Love. It's a complex emotion, a whirlwind of feelings that can leave us breathless and wanting more. We seek ways to enhance it, nurture it, and sometimes, even rekindle its flame. Throughout history, scents have played a powerful role in attraction and connection, and one particular oil, juniper, has a long-standing association with love and romance. But is there any truth to this, and how can you use juniper oil to potentially enhance your love life?
The start of a new year often brings with it a wave of "New Year, New Me" resolutions. We vow to hit the gym, eat healthier, learn a new language, and finally conquer that mountain of a to-do list. But let's be honest, how often do these ambitious resolutions actually stick?
The truth is, the "New Year, New Me" mentality often sets us up for failure. It's a sudden, drastic shift that ignores the complexities of human behavior. It's like trying to force a square peg into a round hole – unsustainable and ultimately frustrating.
This week’s VIP is Jupiter Rx. When Jupiter is retrograde, it's like the big guy takes a sabbatical. Instead of handing out growth and luck like candy, he’s asking you to pump the brakes and do a deep dive on your beliefs. Time to question your life philosophy—because honestly, you might just be overdue for a personal reboot!
October 30th is a date steeped in history, tradition, and a touch of the supernatural. It's a day that has been marked by significant events throughout the centuries, and it's also a day that has been associated with superstitions and folklore.
As we transition into a new month, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what no longer serves us and embrace the fresh opportunities ahead. This September, my Candle of the Month is the Astro Magic Full Moon - Let it Go Candle. This candle is not just a beautiful addition to your space; it’s a powerful tool for transformation and renewal.