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How to Keep a Tranquil Home

How to Keep a Tranquil Home

I sat down with Patty Shaw and Jacki Smith, owners of Coventry Creations and talked about cleansing up negative energies for the summer. We talked about what are some typical causes of stress in the home and how to tell when it is affecting people's lives, energies and relationships.


Q: What energetically are frequent causes for a stressful home.


Jacki: A big cause is simply bringing energy home with you.  You are at work or school and someone’s else’s bad day seeps into your aura.  Our you could have had a rough day and you unconsciously start to “share the pain”  with your house on everybody living in it.

Patty:  There are also ghosts, power lines that are nearby, too much electricity running through your house.  You have got to unplug sometimes.

Jacki: There are al to of unspoken emotions, and OVER abundance of emotions.

Patty: Grudges too.  You know that energy of people you are going to have a just hasn’t happened yet or a lot of unspoken bad feelings. It could even be an unclean house or a giant to do list.


Q: Is is difficult for people to pick up that there is this heavy energy in the house?


Patty: Yes! Many times you feel irritated but can’t put your finger on it.

Jacki: I think it is a blind spot, we become so used to it. It’s like the smell of the cat’s litter box,, the scent is there, but you no longer notice it.

Patty: It also makes you sleepy or wanna tune out.  Just sit around and watch TV.


Q: What are the warning signs?

Patty: You avoid going home

Jacki: You want to just mindlessly sleep

Patty: Or you can’t sleep at all.

Jacki: ...well you want to sleep instantly but you just can’t

Patty: You may pick fights or even drink more than usual.

Jacki: Any sort of of escapism

Patty: Your kids also act up, everyone’s on edge.


How do you start to fix this?

Jacki:  Try to break down what you are feeling inside the house?  Is it anxiety? Is it anger? Are your depressed or is there is something extra that is polluting your space.

Patty.  I think start with clearing away the negative energy from electronics.  We have surrounded ourselves with all kinds of electronics that are wonderful in many ways, but they can clog you all up.

Jacki: You know what is overwhelming you really.  Always feeling angry or wasting the day away on the couch.  You know what it is that you want to change.  So take on that problem.


Next week we will talk about some simple and easy ways to cleanse different types of energy from your home. Some you many know about or have even forgotten about but it’s great to have a nice refresher!


Brighten up your summer displays with the Summer Set from Coventry Wholesale.

The Set includes 3 each of the following candles:

Happiness Blessed Herbal Pillar

Happy Home Blessed Herbal Pillar

Soulmate Affirmation

Love Affirmation

Sacred White Sage Pillar

Sweetgrass Container

Road Opener Hoodoo


Van Van Hoodoo


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