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Type 40 sales

Over the next few weeks you'll be seeing some changes to the Type 40 sales site.

We have a minor paint job coming as well as some potential new offerings. Also look forward to getting a little extra info from your account managers. They are planning on looking deeper into some business trends, articles and general information. If you are available, join their quarterly zoom conversation for updates on Coventry products and events. Can't make the meeting? It'll always be available in the Type 40 Sales youtube channel. We're headed into new adventures for the rest of 2023 and into our 20th anniversary in 2024. 20th what? Yep 20 years of Type 40 Sales. I think we all blinked and it just happened.

I almost forgot. With some website changes you might not be able to find all of the Wicked Good Energetic oils you have ordered in the past. While we upgrade some processes your account managers can help you order what ever you are looking for. They are here to help.


Type-40 Sales Head Nerd


Wicked Good Florida Water


Wicked Witch Mojo Fast Cash Candle


Wicked Good Easy Street - Money Draw Spray 

Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Crown of Success Spray

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  890 Hits

World Magic Peace Candle

Our special on Peace candles has come to a close. It ends on November 30th, but Peace candles are going to stick around for a while. We think they are really needed right now.  For the month of December and January, or until demand wines down, you can order Peace candle at any quantity at the regular price of $8.80, wholesale.  Join us in giving Peace a chance.  


Patty Shaw
Vice President Coventry Creations, 
Visit for your bit of magic.
Co-owner of the Candle Wick Shoppe, Ferndale, MI 


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  891 Hits

Home Clear and Bless - A Witches Union Spell Box

SB HCDon’t get stuck in a quagmire of dirty energy, take a broom to all the corners and get that stagnant muck out of your house with this month’s Home Clear and Bless Spell Box. Get rid of the old and make room for the new! This spell box comes complete with Wicked Good Smudge Spray, a Power Votive Coventry Glass candle holder, a Happy Home Blessed Herbal Votive candle, and a spell crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith.

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© 2016-10-15 14:52:52

  792 Hits

Peace on Earth

SC NOVCalamity Calmer Spell Caster Card


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, and all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Let's face it, if Humpty Dumpty hadn't been sitting on the wall, teetering on the edge, day after day, he never would have hit the ground.

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© 2016-10-15 14:52:52

  952 Hits

Miss America May Have Had it Right

W PEPeace - Inner and outer - we can all use some more.


What this world needs is a little peace, love and understanding. We are all thinking it, craving it, and needing it. The Limited Edition World Magic Peace candle fills those cravings and helps you create the peace you seek.

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© 2016-10-15 14:52:52

  834 Hits

Sizzling Summer Shipping Policies

Picture this, a box of candles travels in a hot truck from the factory to a scorching warehouse where it sits for the weekend.  What is the likelihood that the box will make it to its destination without the candles melting?  The answer is slim to none.  This isn’t the first time Mother Nature has turned up the heat.  Here’s what it means for you:  
No shipments on Fridays.  Only local shipping on Thursdays.  Long distance orders MUST ship on Mondays.Please order when you need to and we’ll take care of the rest.
UPS holds orders when you are closed, so please contact Crystal if your shop is closed during any weekday. We can factor that into our shipping schedule and keep your order out of the barn!
Please help us help you and check your shipments upon arrival.  Damaged product and shipping errors must be reported within 5 days so check your order once it is received to report any issues. We will be calling to remind you to check your order so you don’t miss an opportunity to get fresh product fast in case something horrible happens enroute.
It’s roasting in the factory as well.  Candles are slow to cool and getting stuck in molds.  The freezers are laboring through the humidity and the production staff is slogging through like the champs they are, but nothing can change the fact that the weather is slowing things down.  We’re asking for your patience on backordered items; it’s just taking us a little longer to get stock out of the door.
Together we can beat the heat!  Thanks for your help and here’s to hoping for a very pleasant fall!


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  833 Hits

The Ghosts are disappearing fast!

To our delight, you all clammered for the Crossroads candles.  Sadly, some of our customers ended up empty handed.  Don’t let that happen to you with our next limited edition!  The trend continues, Ghost and Hekate candles are disappearing fast.  Place your orders before they are gone, gone, gone!
Order Ghost candles in case packs of 16 candles of your choosing* for 10% off.  Only $71.28 after discount! Coupon code SEPT16.
Order Hekate World Magic in case packs of 9 candles for 10% off.  Only $71.28 after discount!  Coupon code SEPT16.
These candles are available individually at full price as well.  Add them to your order today!
*Please make a note in the comments.


