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Storm's Weekly Breakdown for July 1, 2024 – July 7, 2024

Weekly Breakdown

July 1, 2024 – July 7, 2024

The major player this week is Mercury, who moves out of Cancer and into Leo.  When Mercury transits through 5a2a403a ea3c 471b a566 e6b284963375 your horoscope, it affects communication, travel, and thinking. Each zodiac sign and house Mercury moves through changes how you express yourself, solve problems, and interact with others. These transits can bring new ideas, emotional conversations, practical decisions, or even deep, transformative talks, depending on Mercury's position.

July 1, 2024

The Moon in Pisces -- When the Moon is in Taurus, life feels more stable and grounded. Emotions are steady, making it a great time for practical tasks and financial decisions. You'll appreciate comfort and indulge in sensory pleasures like good food and music. Relationships thrive on loyalty and quality time together. Just watch out for stubbornness. Focus on grounding yourself, enjoying simple pleasures, and nurturing your sense of security for a peaceful and productive time.

RecommendedStability (Blessed Herbal)

July 2, 2024

Tuesday is the biggest day of the week, astrologically speaking.  So, let’s break this down step by step.

Neptune Rx in Pisces -- When Neptune goes retrograde, it’s a time to dig deep and reflect. Illusions fade, revealing hidden truths. Your intuition heightens, making dreams vivid and spiritual insights clear. Old emotional wounds might resurface, offering a chance for healing. Creativity blossoms, so dive into artistic pursuits. Be mindful of escapism and unhealthy habits. Ground yourself through meditation and nature. This is a period for introspection, spiritual growth, and emotional release. Embrace the journey within.

RecommendedHealing Rx (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Hoodoo)

Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces -- When Mercury trines Neptune, communication and intuition blend beautifully. It's a fantastic time for creative projects like writing or painting, as inspiration flows easily. Conversations are empathetic and understanding, making it a good moment to resolve conflicts gently. Your spiritual awareness deepens, and intuitive insights are stronger. However, balance your idealism with practicality to avoid unrealistic expectations. Enjoy the creative boost, but stay grounded in reality.

RecommendedEmotional Balance (Blessed Herbal)

Mercury In Leo – On Tuesday, Mercury moves out of Cancer and into Leo. Mercury in Leo is a great time to be bold and confident in your communication. Dive into creative writing or public speaking, and take on leadership roles with enthusiasm. Engage in activities that boost your self-esteem, set ambitious goals, and pursue creative learning. Expand your network by connecting with others, promote yourself, and think outside the box for innovative solutions. Let your unique style and charisma shine through everything you do.

RecommendedTruth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Venus in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces -- When Venus trines Saturn, it’s an excellent time for relationships and finances. This aspect brings stability and maturity to love, making it perfect for deepening commitments and solving issues practically. Financially, it encourages smart investments and saving. You’ll appreciate classic beauty and might feel inspired to work on creative projects. Professionally, it’s a good period for forming long-lasting connections. Overall, this transit blends love and responsibility beautifully, helping build lasting foundations.

RecommendedThat Bitch!  (Venus – Astro Magic)

July 3, 2024

Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius -- When transiting Mercury opposes transiting Pluto, expect deep and intense conversations. You'll uncover hidden truths and gain psychological insights, but watch out for power struggles and confrontations. This transit can lead to obsessive thoughts and paranoia, so stay grounded. Use this time for research and healing dialogues. Secrets might surface, offering chances for growth. Embrace the transformative power of this aspect by focusing on clear communication and personal empowerment.

RecommendedTruth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)

July 4, 2024

The Moon in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces -- When the Moon squares Neptune, expect a wild ride through your emotions. Think of it as a dreamscape where intuition and imagination skyrocket, but reality gets a bit hazy. You might feel extra sensitive and empathetic, but beware of illusions and misunderstandings. It's a great time for creative projects, but double-check facts and set boundaries to avoid confusion. Stay grounded, embrace your inner artist, and navigate this dreamy maze with caution.  Later in the day, the Moon moves out of Gemini and into Cancer.

RecommendedDo You!  (The Moon – Astro Magic)

July 5, 2024

Mars in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces -- Mars forms a lovely sextile to Saturn, is a great time for achieving goals through hard work and smart planning. Mars gives you energy and drive, while Saturn adds patience and structure. This means you can tackle big tasks with focus and persistence. It's perfect for starting new projects, handling responsibilities, and building a solid foundation for the future. Overall, it's about combining energy with discipline to get things done effectively.

RecommendedProblem Solving (Blessed Herbal)

July 6, 2024

The Moon in Cancer – On Saturday, the Moon continues to move through Cancer. When the Moon is in Cancer, it’s time to get cozy and connect with your inner homebody. Start by indulging in some self-care—think bubble baths and journaling. Next, spruce up your space and enjoy heart-to-heart chats with family. Dive into creative projects and trust your gut instincts. Cook up comfort food, save a little cash, and plan for the future. Finally, embrace your spiritual side with moon rituals and a stroll by the water.

RecommendedGoddess (Affirmation)

July 7, 2024

The Moon in Leo – On Sunday, the Moon spends its first full day in fiery Leo. When the Moon is in Leo, it's a great time to embrace creativity, take on leadership roles, and boost your confidence. Focus on self-improvement, and enjoy socializing and networking with new people. Plan romantic dates or engage in fun hobbies. Be generous, and consider volunteering. Enhance your personal appearance and set healthy boundaries. By tapping into Leo's vibrant energy, you can make the most of this dynamic period.

RecommendedEverything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)

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