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Wicked Witch Mojo Limited Edtion

Coventry Magic Oracle

We have a candle for that... and can show you a new way to use it too. The Coventry Magic Oracle was one of those happy accidents that started with creating shelf talkers for the candles and turned into a whole new way of addressing you or your customers challenges. When you draw three cards from the Coventry Magic Oracle, not only will you get a new perspective on your problem, but a new way to solve it. Each oracle card has 5 unique messages that show you how to use that product to address your current magical issue; prosperity, love, healing, protection and clearing. Combine the messages of your three chosen cards and you have a new strategy of magic (and a three candle sale instead of one) Each deck for resale comes with an instruction booklet. The display deck comes with a staff instructions, a reading mat and sign for display. Each product line has it s own deck, or get the full line deck and watch as past slow sellers start flying out of your store Store owners use the oracle to triple their Coventry sales, inspire sales in all areas of their store, and even use it for inventory. They pull the card of the Coventry candles they are out of stock on and use as a re-order reminder! 

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