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  651 Hits

Oils are your summer sellers!

We all know that candles sales can slow down in the summer as our magical customers are turning to their gardens, doing more outdoor activities, and not wanting to increase the heat with another flame!   It's hard to keep a magical candle lit in an outdoor ritual!

Coventry oils on the other hand, can become the the magical heroes of the dog days of summer.   You can anoint your crystals and amulets and turn them into walking spells.   You can make any item you carry with you a magical item.  You can blend them with your herbs and make an amazing magical sachet or just put drops in your shoes to keep your sockless summer footwear just a bit fresher. 

The Motor City Hoo Doo oils case packs are on special until May 31st.  Mix and match your sets of 3 at 15% off wholesale. 


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Type-40 Sales Feb 2016 specials

15% discount on Wicked WItch Mojo orders of $100 or more   (Coupon code FEBWWM15)

3 New candles and oils!


The three new candles and oils hit home with the top trending concerns in the magical market.  Dorothy has offered version of these products to her direct clients and they have been best sellers.





Bitch Be Gone - “So powerfully effective, your target might just disappear into thin air!”


Forever Mine - “Love me, romance me, melt me into a puddle?  Nothing does the job better than Forever Mine!”


Wakin’ the Dead - “If you want the Ancestors to help you, you’ve gotta wake them up!”


It’s the month of Dorothy and all wickedly witchy things!   Since 2011 we have been celebrating our partnership with the illustrious Dorothy Morrison and 2015 is no different.   This year we are expanding the Wicked Witch Mojo line with 3 hot sellers that will be available all year and giving a 15% discount to boot!


WIcked Witch Mojo Display sets -


WWM-DISP  $307.75   This candle display set includes 53 Wicked Witch Mojo candles and a hand crafted custom display, and POP sign -  total value: $347.50    This set is makes a fast launch of bestselling products. Typically, products presented in our displays sell 25% faster than shelved products.  The candle display dimensions are 13.5” x 12” x 13.5” Each display is hand crafted from sustainable beetle-kill pine and has a no VOC finish.

WWO-DISP  $302.00  The Oil Display package comes with 48 Oils (16 sets of 3), 16 Full Size Testers (one for each scent ordered), and 2 tiered hand crafted custom display. It is valued at $366. This set is makes a fast launch of bestselling products. Typically, products presented in our displays sell 25% faster than shelved products.   The two tier oil display dimensions are 12.5”H x 10.5”W x 10”D  each display is hand crafted from sustainable beetle-kill pine and has a no VOC finish.

WWM DISP both 


Questions?   Call us at 1-800-810-3837

Ready to order?  Sign in at or call in or email your order.  We are ready for you.

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  870 Hits

Now... again... Peace is critical

I cannot say that I am excited that there is a global need for the Peace candle.   I can say that I am grateful that we have our Peace candle to offer our Coventry family in this time of heartbreak and fear. 

We invite you and your customers to repair and build upon the web of peace that generations of prayers have built.  Our work is not done yet and the Peace candle is designed to help amplify peaceful prayers, intentions and wishes. 

The orders for the limited edition Peace candle are pouring in and we have rearranged to do an extra batch to meet the needs.   We should be able to keep them available through December with this additional production. 

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  961 Hits

What happens to a full Blessed Herbal Candle display?

I brought in one of the new Blessed Herbal Candle displays to take a few shots.... (I'll tell you about hose later)  I filled it with product, angled it just so and started setting up my camera and lights.   

I turned my back one time and 1 candle was sold.  I went to fill it with an extra candle and 2 more were sold.  Eventually I had to post a guard for a few moments just to squeeze off to 10 shots I needed. 

By the next morning, this was my display and my back stock was sold too.   Lesson learned - always keep my BHC display full and it won't let me down. 

I will also tell you a secret - there is a invitation only special about to be sent to our newsletter list.   If you haven't signed up on our newsletter - do it now or you will miss out on our super secret squirrel special.

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  942 Hits

When a wanted sign stirs up some good passion...

One we put the Witches Wanted sign in our window the funniest thing started happening....

