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Storm's Weekly Breakdown for June 24, 2024 – June 30, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024 – Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5a2a403a ea3c 471b a566 e6b284963375

The Moon in Aquarius:  On Monday and Tuesday the Moon is going move through social Aquarius. The Moon in Aquarius is the perfect time to get creative and think outside the box. This period encourages innovative ideas and embracing technology, so you might find yourself drawn to learning new things or diving into digital projects. It’s also a perfect moment to join group activities that focus on making a difference, like community service or advocacy for social change. Plus, stepping back to view situations more objectively can be really helpful now.

Recommended:  Muse (Blessing Kit)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces: On Wednesday, Mercury trines Saturn in Pisces. When Mercury aligns smoothly with Saturn, it's prime time for focused thinking and practical discussions. This aspect boosts your ability to handle detailed tasks and make wise, long-term decisions. It's also perfect for learning or teaching anything that requires deep concentration. Conversations become more productive, clear, and grounded.

Recommended:  Truth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Moon in Pisces:  The Moon continues to move through Pisces, and it's a fantastic time to dive into your creative side through activities like painting, reading, or writing. It's also perfect for some introspection, maybe by journaling your thoughts or meditating to find peace. You might feel more connected to others' emotions, so doing something kind, like volunteering, can feel especially rewarding. Lastly, consider enjoying a good movie or a book to unwind and let your imagination roam free.

Recommended:  Meditation (Affirmation)

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Moon in Aries:  On Friday, the Moon moves out of Taurus and into Aries. The Aries Moon is the perfect time to kickstart new projects and really push yourself forward. This energy is all about being bold and taking the lead, so dive into activities that fire you up. It’s also a good period to handle any conflicts directly, get moving with some energetic exercises, and maybe even tackle short-term goals for quick satisfaction. Just remember to channel any sudden bursts of anger constructively. Use this time to step up and shine!

Recommended:  Success (Affirmation)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday is the biggest day of the week with 2 major astrological aspects (Venus sextile Mars and Mercury sextile Uranus) and Saturn changes directions and turns retrograde in Pisces.

Let’s break it down:

Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus:  When Venus sextiles Mars, it's like love meets action. This aspect boosts your charm, making social and romantic interactions easier and more enjoyable. It's a perfect time for starting relationships or creative projects, as you'll find a nice balance between being assertive and considerate.

Recommended:  That Bitch!  (Venus – Astro Magic)

Saturn Rx in Pisces:  When Saturn goes retrograde, it's a time for deep reflection about your goals and responsibilities. Think of it as a period to review and reassess your career and life plans. You might find yourself fixing past mistakes or firming up your commitments. Although it can feel like things are moving slowly, this phase is crucial for building a stable foundation for future success. It's all about getting your ducks in a row and making sure you're on track by getting rid of everything in your life that is no longer working.

Recommended:  Get the F—Out! (Saturn – Astro Magic)

Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus:  When Mercury aligns nicely with Uranus, your brain kicks into high gear, bursting with fresh, unexpected ideas. It's like a light bulb goes off, bringing sudden insights and exciting news that might open up new paths for you. This is a perfect time to dive into new subjects, tinker with technology, or brainstorm innovative solutions. Don't hesitate to embrace unconventional ideas or decisions.

Recommended:  Problem Solving (Blessed Herbal)

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Moon in Taurus:  On Sunday, the Moon moves out of Aries and into earthy Taurus. It's a great time to focus on your finances, like planning your budget or managing bills. This period also encourages you to indulge in sensory pleasures—think cooking, gardening, or enjoying nature. It’s also perfect for sticking with long-term projects thanks to its patient and persistent nature. Lastly, don’t forget to relax and recharge!

Recommended:  Prosperity (Blessed Herbal)

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