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Deal with your fear and feel invincible

HM Deal with your fear and feel invincibleEvery now and again I get a flurry of inquiries about psychic protection. Are you teaching a class? What crystals should I carry? Which candle do I need for my situation? I was told I need a spiritual cleansing, what’s that? These questions often come from people just learning about energy.

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  861 Hits

Expand your Customer Base with our Affirmation Line

Dec2017WholesaleblogimageWith the fast advancement of technology this world has become a very scary place to many. Also with the breaking down of the traditional family unit more and more people are looking for resolutions of their life challenges in nontraditional ways. Spiritual businesses are a resource for answers to these issues.

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© 2017-11-19 10:34:20

  1132 Hits

Where Magic Happens

Where Magic Happens is a big claim and a big vision to fill. At Coventry we see magic as the moment when you move past your limiting challenge into the healing that manifests the life you desire. Magic is our passion, and we live that passion in every candle, message and fragrance we create.

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© 2017-11-19 10:34:20

  910 Hits

Ghost Candles Now Available for Purchase!-ONLY 4 CASES LEFT!

Ghost Candles Now Available for Purchase!-ONLY 4 CASES LEFT!

The Ghost Candles are Back!

Starting August 1st, the popular Ghost candles are back in stock!  We have made 4 batches of each line to be available for sale in August available until sold out.  Once they have been sold out, they will only be available until next year.

Check out the Ghost candle category in our store to see what each candle is for. Here are the Ghost candle styles:


There are two ways that you can purchase the Ghost candles:

  1. In a Case Pack with a 10% discount.  The case pack will contain for each of the following candles: Home Clear and Bless, Night Terror, Ghost Repel and Séance. There will be 16 total in the case.  If you buy per case, you will receive a 10% discount off each ghost candle.  
  2. Per individual candle.  We are also selling the candles individually, in case you only needed one kind or wanted to supplement your case pack. There will be 100 candles of each kind made for individual sale.  Individual candles for sale are: Home Clear and Bless, Night Terror, Ghost Repel and Séance. Purchased individually, they will be sold at the full price.

The Ghost candles are sold on a first come, first serve basis.  They are only produced once a year and will not be produced after this batch has been sold out. The ghost candles to no apply to our "no dust" policy. 

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  1638 Hits

Gathering Graveyard Dirt

Gathering Graveyard Dirt

by Dorothy Morrison. Well known author of books as the author of Lucinda's Web, Everyday Magic, The Craft, Utterly Wicked and many other books. A native Texan, she is  a Third Degree Wiccan High Priestess of the Georgian Tradition, founded the Coven of the Crystal Garden in 1986, and spent many years teaching the Craft to students in eight states and in Australia. Dorothy currently ensconced in studies of the RavenMyst Circle Tradition, and enjoys membership in the Coven of the Raven.


There are probably as many theories on how to gather graveyard dirt as there are graves on the planet.  And the truth of the matter is that the exact procedure just depends upon who you ask.  For that reason, you’ll only find my personal protocol listed in the guidelines below.


Timing:  It’s said that for good works, graveyard dirt should be taken within the hour before midnight, and for evil, within the hour after midnight.  That’s all well and fine, but it can really pose a problem in today’s world.  The reason is that most cemeteries are locked up tighter than a drum at dusk.  And unless you want to open yourself up to a trespassing charge – and Gods know what else – you’d best be gathering your dirt during normal “business hours.”


That said, I usually don’t worry about what time of day I’m handling my collection.  Instead, I simply tell the spirit precisely why I want the dirt and wait for permission.  Yes, sometimes, permission is denied, but that’s okay, too.  When that happens, I just finish my conversation, thank the spirit for chatting with me, and strike up a conversation with another of the resident dead.


The only exception is when I need to work at cross-purposes with someone else.  And for that, I begin my digging at times when the hands of the clock are in direct opposition to each other, and in a position to cross-quarter its face if there were four hands instead of two.  The exact times are 9:15, 12:30, 2:45, and 6:00.


Protection:  Because spirits are not always the peaceable, gentle creatures we assume they are, you’ll occasionally run across one who decides to wreak havoc with your work.  For this reason I always wear a necklace that I’ve charged for protection when I enter a cemetery - any sort of amulet or talisman will do if it’s charged properly – and then ask Oya for Her blessing.  This keeps any ornery spirits at bay, since not even the most mischievous would dare to mess with Her!


Payment:  Never enter a cemetery without at least nine dimes in your pocket.  There are several reasons for this.  For one thing, it’s polite to give something back in payment for the dirt you’re taking, and nine dimes is the acceptable payment.  There’s also a theory that dimes cut the connection with harmful spirits, and if the dirt’s paid for in that medium, they won’t attach themselves to you or your property.  In any case, I always bury the dimes where I’ve taken the dirt and I’ve never had the slightest bit of trouble.


