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Their words create their reality

Are you afraid of the dark? If so, turn on your nightlight because once again we are in Scorpio season, which governs everything that goes bump in the night and our focus is going to be on sex, death, and regeneration.

Now for the specifics.

The heavy hitter this month is the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. It is about restrictions and limitations combined with power and the tearing down of existing structures that are no longer working or viable. Put this conjunction in Capricorn and the areas of life that are affected are governments, corporations, and hierarchy. So, it’s not surprising that racial discrimination, governmental corruption (real and imagined), and the disparity between social classes are the top stories online and cable news shows.

Up next is Jupiter. This big boy expands whatever planet it touches, and ordinarily, Jupiter conjunct Pluto gives us the drive towards achievement and self-betterment. This is still true on the personal level if you are willing to play by Saturn’s rules, which are hard work, determination, and patience. On the collective level, however, Jupiter amplified Saturn conjunct Pluto toppled the world economy as “stay at home” orders started throughout the world. Of course, this spawned never-ending new conspiracy theories, governmental mistrust, and the coronavirus became a political issue, especially in the United States. We have become a factious society on the verge of an election season unlike anything we have ever seen with pressing concerns that left people feeling scared, anxious, and fearful about the future, and perhaps most importantly, for the first time in history, Americans must vote like their lives depend on it – because it does.

Bringing it home to now. On November 12, 2020, Jupiter will conjoin Pluto for the last time until 2033. Since this conjunction has already amplified the pandemic and the economic crisis that has occurred because of COVID-19, we can expect that both will be highlighted once again. Additionally, we may see inflamed political figures on the world stage due to the results of the presidential election. Regardless of the results, sparks will fly, especially with Mars being involved. Coventry Candles to soothe and protect are our Blessed Herbal Protection and Healing, Goddess Affirmation. Stay strong, stay grounded, and stay hopeful.

Moon Magic

Up to bat first, we have a New Moon in Scorpio that occurs on November 15, 2020. The monthly New Moon is great for new beginnings and in Scorpio, magic focusing on shared resources, loans, and reinventing yourself is recommended. The New Moon forms a lovely sextile to Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn, which provides us with an opportunity to let go of the old and start a new cycle that is more structured and sound, and able to stand up to the punches of day-to-day life. Recommended Coventry Candles are the Blessed Herbal Prosperity and Needed Change/Banishing, Transition Blessing Kit.

Next up, we begin the last eclipse season on November 30, 2020, with a lunar eclipse in Gemini. Eclipse season is the lunar high point of the year. Since this is a north node eclipse and is not mangled by malefics, it’s ok to do magic. The sign of the twins is about ideas and communication, so this is the perfect time to do verbal spells, affirmations, incantations, prayers, or even a bit of ink magic. Speak or write or draw your desires on a petition then send them out into the universe, and allow them to manifest. Coventry candles for this Full Moon are Affirmation Meditation, Chakra Magic Throat Chakra, Blessed Herbal Truth and Justice.

Weekly AstroMagic

November 2, 2020 – November 8, 2020. This week is going to be interesting, to say the least. Mercury turns direct on November 3rd (Election Day in the United States), and the last time Mercury changed directions was in 2000. It took over a month for the United States to find out who the President-Elect would be. Like the issue with the hanging chads, problems with vote counting are bound to occur. Otherwise, expect communication issues to slowly improve for the rest of the week as Mercury begins to move forward. The only other aspect to pay attention to occurs on Friday when Mercury forms a tense square to Saturn. Overall it’s a great week for solo projects or anything that keeps you distanced from others and you’ll be better with tasks that require disciplined thinking. However, you may need to push away negative thoughts or feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. Best Coventry candles for the week are Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer, Hoo Doo Van Van and Spiritual Cleansing, Blessed Herbal Inner Balance, and Truth and Justice.

November 9, 2020 – November 15, 2020. The second week of November has more energy than a nuclear bomb. There are 6 aspects, a New Moon, a sign change, and a planetary station. Hang onto your hat, turbulence is incoming! On Monday, Venus in Libra forms an opposition to Mars in Aries. Oppositions are known for their tendency to create conflict, and with Venus and Mars, this is no exception. Relationship conflicts can be intensified. If you have repressed feelings, they could easily erupt now. However, despite the tension, the makeup sex should be good if not great. Tuesday is an interesting day with Mercury moving out of Libra and into Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio likes to dig deep, so we can use this energy to do research, investigate subjects we have interest in, or solve long-standing problems. Since Mars goes direct on Friday, you will now be able to act and make changes to areas where you have felt blocked over the last two months. This leads us to the weekend with Mars going direct on Friday, and the Sun forming an empowering aspect to Pluto. On Sunday morning, we have a new Moon in Scorpio but be forewarned, Venus forms a nasty square to Pluto and repressed relationship issues may easily surface. Best Coventry candles to get you through the week are Hoo Doo Adam and Eve, Blessed Herbal Needed Change, and Love’s Enchantment.

November 16, 2020 – November 22, 2020. The third week of November is the most challenging week of the month. Of course, this will be amplified by the Thanksgiving holiday prep. It’s often a source of anxiety for many and this year could be intensified if we’re not flexible with our plans. We start on Monday with Venus square Jupiter. Venus helps us feel good and she is at home in her own sign of Libra. The good news is that Jupiter expands any planet it gets involved with so Jupiter gives an extra helping of the good stuff. Try not to get too carried away or do things excessively. The trouble begins on Tuesday when Mercury opposes Uranus. You may find your mind in overdrive and anxious thoughts and feelings may easily surface. Take a pause and remember to be gentle in your speech. We are all feeling sensitive these days. Midweek brings us a mixed bag of tricks with the Sun forming a sextile to Saturn, and Venus forming a nasty square to the ringed planet. Keep things simple and methodical, focusing on essential tasks and duties. This is the best way to play the day because being footloose and fancy-free triggers feelings of self-doubt, and rejection. Your carelessness may easily override potential accomplishments. This weekend we have two sign changes as Venus moves into emotionally intense Scorpio and the Sun moves into fiery Sagittarius, so focus on future potentials and possibilities instead of today’s problems. Best Coventry candles to get you through the week are Wicked Witch Everything and Then Some, Blessed Herbal Stability/Self-Esteem, Hoo Doo Van Van, Adam and Eve, and Road Opener

November 23, 2020 – November 29, 2020. The last week of November starts off with a creative trine between Mercury and Neptune. Monday and Tuesday are great days to work on creative projects or whatever inspires you. Seek out people and activities that uplift you and fill your spirit. Midweek brings us the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. Tensions will easily spark as the Moon moves through combative Aries and forms a nasty square to Pluto, Saturn, and Mars. Try to avoid dinner table arguments and dodge political conversations. Have a ‘to go’ conversation starter in your back pocket. Thanksgiving weekend is rather intense. On Friday, Venus opposes Uranus in Taurus. Relationships will be in the crosshairs where arguments and disagreements may easily occur. However, let’s hope that cooler heads prevail when Mercury sextiles jovial Jupiter on Saturday. Best Coventry candles for the week are Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing, Happy Home, Protection, Hoo Doo Adam and Eve.


Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars. Meet Patty Shaw at

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New Moon in Scorpio November 15, 2020
Your word is your power


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