Welcome to the 2021 hustle
For those of you who don’t know, Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and he rules time. He’s a taskmaster and requires steadfast determination and patience. He wants us to really internalize that hard work may not be glamorous, but it is required to create the solid foundation needed to support our reality. So, during Capricorn season we need to turn inward, take an honest look at ourselves, decide what we want to do with our lives, what we would like to achieve, and create realistic plans to make our goals a reality. Then put in the time and effort.
During Capricorn season our magical focus is on career matters, securing employment, putting ourselves in the best possible light, and creating enough financial prosperity to afford our desired lifestyles. The Coventry candles best suited for Capricorn season are Motor City Road Opener, Wicked Witch Mojo Outta' My Way, and Blessed Herbal Prosperity, and Stability.
As the Planet’s Turn
This month we have only one major astrological aspect and one planet turning retrograde. Let’s begin with Jupiter square Uranus. One of the most prominent features of the planet Jupiter is his ability to expand the energy of the planets he contacts, which can be especially harrowing when he contacts the outer planets. For example, last year Jupiter conjoined Pluto in Capricorn three times and during each of the conjunctions. The pandemic exploded each time with new hot spots appearing around the world. In 2021, Jupiter squares another outer planet, Uranus. Uranus is a planet associated with tearing down existing structures and rebellion against outdated social norms. Although Jupiter square Uranus usually reflects struggles and obstacles there are positive benefits we can look forward to. First, Jupiter-Uranus conflicts usually bring a burst of energy that gives us the ability to break through areas of our life where we feel restricted. Secondly, changes of fortune or sudden opportunities may infuse our spirit with potentials and possibilities that have been previously out of reach. We urge caution because impulsive decisions can lead to recklessness. Pause and make time to think things through and consider everything before launching. If these planetary aspects are kicking your butt try, Motor City Hoo Doo Road Opener, Affirmation Success, Wicked Witch Mojo Wishin Mojo and Everything and then Some to ease your pain.
Plan for Mercury going retrograde on January 30th in the sign of Aquarius. Make sure you wrap up any travel plans, decisions, legal matters, or signing documents before Mercury then. Additionally, with Mercury in Aquarius, communication issues with friends and associates may become a little stressed. Choose your words carefully and be compassionate. Mercury turns direct on February 20th. Coventry will be stocked up with their Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer. Other products that will help are Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van, Wicked Good Smudge spray, and Florida Water.
Lunar Magic
The New Moon is in Capricorn on January 13th. This New Moon is conjoined to Pluto and reflects the need to let go of everything old and past its expiration date and starting over once again. Capricorn New Moons are good for applying for new jobs, taking the next step in your career, starting new businesses, and improving your reputation by putting yourself in the best light. Best Coventry candles for this New Moon are Blessed Herbal Needed Changes, Motor City Hoo Doo Road Opener, and Querent Caller, and Wicked Witch Mojo Everything and Then Some.
On January 28th, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Leo that is a potential powder keg. Emotions can be turbulent, so you will need to keep them in check, or major damage can occur. Long term relationship problems may surface and need to be addressed to bring them back to a harmonious place. Leo magic is about self-focus, and you can use the Full Moon to let go of the parts of you that may be dysfunctional or problematic. Best Coventry candles are Blessed Herbal Inner Balance, Motor City Hoo Doo Adam and Eve and Uncrossing, Affirmation Tranquility.
Weekly Breakdown
January 4, 2021 – January 10, 2021. Lots to deal with this week. We begin with Mercury conjoined to Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury-Pluto gets you to think deeply and allows you to see things that you would ordinarily overlook. However, digging deep can often lead to opposition from others. You can best handle this by applying the knowledge to yourself and not using it to get your way. That thinking will only lead to blowback and nobody likes a know-it-all.