One more thing about the dimes:  Some folks insist that only Mercury dimes be used for payment, as His likeness appears on the coins and entices Him to aid in communications.  While I certainly see the sense in this, these particular dimes are not easy to come by anymore.  So, if you want Mercury’s help, a better solution might be to just come right out and ask Him for it.


Tools:  While the most acceptable form of gathering dirt is to dig it with your hands, there’s little I abhor more than getting dirt under my nails – and there’s no way to dig by hand and keep that from happening.  As a result, I’ve taken to using an old soup spoon.  It’s handy, it fits right in my purse, and is easily cleaned between diggings with a baby wipe.


Some practitioners also like to use a knife for digging, as they say it cuts any connection to unsavory spirits that may be hanging around.


Storing:  Some folks say it’s unlucky to bring graveyard dirt into your home, but I’ve never found that to be true.  However, I do keep it sealed in zippered plastic bags, labeled with my intention, the name of its donor, and the related birth and death dates.

Why even worry about the age of the donor?  Because depending on the work at hand, age may actually have a bearing on the results – especially if you intend for the related spirit to aid you in your efforts.  The dirt from a child’s grave, for example, might work well for cementing a loving friendship, but wouldn’t do much good if a scorching melt-you-into-a-puddle romance was at stake.  The rule of thumb here is to never use dirt from a donor that could not possibly have experienced your desired result.  And proper labeling is one way of avoiding that pitfall.

One more thing.  Please remember to check for earthworms before you bag the dirt, and release any that you find.  I can’t say for sure that dead earthworms are unlucky, but there’s certainly no point in finding out!



[Used by permission and excerpted from Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison; published 2007 by WillowTree Press, St. Louis, MO]


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  1400 Hits

The 2015 Catalog is now Available

The 2015 Catalog is now Available

The 2015 updated catalog is here!  The catalog features our most current product listing, updated photos and descriptions of newer products like container candles and some facts about our candle sales in the back. 


Don't forget to order your new 2015 catalog!  Click the link here to go straight to the source!

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  1557 Hits

The Best Sellers of 2014

The Best Sellers of 2014

The MVPs of 2014

Well we made it through the bustle that is the end of 2014.  Virtual high fives all around! Hopefully your shelves are empty and in needing of restocking.  Although we love all our candles we do know that some are bound to fly of your shelves faster than others. We know that every penny counts in a small business so here are a list of our best sellers from 2014.

TOP 15 OVERALL (1 being the most):

1.     Blessed Herbal Money Draw

2.     Blessed Herbal Prosperity

3.     Blessed Herbal Protection

4.     Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing

5.     World Magic Sacred White Sage

6.     Blessed Herbal Attraction Love

7.     Blessed Herbal Healing

8.     Blessed Herbal Needed Change

9.     Blessing Kit Financial Growth

10.                       Blessed Herbal Happy Home

11.                       Blessing kit Abundance

12.                       Motor City Hoodoo Money Draw

13.                       Affirmation Prosperity

14.                       Blessing Kit Home Blessing

15.                       Blessing Kit Healing

Most Improved Players

Some of our candles sold many more units than in 2013. 

Here is a list of some of the most improved:

1.     World Magic Sacred White Sage (an increase of 40%!)

2.     Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing

3.     Blessed Herbal Happiness-as Male energies it was our lowest sellers, now it is in the top 35!

4.     The Blessing Kit line, every kit has increased considerably from 2013

5.     Witches Purse and Witches Brew Original: up 30% from last year.

Popular Power Votives

It was a banner year for the votives.  Sales increased by over 30%.  Here are the most popular of the votives

1.     World Votives Sacred White Sage

2.     Power Votives Money Draw

3.     Power Votives Protection

4.     Power Votives Attraction

5.     Power Votives Healing

6.     Witch Brew Votives Original


If you need any help on what to restock for 2015, please don’t hesitate to call at 800-810-3837 or email us [email protected]



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  1165 Hits

The Power Brokers of Love Are Here!

The Power Brokers of Love Are Here!

Take Love by the Horns

We have thought a lot about why people burn our candles. What are they looking for? What do they want to come of it? We set out to interview many folks about what drives them to certain products and what motivates. The main theme we heard on repeat was all about finding time for themselves and tapping into their inner strength to achieve their dreams. It seemed to be all about self-motivation and finding balance with work, family and spirituality.

