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Ready to Cast a Wicked Net?

Share, don’t run with scissors, play nice, and do your work before you get recess are basic social norms that, as an adult, we need to be part of a healthy community. Cooperation is one of the first things we learn in school, yet, this is also something we can quickly forget when our boundaries, beliefs, and values are challenged.

Do we need to meet in the middle? Can we agree to disagree in a productive way? In today’s climate, we may all have forgotten how to be a part of a larger community. We are being conditioned every day to polarize our beliefs, making anyone who differs, the enemy. How do we find our way forward when fear clouds us all.

When I get in my quiet place and allow my divine guides space to communicate with me, I remember that the other side is human too. In any negotiation, I start with the idea that we can all win. I lean on my experience with Dorothy Morrison as we cooperated on her line, Wicked Witch Mojo. This creation was a challenging and empowering experience of co-creation by two powerful women. Together, we made this line amazing. Celebrate this spirit of cooperation with me and dive into the Wicked Witch Mojo line and buy up the Dorothy Morrison Limited Editions that are only available from Coventry in February, our “Month of Dorothy.”

Wicked Witch Mojo Candles and Oils - 15 styles to choose from

Dorothy Morrison Limited Edition candles:

Extreme Bad Ass

Hot Damn

Rich Bitch

St. Dorothy the Wicked

When we lose the ability to coordinate, we have lost our connection with the eternal divine child, aka our innocent joy, and step fully into the role of judge, jury, and executioner of those who will disagree with us. When we work our magic from this place of hard reality, it can lose some, or most, of its power to enchant us with a new way of being. Magic is the art of cooperation with spirit. We have to come out of our comfort zone and embedded beliefs and meet our magic halfway and the evolution it brings to us. If we don’t reach for this uncomfortable new idea, we stay exactly where we are. Be a magical badass and find where you can cooperate with the energy around you just a bit more to manifest an empowered future.

Shake up your energetic blocks with some Wicked Witch Mojo.

Learn more about being a Coventry Creations’ magic maker through our blogs. Be sure to order your FREE Spell Caster Club membership kit. It comes with 10 spell cards, 10 membership cards, and a 2 pocket display. We will send you a set of new spell cards every month. It’s fun and engaging for your customers and an easy upsell for you.

For more news about this month’s special and upcoming specials visit our wholesale website,

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Full Moon in Leo January 28, 2021


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