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New Moon in Capricorn January 13, 2021

There is a New Moon in Capricorn on January 13th. This is a very special New Moon as it contains all the magic, power, and stardust needed to help you get a new job, start a business, put sparkles on your reputation, or get a promotion.

Basically, anything that will help you take the next step in fulfilling your dreams. The catch you say? The catch is in how you play it. Are you willing and able to do the work? Are you seeing and understanding that you need to let go of some things? Do you recognize the old and outdated ideas of yourself and your world view? When you answer yes, the moon will provide.

New Moon Ritual for Playing this Energy Right

During the 24 hours of the peak of the new moon on January 13th, do this ritual. You will need a Blessed Herbal Needed Changes candle, Wicked Witch Mojo Everything and Then some oil, Wicked Good Florida water, a small bowl, a piece of jewelry you like to wear often, or a crystal you can easily keep with you. Clear quartz is the easiest to program.

Start by creating a sacred space to work in. Let it be physically, and spiritually protected. Call upon your higher self, divine guides, or the earth to help you. Instructions for creating a sacred space are found on page 64 of Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.

Next, place your two unwrapped candles in candle holders. Fill the small bowl with an inch or two of Wicked Good Florida water, and put the crystal or jewelry in it, then place it aside.

Light the Blessed Herbal Needed Changes candle first. You may say the blessing if you wish. While it is burning, ask that your crystal or jewelry is cleared of any vibrations it is holding. Returning it to neutral. Then bring your attention to yourself. Ask that you are released from any vibrations that have been binding you to a past that no longer works for you. This will include unhealthy attachments to people who influence you, your own view of yourself, your work ethic, anything that diminishes your energy level, and enthusiasm. Also, you will need to clear your own negative beliefs or attitudes about prosperity, being rewarded, getting a fair chance, and being seen. Memories will come up. See them and then let them go into the flame of the candle. They are all the challenges, mistakes, and slights that made up all the reasons that brought you here today. Have an appreciation for the lessons they taught you. Let yourself empty of the heaviness of the past. Forgive yourself and forgive others. This is a very powerful way to be truly free of the energy that binds you to a painful past.

When you feel complete, extinguish the candle and know the work is done. Now anoint yourself with the Florida water. Place a drop on your index finger and touch it to your higher self (just reach up and connect with the chakra 24” above your head) your third eye, throat chakra, heart chakra, and navel chakra. Know that your mind, voice, soul, and emotions are being aligned with your higher self and preparing you for a new way of being. An elevated way. Going forward you will be more aware of your higher self and the guidance that flows continuously from it to your mind.

Now you are ready to program the crystal or jewelry. Take it out of the bowl of Florida water and dry it off. It is clear and ready for a blessing that will support you as you change and grow. Anoint it with the Wicked Witch Everything and then some oil. This will align it with attracting to you what you want. Now tell your crystal/jewelry what you need help with. The job, promotion, reputation repair, getting into school or program, or starting or attracting new business. Go into detail. Paint a picture in your mind and send it to the crystal or jewelry. Hold the crystal/jewelry in front of your heart chakra. Let the energy from your heart flow into it. Now it is programmed. Wear the jewelry or carry the crystal with you as often as possible, especially on job interviews or business meetings.

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Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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