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Wicked Good Sprays Have Officially Launched -Video

Wicked Good Sprays Have Officially Launched -Video

Wicked Good Sprays Are Here!

The Wicked Good room sprays have officially launched for Coventry Wholesale!  When I asked Jacki how I should describe the sprays, she quickly said "it's our candle magic with out the spray" and that is exactly what it is.  We have been selling the sprays for over a year now locally in Ferndale Michigan and they have become a popular alternative to use in spell work, energy work, clearing energy out or bringing what you want into a space. It has been a HUGE hit with out Reiki instructors at the Candle Wick Shop, in particular the Smudge Spray, Rosemary and Sage.  

I really pushed for the Wicked Good Sprays to be made available to the wholesale market because I saw how well they took off in our store downtown.  After a lot of hard work, and even reformulating a few times, the spray is ready.  We would like to thank all those who gave us valuable feedback to help make this a wonderfully high quality spray without sacrificing all the magic.

I had the Coventry staff who has used and sold the sprays the most this past year sit down and talk about their favorite Wicked Good Spray!


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Sanity Savers for Parents

Sanity Savers for Parents

Sanity Savers for Parents

By Patty Shaw


There are quite a few tricks available that will ensure mommy (and daddy)  time is held sacred by the family, that are quite good for the family and you won’t feel guilty about doing them.

We’ll talk about using my three favorites, Bach Flower Remedies in spray bottles, creating a Sacred Space at home and Homeopathy in your first aid kit.


Bach Flower essences are fantastic ways to support behavior shifts in your children that are noninvasive, loving and nonjudgmental.  Make up a spray bottle for each of the remedies your family seems to need and keep them handy.  Place 5 drops of Bach flower essence into a spray bottle of distilled water and spray the room liberally when needed.

Chicory is for children who are bickering or fighting over toys or for your little one who is constantly demanding attention and clingy.


Spray a little Hornbeam around for the child who can’t seem to get motivated in the morning because the idea of going to school just exhausts them.

Holly is for sibling rivalry and jealousy.


Impatiens is for your overactive child who can’t seem to sit still. This remedy will help to slow junior down and get into bed and fall asleep.  I also use reiki to ground and calm children to get them to fall asleep.


Children who are bossy or a bully will chill and be more respectful and less harsh of others with a few drops of Vine Remedy in their juice box.


Elm is for mom.  A few drops of elm in you water will help you come back down to earth when the responsibility of being a working mom overwhelms you.  You can get back into the day to day and let go of the focusing on the big picture to much.


Wild Oat is for your teenager who is picking a direction in life and can’t seem to decide or is at a cross road.  Give wild oat to your teenager when the prospect of making a life choice is to daunting.


Separation anxiety? Aspen (the quaking tree) helps your child settle down after a bad dream, and creates inner peace, security and fearlessness.  Aspen helps them access their own courage and confidence.


Setting up sacred spaces at home promotes a scream free zone and uninterrupted mommy or daddy time.  We all need peace and quiet, but when the kids or partners are feeling that loss because you need some time to yourself, this daily practice will really help every member of the family feel love and supported while you are not available.


The cone of divine silence:  In the morning before the day starts, visualize your home in a beam of light shining down on your home from above and up from below.  Invite the guardian angel of each member of the family to ground and center each of their people and walk with them.  Invite Archangel Michael to protect the home and every member of the family from negative energy and release all attachments on you and your children that have accumulated throughout the day as you all walk through the door at the end of your day.  Ask the angels help your sacred space become a sanctuary for your family by clearing your home of any residual unhappy feelings left over from previous days and filling it with unconditional love.  Renew this sacred space every morning before you get out of bed. You can support this loving energy by placing rose quarts around your home.


A list of Must have Homeopathic remedies for your first aid kit. Homeopathy is very easy to administer to your children because it has a gentle almost sweet taste.  No screwed up faces and fighting this remedy.  Remember to keep this and all medicine out of the reach of children.  You can find homeopathic remedies at the health food store.  You can get yourself a book or follow the suggestions on the label.  Boiron is a popular brand and has made putting homeopathy in your first aid kit extremely easy.  Here is a short list of what I keep available at my home.