On Wednesday, Mars moves out of Aries and into Taurus. The sign of Taurus is normally associated with money and wealth however, Taurus is also associated with security. When Mars moves through Taurus you will notice that financial security will be top of mind. Friday brings tons o’fun with Mercury and Venus changing signs. Mercury moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Mercury in the sign of the water-bearer helps us successfully get our point across to others. Venus will help matters when she slips into Capricorn and begins to focus on business and worldly matters. This combination is great for business deals or negotiating policy. However, on Friday be careful of what you say because Mercury squares Mars and could provoke disagreements.
Finally, on Sunday, Mercury conjoins Saturn in Aquarius. It’s a great day to focus on matters that need extra mental acuity. You will be better able to find solutions to long-standing problems that previously eluded you. Best Coventry candles this week are, Blessed Herbal Truth and Justice, Stability, Emotional Balance, and Problem Solver.
January 11, 2021 – January 17, 2021. The week begins with a burst of energy as Mercury translates the light from Jupiter and brings it to Uranus triggering movement in the wrong direction and at the wrong time. Although you may be filled to the brim with ideas, it’s best to let them settle to make sure they are viable. Jupiter-Uranus aspects can be very impulsive and potentially lead to problems if not handled carefully.
On Wednesday, Saturn puts a kink in the abundance of energy available in the cosmos and tells us to slow down as Mars squares the ringed planet. Expect some mild frustrations and annoyances that may be amplified by the Sun’s conjunction with Pluto on Thursday. Expect powerplays to occur so stay in your lane. Finally, the Moon moves through emotional Pisces and may help to temper the erratic energy of the Jupiter-Uranus square. If you feel overwhelmed or short-circuited, try to find your center through meditation or grounding. Best Coventry candles for this week are, Blessed Herbal Inner Balance, Protection, and Stability, Affirmation Meditation.
January 18, 2021 – January 24, 2021. The week begins with a power-packed surge of energy and ends with more sobering concerns. Make sure you take care of social obligations earlier in the week when the energy is available. The start of the week brings an immediate shift in the cosmic energy as the Sun moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Aquarius energy is great to use if you need to make dynamic changes in your life. If there are areas of your life that need repair, then Aquarius season is a great time to work on them.
Later in the week, Mars is going to conjoin Uranus and square Jupiter bringing the Jupiter-Uranus energy that’s been around all month back on stage again. Since this energy is Mars influenced, and with Jupiter Uranus already an impulsive aspect, you need to think things through before acting. Moreover, Mars conjunct Uranus is accident prone so proceed with caution, and perhaps wear a hard hat.
This weekend the Sun makes its yearly conjunction with Saturn. Sun-Saturn is great for personal advancement and taking care of your responsibilities, but don’t expect fun and games this weekend because completing tasks may supersede personal enjoyment. Best Coventry candles for this week are Blessed Herbal Problem Solver, Protection, and Stability, and Wicked Witch Mojo Wishin’ Mojo.
January 25, 2021 – January 31, 2021. The astrological energy slows down for the last week of January, but we still have a few configurations that pack quite a wallop. At the beginning of the week, a difficult square occurs between the Sun and Uranus that could shake things up. The main strategy to navigate through Sun-Uranus aspects is to expect the unexpected. That way when they occur you are not thrown completely off course.
On Thursday, besides the Full Moon in Leo, Venus conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Venus-Pluto’s contacts are usually extremely intense because Pluto likes to drag love and relationships into the underworld. Often, difficult emotions such as jealousy and anger can enter relationships and become problematic if not handled correctly. The good news is that the Sun conjoins Jupiter on the same day, which could lighten up the energy enormously. Finally, on Saturday, Mercury turns retrograde in social Aquarius. Remember to back up your computer and data devices, finalize any plans and decisions, and expect communication snafus to occur. Coventry Candle best for this week are Blessed Herbal Protection, Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer, Affirmation Tranquility, Motor City Hoo Doo Adam and Eve.
Meet Storm at www.stormcestavani.com. For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars. Meet Patty Shaw at www.healingwithpattyshaw.com.
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