These conversations inspired Jacki to create the Power Broker line. The idea of super hero crossed her mind as they are a perfect symbol for inner strength. The Power Brokers will only be available for a short time. Whether you are looking to gain confidence, finding love or being an independent woman; these ladies are here for you!

Our newest limited edition: The Power Brokers are here!  Our special pour of these powerful ladies just in time for Valentine’s Day called The Love Edition. These candles combine ideas of empowerment and self-improvement while focusing on matters of the heart and learning to love yourself.


Don't miss out on these popular candles. We make a limited quantity of these sets and they are sold on a first come first serve basis. Once they are marked sold out they are unavailable until the next year.  All limited editions are subject to change based on popularity.  

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  1180 Hits

Coventry Creations Wholesale Holiday hours


The Holiday Season is here!  Here are the hours of operation for Coventry Creations Wholesale:

Dec 1st-18th- Open and shipping 9-5

December 19th-Open 9-12pm

December 22-23rd Open and shipping 9-5pm

December 24-26th Closed

December 29-30th Open 9-5pm

December 31st-Jan 1st closed

If you have any further questions, please email us at [email protected].



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  1223 Hits

Get Set #6 The Big Payoff

Get Set #6 The Big Payoff

The Big Payoff

Do you ever work very hard on something and you just can’t seem to get the results you want?  There are times where it feels like there is a giant wall between you and your goals. For me, no matter how much I try, I can’t seem to get a savings started.  I save a bit and then my car breaks down or an unexpected bill arrives.  For these times it helps to get a kit together focus your energy on the big payoff, seeing results of something you have been working very hard on. It combines prosperity candles like Witches Purse and Money Draw with luck and the energy to see a project through.


Here is what’s in The Big Payoff Set:


Witches Brew: Witches Purse - This candle is made for unblocking and accessing prosperity.  


Blessed Herbal Candle- Money Draw - Drawing out quick solutions with prosperity.


Affirmation: Luck - Candle blends the colors, oils and sentiment that heightens your awareness to the luck that surrounds you

Wicked Witch Mojo Oil: Everything and Thensome - Rub a few drops onto the the Witches Pure candle in a downward direction to bring your desires towards you.


We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

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  1202 Hits

Gift Set #5 Comfort and Joy

Gift Set #5 Comfort and Joy

We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Can I Get a Little Comfort?

When you first move into a new house, after everything has been put away in its new place,

everything seems clear and organized. Fast forward years later and things have started to clutter.  Your own house can start to feel claustrophobic and create anxiety. This same feeling can happen spiritually as well. Years of ups and down and achievements and disappointments can cause you to be a spiritual horder.  This set is sweet and simple with just two candles devoted to cleanse away energy that causes worries, stress and a connection to the abundance of the universe.


Here is what is in a Comfort and Joy Gift set


World Magic Glass: Sacred White Sage- This focuses on spiritually cleansing any room, person or magical working. Sage clears the energy that had been limiting your growth

World Magic Glass: Sweet Grass -Sweet grass has been used for centuries by the native american people to cleanse away the worries, stress and energies that keep us apart from the sweetness of life.

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  1184 Hits

Peace is making a comeback!

Peace is making a comeback!

We are making 1 small batch of the retired Peace candle for the New Year.  You can find it under Holiday Magic Limited Editions and then click on Peace.

Whether it be the world outside you or inner turmoil, the energy of Peace is forever important.  As we take the end of the year to look inward and reflect.  Use the sweet subtle scents of the Peace candle to guide your way. 
We will be making only 54 of the World Magic Candle Peace. They will be available on a first come first serve basis.  It will be available for purchase online on Monday December 2nd under the category HOLIDAY MAGIC LIMITED EDITIONS Since this batch is so small we are not doing reservations.  We will make it available on the website until it is sold out. 
Don't miss out on these popular candles. Limited editions can be found under HOLIDAY MAGIC category in the Coventry Wholesale shop. Once they are marked sold out they are unavailable until further notice.  All limited editions are subject to change based on popularity.  All limited editions do not qualify for our "NO DUST" exchange policy.


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  1371 Hits

Gift Set Idea #1: Adventures in Dating

Gift Set Idea #1: Adventures in Dating

It's a Jungle Out There Sometimes.

The other day I was both amused and horrified by my latest tumblr obsession byefelipe.  For those who do not know about it, it is a series of screen shots of some truly disturbing things that were said to women in the online dating world. I will leave it to you to look it up, but I will give a warning that the language and subject matter can be a shocker.

Dating has always been tough.  Meeting a nice person. The beating your self esteem can take. Dealing with jerks.  Now add the online element and it seems like a 10 fold adventure. We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets that can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development.  Adventures in dating is the beginning of a series of 13 sets for different ways to package and market the idea of gift sets.  We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Here is our suggestions on a great Adventures in Dating Set:

Blessed Herbal: Loves Enchantment  Turning thoughts into desire whether you are a long-married couple or a new love interest, ignite an electric attraction between you, creating a passionate experience.

