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Pain Paints Life With a Deeper Purpose

So, this month we enter the first full month of spring in the Northern Hemisphere (autumn in the Southern Hemisphere) and April begins where March left off – a bit of relief from the cosmic energies of the last 15 months with some minor hiccups until the end of the month when the astrological storm begins once again.

Now before we dive into Aries season, let’s get our party hats on because throughout the month of April none of the inner planets (Sun – Saturn) are retrograde. In fact, the only planet that goes retrograde this month is Pluto towards the end of the month. Can I get an amen?
Last month we ended the astrological year with Pisces season and moved into Aries season towards the end of the month. Although Aries season often gets labeled as the sign of the zodiac most associated with ‘Fight Club’, the sign of the ram has a deeper meaning and many-layered textures that are limited by keywords such as competition and aggression.
The key to understanding Aries season is that it represents beginnings. The beginning of the astrological year, the beginning of a new season, and the beginning of a new journey for the next astrological year, and like any journey, we can make the choice to become our own hero.
The sign of Aries belongs to the element of fire and is concerned with potentials and possibilities. However, these potentials and possibilities have little to do with the physical realm which is governed by the earth element. Instead, the element of fire is concerned with the pursuit of something spiritual in nature that ultimately gives us inner meaning, identity, and the pursuit of wholeness. In essence, Aries season is our yearly call to action.
In any heroic story, after the call to action, the hero begins to face challenges in pursuit of his destiny. In myth, the hero always is given assistance from a deity that he/she is aligned with to succeed. Jason is assisted by Athena, Zeus, and Hera; Perseus received some groovy objects from Hermes, Hades, and Athena; and Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) had gifts delivered to her by using her ingenuity to curry favor with sponsors whenever she faced a ‘malady of the moment’ in the arena.

Astrologically, we receive help and guidance from the transiting Sun forming aspects as he moves through the zodiac.

In April, the Sun makes several aspects, but the two to watch out for happen on April 16th and April 30th.
On April 16th, the Sun forms a tense aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Sun square Pluto is a gnarly aspect because it arrives in the form of some powerful outside influence that attempts to exert its power upon us in some way, and it is often problematic because it often is a circumstance that is beyond our control. Since the Sun is in Aries your current path could go through changes and you may need to let go of something in your life that is past its expiration date. The difficulty with Pluto is that if you resist him, he only makes matters worse. However, if you look in the areas of your life that need change, then this aspect could help you reclaim your personal power once you purge the garbage out of your life.
Next up is the conjunction of the Sun (now in Taurus) with Uranus that occurs on April 30th. Let me be blunt, Uranus really does not like the structure and limitations of Taurus. He likes to shake things up and create new ideals in the sign he is in, but Taurus likes to resist change and will stubbornly cling to comfort and security. So, it is not surprising that collective ideals about money, cryptocurrencies, the stock market, and the overall economy are consistently in the headlines. The key to working with Uranus is to shake things up yourself. You may want to try something new, maybe dip your toe into alternative forms of wealth creation. Uranus doesn’t require a lot, so even exploring other alternatives of creating income and examining whether your current fiscal picture needs a reboot. Creating change is sometimes scary, but to move into the future we need to embrace progress on one level or another. Just do it strategically rather than impulsively.
Recommended Candles for April:Guardian Protector (Affirmation), Outta My Way (Wicked Witch Mojo), Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Transitions (Blessing Kit)

Lunar Magic
New Moon in Aries
The New Moon in Aries occurs on April 11th. The Aries New Moon urges you to go after what you want and understand that part of what may be blocking the success you desire is you. It’s time to push past any inner (or outer) blocks that may be preventing you from achieving the results you desire, and this may require changing yourself and your relationship to the outer world.
Magically, the New Moon in Aries is great for overcoming obstacles, breaking free from the pack, and becoming your own person, and boosting your personal power.
Recommended Candles:New Moon (AstroMagic), Success (Affirmation), Road Opener (Motor City Hoodoo), Goddess (Affirmation)

Full Moon in Scorpio
The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on April 26th. Now, this is an interesting Full Moon because it reactivates the Saturn square Uranus aspect that occurred in February. For those needing a refresher, Saturn square Uranus reflects the need for us to create change in our lives and begin to let go of old structures that may be preventing personal progress and this energetic shift (remember that astrological storm I mentioned earlier?) will continue for the next few weeks. The good news is that Scorpio magic involves releasing old habits and patterns that may be holding you back. It’s also a great time to work on issues that are the result of familial trauma.

