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Stock up on Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer candles

June is crammed with cosmic activity, which the sign of Gemini might appreciate considering its normal frenetic energy. This month’s highlights are two potent eclipse’s and Mercury goes retrograde in watery cancer.


Until the 21st, the sun is in Gemini, the sign of the twins and, psychologically speaking, twins represent duality and can indicate that two sides of the personality are at odds with one another.

Consider that during the June Gemini season we are facing “our dark side” and bringing both the ‘shadow and light’ sides of our personality together to help us live well-rounded and authentic lives.

The first eclipse is a Full Moon eclipse that occurs in Sagittarius and reflects our need to look at the big picture, and how we are going to maneuver through a “new normal” that is both uncertain and unknown. At times, we may experience some feelings of confusion, self-doubt, and disorientation because the eclipse squares Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces. So, expect a learning curve with new regulations and new rules.

Candles for the Sagittarian Lunar Eclipse are Blessed Herbal Truth and Justice, Inner Balance, and Hoo Doo Van Van.

On June 18th, Mercury will go retrograde in watery Cancer. Its influence will manifest in your feeling center. Instead of relying on facts and logical thinking, your instincts will prove to be more reliable. Which doesn’t really make communication any clearer. While Mercury is in this sign, past family issues can come up to be revisited with an opportunity to do it constructively. Plus the usual Mrx warnings. Don’t forget to backup electronics and make final travel plans before the 18th. Absolutely avoid making firm decisions or sign documents during the retrograde cycle. You can expect problems with automobiles, electronic devices, and plans to fall apart without notice, so stay prepared.

Candles for Mercury Rx are Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer, Needed Changes, Emotional Balance, and Van Van.

The Sun shifts into Cancer season on June 20th and on the 21st, we have our second eclipse. A Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer will put an emphasis on what we do to feel safe and secure. Issues related to food, housing, and finances will be highlighted. Also, Pluto is going to influence this eclipse strongly and our “perception” of life will be about survival. We’ll feel compelled to kick to the curb non-essential items and behaviors that negatively impact survival. The effects of this eclipse will last over 6 months and we will all have to adjust to a new world and new way of living. (Cancer is about birthing).

Candles for the Cancer Solar Eclipse are Stability/Self-Esteem, Needed Changes, Emotional Balance, and Prosperity.

Week by Week AstroMagic

June 1, 2020 – June 7, 2020 This week’s major theme is relationships and features a prominent Venus in retrograde. At the beginning of the week tensions in relationships will surface with Venus squaring Mars, especially if we take a very self-focused ‘my way or the highway’ approach to matters. Arguments are highly likely if your relationship is already on shaky ground. You may need to review past hurts and disappointments to see whether current problems are actually unresolved issues from the past. The Sun conjoining Venus retrograde will help illuminate the problems if you are willing to look deep enough to find them. Regardless, proceed with caution through the middle of the week.

The weekend features the Full Moon in Sagittarius, which is a lunar eclipse. Ordinarily, we would use this energy to wrap up loose ends and bring situations to completion, and some of this may be necessary. However, under a lunar eclipse, it is best to avoid making permanent decisions. This would be a valuable time to look at the big picture and re-analyzing goals and tweak them where necessary.

Candle Suggestions for this week are, BHC Needed Changes, HD Adam and Eve, Uncrossing, and WWM Everything and then Some.

June 8, 2020 – June 14, 2020 This week is not going to be a great week astrologically and it is because of one planet: Neptune. So, brace yourself! If you need to get anything done this week, then it is best to do it between Monday and Wednesday when lunar aspects dominate. It is a great time to focus on work-related activities, completing tasks, and connecting with your social circle. Networking will be key through the beginning of the week.

The energy shifts wildly on Thursday when the Sun forms a nasty square to Neptune in Pisces. Our energy levels will plummet and feelings of discouragement, victimization, and being overwhelmed by life’s circumstances are going to permeate your day. Your serenity levels will be directly proportional to your expectations and idealizations, minimize them as much as possible for more harmony and balance. Avoid shady people!

This weekend we get another dose when the action planet Mars conjoins Neptune. Again, energy levels are going to be low and frustrations may lead to irritability. Avoid taking any actions that are not well thought out or planned because when Mars conjunct Neptune we tend to make mistakes, and some of them can have troubling consequences.

Candle Suggestions for this week are BHC Stability, Energy, AF Goddess, High John the Conqueror

June 15, 2020 – June 21, 2020 The beginning of the week starts out with the Moon in energetic Aries and then financial Taurus. If you absolutely must start something new before Mercury goes retrograde, Monday and Tuesday would be the time to do it. On Thursday, Mercury goes retrograde in watery Cancer. Home and family will be the theme of this retrograde, especially when it comes to repairing old family scores from the past. Expect communication issues with others and household mishaps could happen.

On Saturday we have a New Moon and on Sunday the Sun eclipses as it moves into watery Cancer. Ordinarily, a New Moon is a great time to begin new things. However, during a solar eclipse it is not recommended. This solar eclipse is extremely powerful and magical activities should be avoided until next week. Instead, use this time to connect with spirit and meditate.

Candle Suggestions for this week are BHC Happy Home, Inner Balance, DDM New Moon, HD Uncrossing

June 22, 2020 – June 28, 2020 The last week of June will be a welcomed relief after 3 weeks of extremely difficult energy. The beginning of the week features the Moon spending its last day in Cancer before moving into fiery Leo. The Moon in Leo is about individual expression and creativity; this is a great time to do something nice for yourself. On Thursday, Venus goes direct in Gemini. This will improve relationship issues and is a great time to begin to repair any damage that may have occurred. Remember that Mercury is still retrograde, so choose your words wisely. Saturday, Mars shifts into fiery Aries, the sign he rules. Mars will remain in Aries for the rest of the year because he goes retrograde in September. While Mars is direct in Aries our energy will be at peak performance and with a beautiful sextile to Saturn on Sunday, much can be accomplished.

Candle Suggestions for this week are HD Adam and Eve, AF Goddess, WWM Red Stilettos, and BHC Energy.

Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars.

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