Arnica Montana for bruises and goose eggs from a bad bump

Podophyllum 30 c for diarrhea or Veratrum Album

Ruta Gaviolis is for a pulled tendons, twisted ankles - sport injuries It’s a soft tissue remedy

Chamomile for the ear ache that keeps the baby up all night when one cheek is hot and the other cold

Belladonna 30c for the ear aches with fever and a screaming baby

Aconite is for anxiety induced asthma

PMS? – Nat Mur 30 c calms sugar and salt cravings and irritability

Sepia for depression from overwork, most moms’ need sepia by the way.

Ipecac 30c for vomiting that won’t stop – dry heaves


There is a lot more information in my book, the Healers Almanac, Journey into Health with Wisdom from the 21st Century Goddesses that will help you create and maintain a happy and balanced home life.  I invite you to check it out and purchase one for your home library. Available through and


It was my pleasure to share my experiences as a mom with Deb Hanneman on her show Zen Mommies.  Please check out the interview at


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First Preview of the World Oils!

First Preview of the World Oils!

Relaunch of the World Oils in July!

Exclusive here just for Coventry Wholesale customers.  We will be expanding our oils in July, including finally having oils for our World Magic Line.  We will also be expanding the Motor City Hoodoo line to include Crown of Glory and the Blessed Herbal Oils line to include Energy and Calming. The oils will be available for purcahse on the website starting June 1st.  If you would like more information about this oil expansion please don't hesitate to email Monica B at [email protected] or call at 800-810-3837

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Using Lakshmi to Unlock your Goals

Using Lakshmi to Unlock your Goals


Lakshmi is a candle from our line World Magic.  We represent her with a blend including sandalwood and jasmine with a lovely light purple coloring. Lakshmi is a deity from the Hindu faith that represents among other things goals and prosperity in both the physical and spiritual world.


Lakshmi is celebrated year round but in particular in October on the full moon night of Kojagari Purnima.  She is represented as a beautiful woman with a lotus typically in her hands. (the lotus representing fertility, loyalty and beauty)  She has four hands that represent the four ends of human life: dharma or righteousness, "kama" or desires, "artha" or wealth, and "moksha" or liberation from the cycle of birth and death.


She can be seen as bringing in prosperity for both the household and businesses.  Her energy is brought in through strength and fidelity.  She symbolizes success but not for those who simply expect it to come to them, success is gained by hard work, loyalty and grace.  

Using the energy of Lakshmi,  look inward to see that strength and perseverance is inside of you.  That prosperity comes to those who are willing to see through their goals from start to finish.  To have the courage to see what it will really take in order to achieve them. Meditate while burning the Lakshmi candle to break down your desires to the starting point.  Also your path to receive the abundance that Lakshmi is waiting to give to you.

Lakshmi is a part of our World Magic Set, you can find a complete world magic starter kit under Coventry Candle Sets


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Gift Set #4 The Charmed LIfe

Gift Set #4 The Charmed LIfe

We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Charmed I'm Sure!

Take a moment to embrace the haves and don't let yourself be a have not.  You deserve a moment of the sweet side of life.  Too often we put deadlines, bosses, and even family before our own good self.  We are not suggesting to live only for yourself, but everyone's battery needs a recharge. This gift set is all about bringing good things inward.  The energy is positive and strong unblocking obstacles that are standing in your way and bringing balance to a frazzled space.  Can't get to the spa?  Barricade yourself in your favorite spot at home and combine these candles and oils to make it all dissolve into calmness.

Here are our suggestions for The Charmed Life gift set:

Blessed Herbal Oil: Happiness -Drop a bit on your wrists or add to your laundry to bring positive energy into your life.

World Magic Container Candle:Ganesha -Ganesha will help unblock kind obstacles whether physical or psychological that is stopping you from reaching your goals. 

Wicked Witch Mojo: Everything and Thensome -This candle helps you bring in the energy and luck to realize that you can have it all. 

Wicked Witch Mojo Oil: Wishin Mojo - Drop a little bit on this oil onto the Everything and thensome candle to up the luck factor or put a few drops on a picture of something you have been desiring. 

Blessing Kit: Good Karma-Super pack of candles unite with Emotional Balance, Healing and Needed Changes to bring good karma your way!




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