People wanted to know what that meant!  Are we witches? Do we teach witches?   Are we evil?  Are we bad witches?  Do we eat children or at the least convert them to our evil ways?

It's ok.  They came in the door, saw our Halloween goodies and inevitably made a purchase and we gave them a Spell Caster Witches Union Card. 

So yes, witches are wanted and we will send you home with a smile

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  924 Hits

Stock up your stores for Halloween!

Stock up your stores for Halloween!

Coventry Creations has got you covered for the Halloween season!  We have many special pours and display material this fall to keep your store full of fun and topical products for the fall season of the Witch! Here are some items that we have made just for Halloween:

Ghost Candles:  The ghost candles are typically made in the late summer for the fall season.  This is the time when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest and many people get into the ghost mood.  Whether you are looking to protect yourself from unwanted energy or you are trying to reach out to those in the beyond, the ghost candles are perfect from a  group getting together for a seance to working alone.  

Halloween Candles:  These group of candles are old favorites from past Coventry lines that were always in demand around Halloween.  Many folks works with their ancestors, autumn rituals or paying tribute to the wonderful riches mother nature has provided. These tall candles are labeled with beautiful original artwork sure to catch the eye of customers walking by your store, they will go great with any Halloween display. 

Witches Union Spell Boxes: The witches union display set is a brand new program from the brilliant mind of Jacki Smith.  She was inspired by the idea of a supportive group of folks who feel safe to proclaim proudly that they are in fact a witch and all the rich history and wonderful community that includes. The Witches Union features original spells starting off with the Witches Brew line. The display set features 2 in store posters, double sided spell caster club recipes and witches union cards. You can get the display set for free with a purchase of $150 or more of the Witches Brew line. There will also be ready made set featuring all of the Witches Brew line that will come with not only the Witches Union Display set, but the Witches Brew candles will be 15% off!

Spell Boxes:  The Witches Union, in addition to the Witches Brew display set, will also have ready made spell sets for purchase throughout the fall. These boxes are inspired by popular traditions and rituals done in the late summer and autumn. These sets come in a pre packed box with the candles, a spell recipe card and a Witches Union Card.  You are more then welcome to use the witches Union card to create your own sets, but we have created some pre made sets to take all the work out of it for you!

We would also love to see pictures of what you have done with your store!  Please post pictures of your store on our Facebook at coventry creation or in our instagram @coventrycandles so that the whole Coventry community can see your beautiful work.

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  1238 Hits

Join the Witches Union

Join the Witches Union

The Witches Union is here!

We are bursting with excitement to announce our Witches Union program and have cooked up fun ways to help you promote Coventry products in your store. This pop material will help you sell more product as your customers pick and choose what they need from the spell cards. And who wouldn’t want to be a card carrying member of Coventry’s witches union?

The Witches Union promotion is made for promoting the sales of the Witches Brew line.  You will be able to find the promotional set under both categories Witches Brew and the Witches Union.  To receive the promotion free of charge, just add $150 or more of any Witches Brew Pillar, Oil or votive to your cart.  Don't forget to also add the Witches Union display set as well.

Have it all and save 15%

If you want a full display set plus the witches brew line, we also have the Witches Brew set, this will come with the display material, the witches union cards, the spell recipes and 3 of each pillar, 3 of each oil and 1 box of each votive.  This set has an additional incentive of being 15% off the wholesale price, making it a can't miss deal!

You can get as creative as you want with this set,  you can package the candles together as a set or leave it out as a display.  We would love to see the create ways you put the display to work for you!  Post it yo our facebook coventry creation to let the whole community see your stuff.  Already have lots of Witches Brew that you would like to promote?  Contact Crystal at [email protected] about pricing on just the display set with out the candles. 


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  1321 Hits

The Halloween Season Has Arrived!

The Halloween Season Has Arrived!

The beginning of September is the best.  School is back in session, there is a crispness and clarity to the air.  If you are in the north you can see the first glimpse of the trees changing color. This time is magical.  There is a bustle to the world as the heat has lost its bite and everyone has started the season of shopping.  

For us at the Coventry Creations factory it is an exciting time too.  We have amped up our products and have a nice full staff.  We are also making candles that we only get to make once a year.  The ghost candles started to be available in August and now we have our final special series of the year, the Halloween special pour. 

