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Showing your customers individual attention pays off big this month.

It’s Leo Season now and although the first part of the month will continue the difficult trend of the last two months, relief is on the way! We don’t want you to miss the real opportunity of Leo just because it’s been one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac.

Pop-culture astrology uses keywords like narcissistic, self-absorbed, attention-seeking, prideful, and egotistic to describe the sign of the king of the beasts. Though at times these are valid descriptions, the deeper essence of Leo gets lost in negativity. The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun, the giver of life, which is aptly described in the Tarot card of the same name. It features a naked child riding a horse without care or problem in the world. The nakedness of the child reflects the essence of the sign of Leo. After all the clothes created by living life are removed, at the core of our being, the only thing we have left is our individuality. And, this is what Leo is about – the process of becoming an individual. Take advantage of the Leo month where we develop our own personal PR strategy. Focus on what you would like to accomplish and then develop a plan of self-promotion. Essentially, it’s 31 days of you doing you.

August Snapshot

August starts off with a boom as the Sun and Uranus tangle in the heavens. The Sun is focused on the individual and Uranus is focused on collective progress, which can easily lead to a potential clash between the two planets. Often, you may feel at odds with the group, groupthink, or hive-mind mentalities. In other ways, you may feel restricted by the group and feel the need to break free and do your own thing. Additionally, unexpected surprises and sudden changes could leave you feeling rattled and insecure. Try not to overreact when these incidents occur because it will only make matters worse.

Along with the Sun-Uranus square grudge match in the cosmos, Mercury does battle with both Pluto and Saturn. This combination can leave you feeling filled with self-doubt and then negative mindsets can easily take over. It is best to acknowledge why you are feeling the way that you do and try to get to the core root of the problem. This will help you make better decisions and choices in the future. Getting your mind focused on overcoming challenges rather than falling into a victim mentality will help be centered and grounded when Mars Saturn and Pluto rain on your parade mid-month.

Towards the end of the month, Mercury moves into Virgo (the sign he rules) and makes some lovely trines to Uranus and Jupiter. This should allow you to see the big picture and put situations and circumstances in their proper (Virgo) perspective (Mercury). Uranus likes innovation and Jupiter likes to expand, so pay close attention to your thoughts because they may give you insights that you can use to your advantage in the future.

The Full Moon occurs on August 3rd in Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of the groups and collective ideals. Full Moon cycles are the time of the month that we begin to remove things in our lives that are no longer working for us. Removing friendships that have gone sour, leaving groups that no longer feed your soul, and discovering which collective ideas we no longer resonate with and formulating individual beliefs is important. We recommend Blessed Herbal Needed Change, Spiritual Cleansing, and Protection candles to help you navigate the August full moon.

The New Moon occurs on August 18th in fiery Leo. This is the first New Moon that is viable to perform magic since May. Since Leo is about self-promotion and creativity, this would be a great time to do any form of enhancement or glamor magic. Spruce things up by charging cosmetics, lotions, colognes, and perfumes. We recommend Hoo Doo Cleo Mae, Wicked Witch Mojo Everything and then Some, and Red Stilettos candles for your magical successes.


August 3, 2020 – August 9, 2020 begins on a rather depressing note with Mercury opposed to Saturn. Take charge of your life by exploring your place in the world and looking at areas that need change because your practical needs are important now. Focusing on ‘life correction’ is the pathway through the overwhelming thoughts and will help you begin a new course of action. A good solid plan will boost your confidence and make you more secure within yourself.

On Tuesday, Mars squares Jupiter in Capricorn, and Mercury moves out of Cancer and into Leo. This is a lot of fire in one day and may be the elixir that breaks the spell of Mercury opposed Saturn. Fire is concerned with future potentials and Mars square Jupiter provides plenty of energy to make things happen. Please avoid making rash decisions and do not take on more than you can handle.

A sign change for the love goddess Venus happens. She leaves airy Gemini and dives into the deep emotional waters of Cancer. Venus in Cancer requires deep emotional connections to others, and you will find your relationships important over the next four weeks. Work on relationship issues as they surface.

