your intention that will do the final course corrections for the energy. Now, pick your question and put a check mark in the box then click the purple “see matching products”. You are on your way.

Behold the beautiful images of all the products that could be part of your spell. One or more of them will speak to you. Click on it and review the description provided. Each product will open in a new window. This will allow you to keep referring back to your list of candles and give you a chance to read all the descriptions. Put the ones that resonate with you the best in your shopping cart. Huzzah a spell is born.

At times an oil or spray makes its way into your list. You can use the oil to anoint your candle to add a dimension to your spell, you can wear the oil on your body, anoint object, diffuse it or put in wash water. Sprays are used for changing the vibration in rooms and auras. Don’t forget the candle holders!

If you wish to continue shopping after you’ve gone to the shopping cart, use the navigation on the left side of the page. You will need to go back to the build a spell page and recreate your spell because we cannot navigate you back to your original spell. Sorry about that. It’s a limitation of our website.

While you are waiting for your candles to be shipped we recommend you read our blogs for examples on how to do a candle spell or ritual. Start with Healing Magic, Live the magic and Living with Moon Magic blogs. It won’t take you long to pick up on the cadence. We also recommend getting Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs by Jacki Smith. There is a wealth of information for both the newcomer and experienced spell caster.

Ding dong, your candles have arrived and you are excited to put them to work. To carefully remove all packaging you can use a razor blade. Make a straight cut down the back of the label and plastic sleeve for easy removal. Then put your candles in candle holders. If you are anointing, scribing names, words or symbols in the candle do that before you light the candle. Now is when you say your intention. You can write it out and put the paper underneath the candle holder, or you can speak your intention aloud. You can also say the blessing or intention on the label. Change the words enough to make it personal.

Burn your candle for no more than three hours at a time. Let them burn all the way down and never leave a burning candle unattended. When the candle is done, your spell is done. If you still don’t see results, give the energy more time to work. Be open to any change in your life, your attitude and the attitudes of others. They are hints as to how your spell is taking shape in your life. Happy spell casting, happy life.

Dazzle your friends by being a Coventry Creations magic maker!

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Full moon in Capricorn July 16, 2019
Blessed Herbal Candles are the rent makers, huzzah...


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