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Align with the Divine

WS blog 1 Align with the divineThis month it’s pretty clear we are promoting renewing our relationship with the divine, but not as an exercise in checking out in hopes of finding nirvana. We want to bring the connection with the divine home, to our carbon footprint right here, right now.

June’s Witches Union Spell caster Club card has a very special spell about opening up to divine guidance. Even if you have a way to do that and are very successful with it, your customers may not. You are there in your amazing store, acting as an oracle for them as they search for solutions for their problems. This is where we wish to be the wind beneath your wings with at your fingertips solutions. Like you, we love to help people. It is the core mission of our company as all of our products are magical/spiritual solutions to magical/spiritual and practical problems.

Segway into our New Chakra Magic lines. We designed them to help everyone open clear and balance their chakras. We call them Chakra Magic because we are fully invested in the idea that when we make a change, and even to the extent of reinventing ourselves, it’s magical and magic is about transformation.

Chakra Magic Candles $5.50 each

Chakra Magic Candle Restocking set $118.00, 3 of each, 21 candles total

Chakra Magic Candle mixed case $88.00, 16 candles, your choice

The candles are 2”x 4.5” with a 70 hour burn time

Chakra Magic Sprays $6.50 each

Chakra Magic Spray Restocking set $136.5 3 of each, 21 spray bottles total

Chakra Magic Spray mixed case $104, 16 spray bottle, it’s your choice

Chakra Magic Spray tester set $22.75 4 full bottles, one bottle labeled tester so your customers can buy before they try. Two tester sets for your store, per style, per year please.

Chakra Magic Spray bottles are 4 ounces with a black mister top with a clear cap.

When your customers come into your store looking for another way to get their life on track, feel better and become more prosperous, lead them over to your Coventry Creations section and show them the Chakra Magic line. Healing comes from within and our outer world is a reflection of our inner world (subconscious mind). They can meditate with our candles and spritz their chakras with the spray. There is a Chakra Magic booklet in your future too. It will educate your customers on chakras, the symptoms of an unbalanced chakra and the joy of a balanced one. We also included a lovely meditation for balancing the chakra system. It’s our way of helping you sell our products. We firmly believe that your success is our success and we are all about providing you with tools for fast turnaround on the Coventry products on your shelf.

If you have any questions about this line, please call us at 1-800-810-3837. For more news about this month’s special and upcoming specials visit our wholesale website here.

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Healing the Chakras
New Moon in Gemini June 13, 2018

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