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2 minutes reading time (300 words)

Through Atomic Energy Sparks Your Greatest Works

What if creativity was the end of your process and not the beginning? What if everything that you have been experiencing is to feed your creativity? What a freeing thought! Creating from what you know and have experienced is the hallmark of many epic classics of music, words, and paint.

Ask any creative person and ask to see their best work. It is most likely after one of the hardest moments in their life.

It is a blessing to re-evaluate every experience, not as a curse or trauma, but as a blessing to fuel your future creativity. Step into seeing the moments of blessing in your life. If you are having a hard time seeing them, grab a Coventry Blessing Kit and immerse yourself in the magic of the moment.

Blessing Kits

19 combinations of blessings to awaken in your life (Including Muse to spark your creativity)

March is Aquarius season where the impulse to create rides us strong. Each and every one of us has our own brand of creativity; food, numbers, tech, paint, gardens, cars, and even the way you approach life has space for your own clever spin. Let go of your preconceived definition of what it is to be creative and open up to your inner divine child.

Play to create and you will fill your soul with joy.

Learn more about being a Coventry Creations’ magic maker through our blogs. Be sure to order your FREE Spell Caster Club membership kit. It comes with 10 spell cards, 10 membership cards, and a 2 pocket display. We will send you a set of new spell cards every month. It’s fun and engaging for your customers and an easy upsell for you.

For more news about this month’s special and upcoming specials visit our wholesale website,

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Sever What no Longer Serves Your Higher Purpose
Full Moon in Virgo February 27, 2021


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Sunday, 16 March 2025