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Change Comes in the Power of Six

February 2021, we take on the sign of Aquarius, which is often associated with groups and large collective bodies. Our Aquarius season desire for large gatherings and socializing is pretty much out of the picture, at least for 2021. We redirect this desire by using zoom and other digital platforms as the place to meet, which may temporarily appease Aquarius considering its association with technology.

This month we have a massive stellium in Aquarius (up to 6 planets). Aquarian themes of reform, innovation, and even revolution will spring out of the colloquial collective soup. However, there is one astrological aspect that will dominate February: Saturn square Uranus.

This month Saturn squares Uranus on February 17th highlighting the clash between generations. We can see this alive and well today with a generation that relied upon earthly resources to progress and acquire wealth and a new generation that is concerned with global warming and economic disparity. Be prepared to see the clash of these generations and ideals to reach a fevered pitch this month. Usually, this aspect brings about changes with the establishment and the status quo. Although the spirit of change is upon us, it will take several years for the choices and decisions made to be fully realized. Even in the cosmos, there is NO instant gratification.

On the personal level, Saturn square Uranus signifies the need to change structures that may be too rigid or that you are hanging onto because they are comfortable. Of course, any time we are faced with the need to make changes, frustrations, and anxieties often arise. The key to this aspect is to find ways to make changes without blowing up your life. Take a deep and honest look at the areas of your life that feel stagnant and begin to find ways to change them up. If you feel stuck in a dead-end job, now would be the time to look at new opportunities and discover a career path that brings you meaning and purpose. Likewise, if your relationship feels stagnant and you are losing that loving feeling, then you may need to add a bit of spice to your relationships and/or change your day-to-day relationship patterns. In some cases, you may need to make difficult decisions about your relationships and whether your needs are being met. It is necessary that you make the changes, otherwise, changes will occur on their own and usually not pleasantly.

Recommended Candles for February 2021:Uncrossing / Needed Change / Inner Balance

Lunar Magic

New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th

The sign of Aquarius has to do with groups, associates, and collective ideas. During a New Moon in Aquarius, expanding our sphere of influence and being open to new experiences is our magical focus. Aquarius prefers to be free to explore new avenues and to remain detached from conventional standards, so we can use this energy to take risks and break free from restrictions that limit our personal growth. Additionally, since this New Moon is separating from a square to Mars, it’s time to leave problems and conflicts from the past behind and focus on the future.

Recommended Candles:Needed Change / Muse Blessing Kit / Problem Solving

Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th

February’s Full Moon is in Virgo. Virgo is associated with how we manage our day to day lives and how we take care of our bodies. Since Full Moons reflect a two-week cycle of eliminating obstacles from our lives that may be preventing forward progress, this Full Moon can be used to remove self-defeating behaviors, addictions, and to focus on areas of your life that may need healing. This is also an auspicious time to start a diet to remove the excess weight that is holding you down both physically, and psychologically.

Recommended Candles:Goddess / Healing / Outta My Way / Uncrossing

Weekly Breakdown

February 1, 2021 – February 7, 2021:

The weekly deluge of astrological aspects that occurred in January is not repeated in February, which is a bit of good news after an astrologically calamitous year. Even though there are some difficult aspects that occur this month, breathe easy, there are some bright spots too.

The beginning of this week begins with the challenge of the Sun squaring Mars. You may need to keep your ego in check, especially since energy levels will be high. You may find it difficult to not react to other people pushing your buttons. Before you engage in conversations that may ultimately lead to hostilities, decide whether the end results will really be worth it. On the emotional front, Venus moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Your connection to others will be stimulated by an intellectual one. Seek out people that can engage your mind as well as your body.

Mid-week, spend time balancing and recovering from the tension Sunday, Monday and Tuesday brought.

Later in the week, Venus in Aquarius conjoins Saturn and squares Uranus. Venus conjunct Saturn wants to solidify relationships and make them more structured; Venus square Uranus wants to break free. This could lead to some rather uncomfortable feelings and deep ambivalence. The more you add elements to your relationships that are exciting and outside the box, the better things will be. Avoid acting impulsively or making decisions based on fleeting feelings.

Best candles for this week - Inner Balance / Adam and Eve / Love’s Enchantment / Red Stilettos.

February 8, 2021 – February 14, 2021:

This week is the most active week of the month with five aspects and a New Moon in Aquarius. Although we have a tough mid-week aspect, the cosmic energy for the rest of the week is extremely favorable.

We start off the week with the Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius. It’s a great day for conversations and self-expression. If you want to start a new project or research a new business idea, Monday would be the day to do it.

Midweek, we have a nasty square between Mercury in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus. This aspect brings out ‘foot in mouth’ syndrome so watch what you say because you may not be able to take it back later. Expect disagreements and combative feelings to surface, but good news comes on Thursday as Venus conjoins Jupiter. If you don’t get out of control with Mercury-Mars, Venus-Jupiter should smooth over matters easily.

During the weekend, we could not have better aspects for Valentine’s Day as Mercury conjoins Venus and Jupiter. Love is in the air for many, and the positive vibrations will linger into next week.

Best candles for this week - Uncrossing / Everything and then Some / Road Opener / Love’s Enchantment / Forever Mine

February 15, 2021 – February 21, 2021:

The beginning of the week starts off with the incredible Mercury-Venus-Jupiter conjunction from last week. These three planetary energies shine a favorable light upon pretty much every area of your life. If you take advantage of these energies, you will plant the seeds of success for the rest of the year.

Midweek brings the highly anticipated Saturn square Uranus aspect that will shake things up and drive the need to change structures that may be too rigid and outdated. You will be pulled out of your uncomfortable comfort system. Thursday, the Sun moves out of airy Aquarius and moves into Pisces. Pisces season shows you it’s time to listen to your inner world and the messages our Higher-Self reveals. Use this energy to get in touch with yourself on a deeper level.

This weekend Venus forms a discordant aspect to Mars, and you will begin to question your purpose in relationships. Try to seek the middle ground in disagreements and keep your motives in check. Finally, and possibly the best news of the week is Mercury stationing direct on Sunday. Communication issues will slowly begin to improve over the next week. Mercury remains in Aquarius until March 15th.

Best candles of the week - Road Opener / Emotional Balance / Adam and Eve / Mercury Rx Neutralizer

February 22, 2021 – February 28, 2021

We begin the week with the Moon in Cancer. You can expect family issues to surface and be a dominating theme on Monday and Tuesday. The Moon in Cancer is also a great time to do home repairs and renovations.

Midweek, Venus moves into Pisces making you sensitive to the emotional needs of others. Keep firm boundaries and avoid sacrificing yourself to their needs. If this energy is not dealt with properly, it can lead to codependency and emotional disillusionment. The good news is that the aspects of Mars trine Pluto and Sun sextile Uranus should give you enough gumption to stand in your personal power.

This weekend we have a Full Moon in Virgo, so get out of the house, breathe some fresh air, and get some well-needed exercise. However, do continue to follow health precautions and CDC guidelines.

Recommended Candles:Happy Home / Heart / Healing / Energy and Will

See you next month!

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New Moon in Aquarius February 11, 2021
Ready to Cast a Wicked Net?


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