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Storm's Weekly Breakdown for August 19, 2024 – August 25, 2024

This week is filled with astrological energy with 6 major aspects, the Sun moving into Virgo, and a Full MoonAstrological zodiac signs inside of horoscope circle. Illustration of Woman silhouette consulting the stars and moon over the zodiac wheel and milky way background. The power of the universe concept. in Aquarius.  So, get comfy and buckle your seat belt, because it's going to get rocky.  The biggest player who lurks behind the scenes this week is the Sun.  Think of the Sun in astrology as your personal spotlight—it's all about who you are when you strut your stuff on life's stage. It fuels your drama, directs your script, and makes sure you shine. It’s the cosmic juice that keeps your personality percolating.

August 19, 2024

Monday is the biggest day of the week (and the month) astrologically speaking, with 4 major aspects (Venus square Jupiter, Venus oppose Saturn, the Sun square Uranus, and Jupiter square Saturn) and a Full Moon in social Aquarius.

Let’s dive in...

Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini -- As Venus squares expansive Jupiter, it's like a tug-of-war between splurging and saving. Venus, the queen of beauty and luxury, meets Jupiter, the cosmic big spender. First, expect a clash of desires: one says, "Treat yourself!" while the other whispers, "Save for a rainy day!" Social butterflies flutter happily, but relationships might feel like a seesaw of togetherness and independence. Financially, it's a mix of opportunity and caution—think twice before impulse buying that giant glittery unicorn statue!

RecommendedProtection (Blessed Herbal)

Venus in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces -- When Venus opposes Saturn, it’s like romance and finances taking a rain check. Relationships feel a bit chilly, like sharing a blanket with someone who hogs it. Money? Expect some “oops, I spent what?” moments. It’s a reality check, but don’t panic—just grab your emotional toolkit and get practical. Communicate, save wisely, and practice self-care. Think of it as adulting boot camp with the universe as your drill sergeant, pushing you towards growth and resilience.

RecommendedStability (Blessed Herbal)

The Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus -- On Monday, the Sun forms a tense square to Uranus in Taurus.  When the Sun squares Uranus, buckle up for a wild ride! Expect sudden changes and surprises, making life feel like an unpredictable roller coaster. You might feel an irresistible urge to break free from routines and rebel against the norm. Embrace your inner rebel, but watch out for impulsive decisions. This is the perfect time for innovative ideas and out-of-the-box thinking. Just remember flexibility is your best friend during this cosmic chaos!

RecommendedNeeded Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal)

Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces – Jupiter square Saturn is like a universal game of tug of war. Jupiter wants to throw a growth fest, while Saturn is the responsible friend reminding you to clean up after. Expect some frustration as your big dreams hit reality checks, but it’s all about finding that sweet spot between optimism and practicality. Career goals might stall, relationships could feel strained, and finances might need extra caution. Think of it as life’s way of making sure you’re ready for the next level. So, take a deep breath and plan wisely.

RecommendedLucky Star (Jupiter – Astro Magic)

August 20, 2024 – August 21, 2024

The Moon in Pisces – On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Moon moves through watery Pisces. When the Moon's in Pisces, it's time to get artsy, folks! Grab your paintbrush or guitar, and let your creativity run wild. Dive into your dreams (literally, keep a journal), and practice some meditation to find your inner ‘Headspace’ master. Be kind—to others and yourself. Spend time near water; even a good bubble bath counts! Lastly, trust your gut and get a little mystical with tarot or astrology. Now go forth and Pisces-it-up!

RecommendedDo You!  (The Moon – Astro Magic)

August 22, 2024

The Sun in Virgo -- With the Sun in Virgo, it’s time to get our lives together. Start by decluttering like a pro—Marie Kondo would be proud. Then, channel your inner health guru: yoga, salads, the works. Tackle those detail-heavy projects; precision is key! Learn something new, help others, and maybe try a home improvement project (Pinterest, here we come). Lastly, check your finances—your future self will thank you. Virgo season: organized and thriving!

RecommendedProblem Solver (Blessed Herbal)

Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini -- When Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini, it's like love and desire having a dramatic face-off. Expect sparks in your love life and creative ventures, but beware of potential arguments—think of it as the universe's way of spicing things up. Channel that intense energy into art or exercise, and watch out for overindulgence. Basically, it's a cosmic reality show, and you're the star. Handle with care, and maybe a bit of humor!

Recommended: Love Me (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

August 23, 2024

The Moon in Aries – The work week ends with the Moon moving through fiery Aries. When the Moon's in Aries, it’s time to get stuff done! Kickstart new projects, hit the gym, and channel your inner leader. Dive into creative ventures or tackle those pesky challenges head-on. Use this fiery energy to network like a social butterfly and make bold decisions. But don’t forget to balance all that action with some well-deserved rest. Embrace the dynamic vibe, and you’ll be unstoppable!

Recommended IDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic)

August 24, 2024

Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini – The weekend starts with Mercury forming a lovely sextile to Mars in Gemini. When Mercury sextiles Mars, it’s like your brain and muscles are best buds. Your thoughts are lightning fast, and your words? Razor-sharp. Imagine having the confidence of a motivational speaker and the efficiency of a top-tier planner. It’s the perfect time to tackle that to-do list and settle any arguments with flair. So, buckle up, because you're on a roll, ready to conquer challenges and impress everyone with your newfound superpowers!

RecommendedSuccess (Affirmation)

August 25, 2024

The Moon in Taurus – We close the week with the Moon moving through earthy Taurus.  The Moon moving through Taurus is the time of the month for us to get practical and productive. Think financial planning and organizing your home, all while enjoying some nature. Cook up some delicious food and treat yourself to a monthly cheat meal – your diet won't mind! Indulge in self-care, grounding exercises, and creative hobbies. Strengthen relationships by spending quality time with loved ones, and don't forget to network. Taurus energy makes everything slow, steady, and satisfying!

RecommendedGoddess (Affirmation)

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