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7 minutes reading time (1368 words)

Venus RX means hold steady in love and money

We’re in the season of Taurus which is associated with finances and money. This year Taurus is asking us to look deeper into the core of what it means to be the bull.

Of all the myths around this energy, the story of King Minos, the son of Zeus and Europa is the most compelling.

This king uses his influence with the Gods to gain access to the throne of Crete. Since he lied and cheated to get what he wanted his rulership was plagued with severe long-term consequences, not only for himself but for those of his kingdom. His greed and misuse of power caused the creation of a Minotaur, half man half bull who would destroy the city of Crete if it was not contained and satisfied.

Minos felt deep shame for his sins and had a Labyrinth built to house the minotaur. Each month a virgin boy and girl were sent into the Labyrinth to feed the beast. This twisted story of obsession, power and money can lead us to understanding the ways we personally handle power and money.

At the core of the trials of King Minos is a glimpse into the sign of Taurus. Perhaps, the minotaur lives within each of us and during Taurus season we have an opportunity to sort through what we possess and our motivations for obtaining it. Further, we may need to look at our stewardship over our money and resources, and ask the question, are we maintaining it and using it appropriately or are we wasting it and feeding an inner minotaur?

In 2020 as the Sun moves through the sign of the bull, it makes several fortunate aspects including a spectacular trine to Jupiter on May 17th. This is a great time for us to put our fiscal picture into perspective and make positive financial decisions for the rest of the year. This year, brutal honesty and acceptance may be necessary, but this trine means that there is a potential rainbow after a long storm.

On another note, this month Venus goes retrograde on May 13th. Venus goes retrograde once every 18 months and rules relationships and finances. During this retrograde cycle, relationships are going to be stretched to the limit, breakups will occur, and financial concerns will be our personal headlines. Do not start a relationship or make major financial investments until after Venus goes direct on June 25th. Use the energy of Taurus season to focus on financial matters, which includes managing debt, bringing new financial streams in, and set seeds for financial success in the future.

Recommended Coventry Candles are BHC Prosperity and Stability, Wicked Witch Mojo Fast Cash and Hoo Doo Querent Caller.

The first full week of May gives us the power to look within and dig deep to find solutions to personal issues and concerns. We begin with a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury. This energy brings our thoughts, insights, and circumstances of our daily lives into focus. It will be easier to pinpoint areas that might not be working correctly. This course correction gives us the ability to see problems quickly and make changes without too much resistance or fuss. The Sun’s conjunction with Mercury dovetails into the Full Moon in Scorpio. This is extremely important because Scorpio gives us deep insights if we are brave enough to look. You can also use this Full Moon to work on removing self-defeating behaviors like smoking or substance abuse. Later in the week, Mercury forms lovely aspects to Neptune, Pluto, and Jupiter. These aspects give us the ability to expand our minds. Learning and processing information will be so much easier. Fresh inspiration allows us to use newfound knowledge in ways that uplift our lives.

Recommended: Crown of Glory, Truth and Justice, Heart

This week is going to be a rough one as Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter all go retrograde within a few days of each other. Additionally, Mars moves into Pisces where he is weakened and has difficulty acting with conviction or certainty. So, guarding oneself against self-doubt and insecurities will be necessary for the next several weeks. On Monday there is a tense aspect (square) between Mercury and Mars. Open mouth and insert foot could rule the day. If ever you needed to think before you speak, it's on Monday. On Tuesday, communication will right itself as Mercury moves into his own sign of Gemini and trines Saturn.

A storm warning goes into effect on Wednesday as Mars moves into Pisces and Venus goes retrograde. Mars is the planet that goes out into the world to get the Sun what it wants. In this case, the Sun is in Taurus so it wants structure and stability, but Mars in Pisces is extremely uncertain and acts erratically. This means we’ll find ourselves feeling wibbly wobbly and needing more support from others than usual. Our confidence could take a hit. To add a fly in the ointment, Venus in retrograde causes upsets in love and money. Later in the week, the Sun forms positive aspects to Pluto and Jupiter, which should give a few days of relief, but stay on guard.

Recommended: Uncrossing, Tornado Alley, Adam and Eve, Healing, Heart, and Needed Change.

The third week of May is going to bring a lot of energetic changes, which can be extremely destabilizing. On Monday and Tuesday, the Moon will move through impulsive Aries. Since Mars is weak in Pisces, there may be a tendency to be reactive. Try to avoid situations that push buttons and trigger people. On Wednesday, Gemini season begins as the Sun moves into the sign of the twins. However, Venus retrograde square Neptune could steal the show as relationship issues surface. Our ability to manage this aspect will be directly proportional to our expectations. Avoid idealizing people and accept them for being human. Friday brings us a New Moon in airy Gemini. The Gemini New Moon is great to focus on business matters, especially transactions, and our communication with others. If there is someone you would like to negotiate with, now is the time. However, avoid putting any money on the table until Venus goes direct in late June. The weekend brings its own brand of chaos. Mercury, Venus, Neptune and the Sun do a dance that could get us mentally hamstrung. Our advice is to use creative tactics to get the results you want.

Recommended: Stability/Self Esteem, Third Eye Chakra candle, Inner Balance, Truth and Justice

The astrological energy for the last week of May is intense. The beginning of the week is probably the most difficult period because Mars in Pisces will sextile Uranus in Taurus. Although this aspect does have innovative connotations, it can also be highly impulsive. The thing we all need to watch for is how restricted we feel. Feelings of being caged in or stymied may make it difficult to control our impulses and will lead to faulty actions. The key here – when in doubt, don’t. On Thursday, Mercury is going to move out of his own sign of Gemini and into watery Cancer. Our sensitivity to our environment is going to increase and our emotional connections with others heightened, especially with family members. During Mercury’s transit through Cancer, we may need to rely on our gut instincts more than logic. Finally, we have the first quarter Moon this weekend in Virgo. Try to not get overcome with the details and stick to your plan. Keep things as simple as possible.

Recommended: Happy Home, Tranquility, Stability/Self-Esteem, Root Chakra

Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars.

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