Recommended Candles:Full Moon (AstroMagic), Grief (Affirmation), Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal), Home Blessing (Affirmation)

Weekly Breakdown
April 5, 2021 – April 11, 2021
We start the first full week of April with a lovely aspect between Venus and Mars on Tuesday. If you need an extra energy boost to kick start love and romance in your life, take advantage of the energy while you can. Financial opportunities may also present themselves.
During the middle of the week, the Moon moves into emotionally sensitive Pisces. Your emotional connection to others may be heightened along with your sensitivity to the environment. Spiritual concerns may take precedence over mundane concerns.
Although Friday may be a low energy day with Mars square Neptune, the rest of the weekend may prove to be fruitful and productive, especially with the New Moon in ‘get up and go’ Aries. Avoid powerplays in relationships on Sunday evening when Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn.
Recommended Candles:Love (Affirmation), Clarity (Chakra Magic), Prosperity (Blessed Herbal), Fast Cash (Wicked Witch Mojo)

April 12, 2021 – April 18, 2021

The second week of April is filled to the brim with energy and features eight aspects and a sign change. O.M.G.

We begin the week with a decent boost of energy to help tackle tasks that need some extra gumption and old-fashioned elbow grease.

Midweek, financial activities will receive a needed assist from Lady Luck. Financial investments and business matters will surface, take advantage of opportunities that come your way.

This weekend you may need to battle the demons in your head as insecurities and fears may surface.

Recommended Candles:Luck (Affirmation), Energy & Will (Blessed Herbal), Sweet Grass (World Magic), Poof (Wicked Witch Mojo)

April 19, 2021 – April 25, 2021
This week, we have another week packed with energy as we shift out of Aries and into Taurus. Keep in mind that throughout Taurus season, all the planets moving through Taurus (Sun, Mercury, Venus) will be co-present with disruptive Uranus and in sign square to Jupiter and Saturn. Expect sudden changes coupled with frustrations and self-doubt.
On Monday, both the Sun and Mercury move into Taurus. Financial matters and security concerns will be your focus throughout the next few weeks. Try to focus on creating budgets and getting your fiscal picture in order. Taurus season is also a good time to focus on whole foods that aid your overall wellbeing as well as the number of resources that you may be wasting.
During the middle of the week, Venus conjoins Uranus. Relationships and financial issues may need to be handled with care. Avoid making choices and decisions impulsively.
This weekend, Mars moves out of Gemini and into Cancer. Cancer is the sign of the family and when the war god moves into the sign of the crab, past familial problems and grievances are bound to occur. Use this time to try to resolve issues by communicating and listening rather than letting your emotions drive the bus. In some cases, it’s just best to walk away.
Recommended Candles:Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Prosperity (Affirmation), Healing (Blessing Kit), Tranquility (Affirmation)

April 26, 2021 – May 2, 2021
We start the last week of April with a Full Moon in transformative Scorpio (see above) that will last until Wednesday when the Moon leaves the sign of the scorpion and flies off into the heavenly realms of Sagittarius. It’s worth reminding that ghosts from the past may resurface leaving you feeling emotionally exhausted or traumatized. Release the energies as quickly as possible.
On Thursday, Mercury sextiles Neptune in Pisces. Mercury sextile Neptune is great for creative activities, spiritual work, or just escaping (for a day) ordinary life. You may want to enjoy a movie, listen to music, or do a meditation. The main objective is reconnecting with your inner being.
This weekend is highlighted by the Sun forming a conjunction with Uranus (see above) and a couple of soft aspects – Mercury trine Pluto and Venus sextile Neptune. Expect the unexpected as Uranus often brings sudden changes. However, Mercury trine Pluto is a great tool for getting to the root of problems and having the power to implement actions that lead to results.
Recommended Candles:Grief (Affirmation), Meditation (Affirmation), Tranquility (Affirmation), Problem Solving (Blessed Herbal).

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New Moon in Aries on April 11, 2021
Claim Your Magical Future


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