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Full Moon in Leo January 28, 2021

On January 28th, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Leo. This time around Leo is loud and proud and wearing his indignities close to the surface. This is your opportunity to work with that side of your personality that is still very rough around the edges.

This moon puts the spotlight on character flaws you’d rather not admit exist, but come out full force at the most inappropriate times. Since Leo magic is about improving yourself use the Full Moon to recognize and heal the parts of your character that are self-destructive in spite of your desire to be successful, a good friend, and a loving partner.

Here is a candle ritual to get you more in tune with a character flaw so you can soothe it and help it grow up.

You will need a Blessed Herbal Inner Balance candle and a Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing candle, two candle holders, and a bowl of saltwater, paper, a pen, a dictionary, courage, and honesty.

Step one. In a sacred space, light the uncrossing candle and place it next to the bowl of saltwater. Sit quietly and allow yourself to be filled with calm, unconditional love, and understanding. You will need to work from this space as you bring up and face your character weakness and all the pain it created in your life. Choose one aspect of your personality that is weak. I chose jealousy. It is the one thing that keeps tripping me up in just about every area of my life.

Step two. Now it’s your turn. Think about all the times your weakness was running the show. Then carefully and with honesty answer these questions. How did it color your opinion of others and their choices? How did you react? What story did you tell and are still telling yourself now? Were you a victim? In what way? What did you lose because of this weakness in your character? Write your answers on the paper.

Step three. Open a dictionary to the page that defines this character weakness. Read it and then look up the antonym for this word. Read that. Which way would you like to be? That is your path to either healing, maturing, and happiness or saying the same. Write down on a piece of paper the antonym to the word that describes your character weakness. I wrote down kindness in place of my jealousy.

Step four. Light the Blessed Herbal Inner Balance candle. Ask that it help you achieve balance in your mind and emotions as you move from one state of consciousness to another. For example, I am moving from jealousy to kindness. While the candle is burning imagine all the ways someone with the positive attribute thinks and acts in place of the ways you thought and acted when your character flaw was in full force. You may write down your thoughts as a way of reminding yourself of where you are going.

Step five. When you feel complete with that, it’s time to forgive yourself. Let yourself off the hook for not knowing better. This character flaw is the part of you that is still young and learning. Yes, the hardest lessons are the most painful, but they are there to keep you from getting complacent. The stick in the eye or the 2 by 4 to the side of the head is what made you move, act, and decide to change.

Here is a forgiveness prayer you can say to help you free yourself from all the entanglements of the past. I learned it from my teacher, Barbara Y. Martin.

“I ask forgiveness for anything I may have done that injured you in word, thought, act and deed knowingly and unknowingly.

And I forgive you for anything that you may have done to me that injured me in word, thought, act, deed, knowingly and unknowingly.

I ask that all these negative energies be dissolved in the holy fire of eternal love, freeing us completely in God’s divine light and everlasting Peace.”

What makes this prayer so powerful is that it lets everyone off the hook. Deep down we are eternal sparks of perfection. But that can be covered with lifetimes of screwups, betrayals, and who knows what else. To verbalize this truce releases all that pain so we can be our true selves again. Life is so much more enjoyable that way.

When you are done, extinguish the candles and flush the saltwater down the toilet. For support, light the candles daily for an hour or two until they are gone. Reflect on what you learned about yourself and practice your new and improved character trait often.

Share your Full Moon candle rituals with us on Instagram and tag us at @coventrycandles!

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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