Coventry candle Suggestions for this week are, Blessed Herbal Stability, Energy and, Emotional Balance, and Hoo Doo Adam and Eve


August 10, 2020 – August 16, 2020 is the last week of extremely intense energies and then we get a little break from 2020. The week begins with a difficult square between Mercury and Uranus. Mercury square Uranus is extremely impulsive, scattered, and can lead to intense thoughts that are difficult to control. Stay ‘rooted’ in the now to minimize some of the mental anxiety caused by this aspect. Also, avoid saying anything impulsively that you may later regret.

During the middle of the week, Mars forms a nasty square to Pluto. Mars square Pluto may lead to power struggles, especially on the career front. You may feel at odds with others and this could easily cause conflict. Avoid shady and manipulative people!

The good news is that after the darkness comes the light and this may be the best week of the past eight months. The Sun and Mercury form a lovely trine to Mars in Aries. It’s a great weekend to just be yourself and enjoy living. If obstacles do arise, you should be able to handle them easily. Coventry candles for the week are, Blessed Herbal Protection, Hoo Doo Uncrossing, Reversing, and Wicked Witch Everything and Then Some


August 17, 2020 – August 22, 2020 is the breath of fresh air we’ve been waiting for. It begins with lovely conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Leo and a sextile between Venus and Uranus. The Sun conjunct Mercury will increase your conversations with others, and you will feel the need to socialize, express your opinions, and share your ideas. Meanwhile, Venus sextile Uranus urges you to shake up your relationships by adding a bit of excitement. So, spice up your romantic life by ditching the same ole same ole and add some new activities that both of you will enjoy. Make it memorable. Later in the week, we move into Virgo season and our focus will change from being your best you to becoming an efficiency master. In addition to the Sun moving into Virgo, Mercury also moves into the sign of the Virgin. Mercury’s co-presence allows you to see details easily, identify problems, and make constructive changes. Eyes and attention turn toward what we can do to improve our health. Renewed interest in an exercise regime and eating to strengthen our immune system blossom. This will help us re-attune our bodies and increase our energy levels. The perfect way to enter into the fall and the flu season.

Coventry candles for this week are, Wicked Witch Mojo Everything and then Some, Blessed Herbal Love’s Enchantment,Inner Balance, and Stability.

August 23, 2020 – August 30, 2020 is a mixed bag because we have several difficult aspects blending in with positive ones. This can lead to denial because we tend to escape into the good aspects in order to buffer (or ignore) the more challenging ones. We start the week off with a potent square between Mars and Saturn. This is exactly like driving with the brakes on. Daily activities can lead to frustration, irritation, and possibly anger. Outside influences also play a part in feeling blocked and unable to take matters into your own hands. Mars square Saturn leads us to Mercury trine Uranus and Venus opposed to Jupiter. Both Mercury trine Uranus and Venus oppose Jupiter want to escape reality and avoid the seriousness of Mars square Saturn. Mercury-Uranus fills your mind with new thoughts and inspiration, whereas Venus oppose Jupiter would prefer to escape altogether. This is not a good time to make major financial decisions or purchases. Midweek we have Venus trine Neptune. Venus-Neptune aspects bring the imaginal world into relationships. Romantic encounters can feel magical and intoxicating and can lead to idealisms. However, make sure you realize this ‘feeling’ is temporary and do not invest too seriously in it or it could lead to future problems. At the end of the week Venus opposes Pluto and Mercury opposes Neptune. The combination could cause difficulties in relationships. Venus oppose Pluto could lead to power plays. Any attempts to manipulate your partner will boomerang back and not in a nice way. Moreover, Mercury oppose Neptune creates confusion and uncertainty. This is not the time to make decisions or choices, especially in relationship matters. Coventry candles for the week are, Wicked Witch Mojo Outta' My Way, Blessed Herbal Protection, Heart, Healing, and Truth and Justice.

Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars.

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New Moon in Leo August 19, 2020
Bring in the Hype man because you are amazing!


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