These candles are all about the traditions and costumes of the fall season. The labels are beautifully designed by artist Tami Jo Urban and the blessing and recipes created by Jacki and Patty. There is Hekate, Halloween, Santisima Muerte and Dia de los Muertos.

You can buy the Halloween candles in 2 ways:

1)They are available for sale in units of 4.  What this means is that if you buy the Hekate, you will receive 4 pillars of the Hekate.  This is perfect for those who have certain styles that sell better than others regionally or that are just fan favorites.

2) In a case pack with 10% off.  If you wanted to have all of the styles, we do also offer a case pack of 4 candles of each style for a case pack of 16 total.  If you order in a case pack, you will receive 10% off. 

Just like last year, we made a limited amount of these candles and they will be sold on a first come first serve basis.

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  1254 Hits

Halloween Candles Coming in September!

a1sx2_Original1_Halloween-collage.jpgHalloween Candles are Back!

The Halloween candles are coming in September! Celebrate the Halloween season with candles that work with themes such as honoring your ancestors, connections with the spirit world, traditions and family.  The special edition candles are only made once a year in honor of this time where we reflect on both life and death.   We pulled from many cultures in order to represent love and respect for the traditions and beliefs.  

We are going to sell the Halloween candles in quantities of 4. You do not have to buy them in sets of 16 like last year, so you will be able to pick the best sellers from the group from last year or ones that you think will appeal to your store the best! There will be Hekate, Night of the Witch, Day of the Dead and Santisima Muerte.  When you purchase 1 unit, you will receive 4 candle of the same style.

If you are interested in reserving a set, you can contact Crystal at 800-810-3837 or [email protected]. We do require a credit card number to reserve a set. If you do reserve a set, the candles will be sent out in the first week of September. Please note, the Halloween candles are only made in small batches. Once they are sold out, they will not be available. We sell the candles on a first come, first serve basis.  



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  1405 Hits

Aren’t They Just Another Room Spray?

Aren’t They Just Another Room Spray?

In 2013, the staff at our downtown retail shop had an idea.  They wanted to do our Sage candle as a spray.  We tested it out, and like a cheesy romcom, the reaction was seemingly serendipitous.  Our customers loved it and it flew off the shelves.  With that boost of confidence, we expanded the line to be 8 smudge sprays that we would go on to call Wicked Good Sprays.

I do the marketing with the owner of the company Jacki Smith.  As soon as I saw the sprays, I fell in love.  I also fell in love with the reactions our customers had when they bought and used the products.  I really wanted these sprays to go wholesale.   Jacki did as well, but as the boss, she had a bigger vision than my need to make it happen noooow.  She showed amazing patience as I channeled my impatient inner little kid asking “are we there yet, are we there yet?”

In 2015, I got my wish.  The smudge sprays were going to be introduced for wholesale production.  I was ecstatic, that is right ecstatic. (smudge spray nerd alert) I was incredibly happy that I was going to be able to market these sprays to the world! Why was I so excited?  Honestly, the Wicked Good Sprays called to me as it seemed like the perfect alternative to our candles. I also saw how much our customers in Ferndale liked it, I was eager to pass that onto to our stores.

When I started telling folks about the spray though I got one main reaction; apathy. “Oh you guys too huh?” or “yeah everyone is doing those” or “we already have tons of room sprays.” I knew room sprays were a “thing” now, I mean that is why our downtown shop started making them, customer request.  I think what has happened is what always happened, there is a trend, so companies quickly product something and there just isn’t that magic or passion behind it. 

What I wanted to shout from the roof top is that these sprays were practically created by our customer feedback and the same recipes as our candles.  We have always been that company that focused what was inside the product before its beautiful packaging.  It is in our mission statement that we create products with spiritual integrity before we follow a trend.

My happy moment came when after sending the sprays to a few testing sights, one store reported back on the Easy Street spray. She said she really like the smell of the Ninja power and customers were really drawn to the Dragon’s Blood but the best part was her story about the easy street. “What I can tell you is that the Easy Street really works, we were having a really slow week and we were worried we wouldn’t make our numbers.  I sprayed the easy street around partly for its intent and partly to test out your product. Well, a half hour later we had one of our best days in a while so we will defiantly keep spraying it!”  This was one of those conversations that brought me back to my passion about the smudge sprays.  They worked! 

