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7 minutes reading time (1407 words)

Your people need you more than ever

The year 2020 was packed full of collective events that will become permanent backdrops to our tapestry of history. We opened the year with potent Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn and ushered in a new deadly virus that began infecting the citizens of Wuhan.

By the time Jupiter conjoined Pluto in April, a global pandemic was unleashed. We experienced isolation, restriction, and overwhelmed feelings caused by circumstances beyond our control as country after country began to enforce quarantines to stop the spread of the SARS-COVID-2. All of which are attributes associated with Saturn-Pluto aspects. Just as we were feeling that it’s safe to go back to work another huge wave occurred in October going into November as Jupiter conjoined Pluto in Capricorn for the last time.

We’ve juggled a global pandemic, extreme fires in California, an unprecedented hurricane season, murderous bees, and a contentious presidential election, and the cosmos sees fit to unleash more. We will close the year with another aspect that occurs once every 20 years when Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius on December 21st. Let’s unpack this together.

Aquarius is a sign that is associated with groups and collective consciousness. Its symbol is the water bearer, and it is through the flow of information, ideals, and networking that our values as a society are formed. However, unlike Saturn ruled Capricorn, Aquarius is not concerned with laws and rigid structures, it is concerned with progress and evolution. Aquarius is the sign where the gifts of invention, scientific breakthroughs, and social reforms are born.

Now, on to Jupiter conjunct Saturn. In ancient astrology, the conjunct of Jupiter and Saturn was considered an ominous warning. They believed that the conjunction reflected the death of one thing and the rise of something else which would bring great difficulties, and a period of disruption and chaos. It can be a leader, an idea, a philosophy, or even generational attitudes.

It’s easy to see many of these themes at work now because Jupiter conjunct Saturn doesn’t just occur on December 21st, it builds up over time. You can turn on the evening news and see the themes of old ways of being giving way to something new, and even though we usually see them once the ‘battle’ has begun, the germinated seeds were planted long ago. During this twenty-year cycle, we will see tremendous scientific discovery and intention. We could also see changes in social media and corporate responsibility for the dissemination of information. Additionally, hot topic issues such as the environment, health care, and systemic racism will be analyzed, discussed, and hopefully resolved.

So, although Jupiter conjunct Saturn can be difficult, it also provides the vehicle through which growth and change can occur. Just keep in mind, status quo structures take time to change, and often during the initial process, setbacks will likely occur, but eventually the old gives in to the new and the cycle begins once again.

Moon Magic

There will be a solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th. Sagittarian eclipses are about long-distance travel, big picture ideas, and higher education. This is a great time to do travel spells, vision boards, and spiritual activities. Coventry Candles for this New Moon are Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing and Problem Solving.

The Full Moon is in Cancer on December 29th. Cancer Full Moon’s are great for resolving familial issues, strengthening family bonds, making changes to your house and home, and even doing a little cooking magic. Coventry Candles for the Full Moon are Blessed Herbal Happy Home, Heart, and Affirmation Tranquility.

Weekly AstroMagic

November 30, 2020 – December 6, 2020. We begin the week with a lunar eclipse in Gemini. The sign of Gemini is focused on learning, communicating, and developing opinions. You may notice during this eclipse that many of the ideas you have held near and dear over long periods of time are slowly changing and embracing change can be a good thing. This eclipse cycle is great for affirmations, incantations, and the spoken word. Gemini lunar eclipses are also great for resolving and repairing communication issues with others. On Tuesday, Mercury moves into Sagittarius. Use this energy to look at the big picture and develop goals for the future or you can use it to learn something new. Moreover, focusing on potential and possibilities helps inspire you to create a better you. Later in the week, Venus forms a lovely trine to Neptune. It will be a great weekend for escaping the real world, connecting with your spirit, and maybe a side dish of romance. Best Coventry Candles for the week are Blessed Herbal Truth and Justice, and Wicked Witch Mojo Forever Mine.

December 7, 2020 – December 13, 2020. The beginning of the second week of December starts off with the Moon moving through dutiful Virgo. This is a great time for finishing tasks, working on hobbies, or beginning to focus on exercise and health. Activities that you begin while the Moon is in Virgo have a high chance of success because the Moon makes a beneficial trine to Saturn in Capricorn. During the middle of the week, you may feel your energy dwindling and may need a boost to perform activities as the Sun squares Neptune. Focusing on personal needs and taking care of your soul may be a more productive use of this energy. This weekend there is a lovely trine between the Sun and Mars which should help bring your energy levels back up, but be careful when making decisions on Sunday with Mercury squaring confusing Neptune. Coventry candles for the week are, Hoo Doo Road Opener, Uncrossing, and Blessed Herbal Energy and Will

December 14, 2020 – December 20, 2020. The third week of December brings us only positive aspects despite the solar eclipse that occurs on Monday. During the beginning of the week, Venus forms helpful aspects to both Jupiter and Saturn. Financial decisions made this week could potentially have long-term positive results. If you need to cement a business deal or partnership, now would be an auspicious time to make it happen. Later in the week, the Moon moves through social Aquarius, and your focus will be on groups, sharing ideas with others, and networking. Reach out to your social circle. A zoom date may be in order. Coventry candles for the week are Wicked Witch Mojo Everything and Then Some, Blessed Herbal Stability, and Truth and Justice.

December 21, 2020 – December 27, 2020. Happy Holidays! This week the Sun moves out of Sagittarius and joins Mercury and Pluto in the sign of the sea-goat. Capricorn season is the time of the year to get your New Years’ goals in order and create a plan to make them happen. During the middle of the week, Mars forms a nasty square to Pluto. Expect power plays and aggressive behavior. It’s best to walk away from any conflict that occurs because Mars square Pluto can take things to a level you don’t want to venture into. Avoid seedy places! This weekend, the Sun and Mercury trine Uranus. Shake things and explore beyond your comfort zone. New ideas and activities lead to long-term inspiration. Best candles for the week are Blessed Herbal Stability, Affirmation Guardian Protector, Muse Blessing Kit

December 28, 2020 – January 3, 2021. The last week of 2020 begins with a Full Moon in the sign of Cancer. Family matters and personal security may be a major theme throughout the week. Otherwise, it’s a great time to clear up issues from the past. On Wednesday, Venus forms a tough square to Neptune. Romantic confusion could lead to disappointment on New Year’s Eve. Try to avoid falling into victim mindsets. Finally, the New Year brings in a decent aspect between Mercury and Neptune. Your creative juices may overflow. This is a great time to begin creative projects. Spiritual matters may surface. Best candle for the week are Blessed Herbal Happy Home, Hoo Doo Adam and Eve, Affirmation Meditation

Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars. Meet Patty Shaw at

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New Moon in Sagittarius, December 14, 2020
Only love may enter here!


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