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Wicked Witch Mojo Limited Edtion

Astro Magic Candles

Astro Magic Candles

Supercharge your celestial energy with our new Astro Magic candles! 10 beautifully-boxed candles that are specially formulated to help you navigate the astrological calendar and channel the influences of our planets and stars. Each box comes complete with a candle, blessing, and a 12-page companion booklet with helpful information and tips on how to get the most of your Astro Magic connections. Remember: As above, so below. So reach out beyond the sky and expand your world with Astro Magic.

Astro Magic Full Moon - Let it Go Candle

Astro Magic Full Moon - Let it Go Candle

Release your spell, clear the old, complete a cycle, or cleanse yourself of limits, the moon is at h..

Astro Magic Jupiter - Lucky Star Candle

Astro Magic Jupiter - Lucky Star Candle

Align yourself with Jupiter energy to improve anything and everything, it is the guardian angel plan..

Astro Magic Mars - IDGAF Candle

Astro Magic Mars - IDGAF Candle

When you need to stand up for yourself and take what you want and deserve, Mars is the planet to ali..

Astro Magic Mercury - Truth Serum Candle

Astro Magic Mercury - Truth Serum Candle

When you need the truth, you need Mercury.  Just the facts are what Mercury is concerned about...

Astro Magic Mercury Retrograde - Neutralizer Candle

Astro Magic Mercury Retrograde - Neutralizer Candle

Is it Mercury Retrograde again? You can take cover or you can tame the MRx.  There is a mistake..

Astro Magic New Moon - Let it Grow Candle

Astro Magic New Moon - Let it Grow Candle

Align yourself with the New Moon to open up new possibilities and create with big magic. The gr..

Astro Magic Saturn - Get the F* Out Candle

Astro Magic Saturn - Get the F* Out Candle

When you are at your limit with a person, influence, or even your own bad habits, it’s time to..

Astro Magic The Sun - Curse Breaker Candle

Astro Magic The Sun - Curse Breaker Candle

Your star power is energized by The Sun, transforming you from cursed to blessed.  Use The Sun ..

Astro Magic Venus - That Bitch Candle

Astro Magic Venus - That Bitch Candle

Money, love, fame, influence, Venus will get it all for you. When you need to be That Bitch who has ..

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