As someone who works for the company, I know my opinion is a little bit bias and I know there are a lot of options and decisions to be made.  What I can really say about our sprays is that you’re getting a product with spiritual integrity, made by folks who really believe in the product. Give us a try, buy a couple and even just use them yourself or have your staff try them out to see how they work.  When you believe in the integrity of something, you will sell a whole bunch of it.  Your customers come to your store because they trust in you and believe in your message, and we are here to help you keep your message true. 

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  1623 Hits

Ghost Candles Now Available for Purchase!-ONLY 4 CASES LEFT!

Ghost Candles Now Available for Purchase!-ONLY 4 CASES LEFT!

The Ghost Candles are Back!

Starting August 1st, the popular Ghost candles are back in stock!  We have made 4 batches of each line to be available for sale in August available until sold out.  Once they have been sold out, they will only be available until next year.

Check out the Ghost candle category in our store to see what each candle is for. Here are the Ghost candle styles:


There are two ways that you can purchase the Ghost candles:

  1. In a Case Pack with a 10% discount.  The case pack will contain for each of the following candles: Home Clear and Bless, Night Terror, Ghost Repel and Séance. There will be 16 total in the case.  If you buy per case, you will receive a 10% discount off each ghost candle.  
  2. Per individual candle.  We are also selling the candles individually, in case you only needed one kind or wanted to supplement your case pack. There will be 100 candles of each kind made for individual sale.  Individual candles for sale are: Home Clear and Bless, Night Terror, Ghost Repel and Séance. Purchased individually, they will be sold at the full price.

The Ghost candles are sold on a first come, first serve basis.  They are only produced once a year and will not be produced after this batch has been sold out. The ghost candles to no apply to our "no dust" policy. 

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  1622 Hits

Wicked Good Sprays Have Officially Launched -Video

Wicked Good Sprays Have Officially Launched -Video

Wicked Good Sprays Are Here!

The Wicked Good room sprays have officially launched for Coventry Wholesale!  When I asked Jacki how I should describe the sprays, she quickly said "it's our candle magic with out the spray" and that is exactly what it is.  We have been selling the sprays for over a year now locally in Ferndale Michigan and they have become a popular alternative to use in spell work, energy work, clearing energy out or bringing what you want into a space. It has been a HUGE hit with out Reiki instructors at the Candle Wick Shop, in particular the Smudge Spray, Rosemary and Sage.  

I really pushed for the Wicked Good Sprays to be made available to the wholesale market because I saw how well they took off in our store downtown.  After a lot of hard work, and even reformulating a few times, the spray is ready.  We would like to thank all those who gave us valuable feedback to help make this a wonderfully high quality spray without sacrificing all the magic.

I had the Coventry staff who has used and sold the sprays the most this past year sit down and talk about their favorite Wicked Good Spray!


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  1159 Hits

Ghost Candles Back for a Limited Time!

Ghost Candles Back for a Limited Time!

The Ghost Candles are Back!

Starting August 1st, the popular Ghost candles are back in stock!  We have made 4 batches of each line to be available for sale in August available until sold out.  Once they have been sold out, they will only be available until next year. This year we have Home Clear and Bless, Night Terror, Ghost Repel and Seance and you can buy them at under Ghost Candles.

This year there will be two ways that you can purchase the Ghost candles:

  1. In a Case Pack.  The case pack will contain for each of the following candles: Home Clear and Bless, Night Terror, Ghost Repel and Seance. There will be 16 total in the case.  If you buy per case, you will receive a 10% discount off each ghost candle.  So the case instead of being at 4.95 each for 79.20, the case will be 4.45 each candle for 71.28 per case pack. We will be making 25 cases.

  2. Per individual candle.  We are also selling the candles individually, in case you only needed one kind or wanted to supplement your case pack. There will be 100 candles of each kind made for individual sale.  Individual candles for sale are: Home Clear and Bless,  Night Terror, Ghost Repel and Seance. Purchased individually, they will be sold at the full price of 4.95,

The Ghost candles will be available on August 1st and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like to reserve a set, you can contact Crystal at 800-810-3837 or [email protected]. We do require a credit card number to reserve a set. If you do reserve a set, the candles will be sent out in the first week of August. The ghost candles are not part of our "no dust" policy.

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