Motor City Hoodoo:  Cleo Mae Even the strongest Woman needs a little help once in a while, am I right sister? Cleo Mae loves to give us some extra power to control any situation. So bring it on World! 

Motor City Hoodoo: Come to me The name says it all. Use this candle to get the significant other you want. Simple as lighting a candle!

Blessed Herbal Oil: Attraction  Use the power of attraction to bring what you need and want a little closer.

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  1531 Hits

Price Reduction Announcement: Glass Container Candles

Price Reduction Announcement: Glass Container Candles

The Glass Container's Price is being reducedThe Glass Container Candles are slimming down their prices in October.  We were able to adjust a few items that we feel will make the candle more affordable while not lowering the quality of the candles. So basically the came high end wax, same 8% essential oil same 50+ burn time, same reusable glass and you still get a box of wooden matches but at a much reduced cost. The container candles will go from $13.95 each  to $9.75 each.  That means that a set of 3 will now be $29.25 instead of $41.85. That's a 30% reduction!  This will make the price more competitive an in line with some of the other glass candles you may already carry. 

Already purchased the candles at the higher price?

Don't worry if you have already purchased the container candles.  You will not be left out on this reduction.  All the stores that purchased the glass container candles will be receiving a credit on their account for the difference in price. This credit does not have to go toward more container candles if you don't want. Please call us at 800-810-3837 if you have any further questions about the container candles or the credit.

The container candles will still be sold in sets of three candles for shipping purposes so the price will reflect the three container candles. 

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  1487 Hits

New for 2014, Holiday Set is Here!

New for 2014, Holiday Set is Here!

Don't Miss out on the Seasonal Magic!

We all have our favorite Holidays be it religious, patriotic, a family tradition, or something spawned from your own imagination. For every type of season there is a special energy that we like to capture.  We try and release limited editions throughout out the year so that everyone can have access to their favorite celebration. 

Our next special pour is out Holiday candles. They are now available on the type40sales website under Holiday Magic.  These will be available until sold out.  Our retail promotion will be from mid November through December so don't miss out having them in your store.  We will be sending everyone to you!

Featuring festive scents like Cinnamon, Frankincense, Myrrh, and Juniper. This box set contains 16 candles total, 4 of each kind. Candles are 2x4 inches and have a 36 hour burn time. Labels designed by Jacki Smith.

This years candles are:

4- Very Merry-Bring home the scents of a full house with a nice big meal (New Reciepe for 2014!)

4-Ol' St. Nick-Give thanks to those in your life by showing generosity and good will towards others.(New Reciepe for 2014!) 

4-Yuel Fuel- Celebrate Yuel with this Juniper Candle. (our Green Man Blend)

4- Peace on Earth-Help build Harmony with others and for everyone to come together. (our World Magic Peace Blend)

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  1311 Hits

Any Upcoming Events in your Store?

Any Upcoming Events in your Store?

It's not brain science to know that the better our wholesale stores do, the better we do.  We want to support you and help get that foot traffic up in your store however we can!  If you haven't heard of it before, Coventry Creations has a shop local program.  It is a way for stores to share their events and products with all of the retail world.  These are then sent out in our retail newsletter and available for search online. Here are some details of the program.




1.      To create a “store locator” listing on the retail website where Coventry    Creations  products are       sold.

2.      List the in-store events in the wholesale retail monthly newsletter

3.    Advance notifications of products, specials and limited run products


WHO IS ELIGIBLE :  Any brick and mortar customer who is in good standing as a Coventry Creations customer



1.      Log onto Coventry Wholesale website

2.      Go to News (upper right corner)

3.      Click on “Join Shop Local Group”

4.       Complete name of store, and email.


5.       Click on subscribe button

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  1365 Hits

Ghost Candles are now available for sale!

Ghost Candles are now available for sale!

The Ghost candles are now available for sale on  We have already sold through half of the sets so please do not wait much longer if you wanted to stock up your shelves this fall!  In edition to the favorites spirit release, home clear and bless and night terror; we are introducing a new Ghost Candle called Seance  (or spirit talk) Get em while they're hot!

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  1345 Hits

This is how much Jacki likes our New Container Candles!

This is how much Jacki likes our New Container Candles!

The Container Candles are being posted to the website any day now! In preparation, Jacki is giving them one final test to make sure they are the best they can be. As a result there are container candles all over her's quite pretty really, don't you think!?

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  1303 Hits