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The 2020 roller coaster comes back with its third act (there are four if you are counting), and the month of September not only features Virgo Season but one of the most difficult energies of the year. So, if you thought that 2020 has been a rocky ride, there is more to come.

But, let’s start with the essence of Virgo…

If you open a beginner’s astrology book, you will notice some curious keywords for Virgo. They are practical, efficient, meticulous, obsessive-compulsive, and neurotic. There is an archetypal purpose to every sign, and although Virgo may be a ‘drag’ after the empowerment packed sign of Leo, it is necessary. Virgo is an earth sign, so she is concerned with the physical world, natural laws, and how the real world operates. She is the sign that is naturally concerned with jobs, tasks, and responsibilities. In astrology, Virgo is the sign of the servant, and although we are not a servant (at least in the western world) to anything, we do have an obligation to take care of ourselves and manage our lives. So, while we are in Virgo season it is necessary for us to take a look at what areas of our lives need to be managed, what needs repair, what needs to be fixed, and possibly most importantly, what needs to be nurtured. Being aware of our ‘whole life’ and making the effort to make it more efficient and effective helps us access the positive dimensions of this sign, and in doing so, we make amends to the person we need to the most – ourselves.

September AstroMagic. On September 9th, Mars is going to retrograde in his own sign of Aries and will remain retrograde until November 13th. Mars retrograde happens every 2 years, and when the war planet reverses course, his ability to act is diminished. You may feel like your energy is low or that you do not have the gumption you ordinarily do. However, remember every planetary condition has a purpose and in the case of Mars retrograde, you are encouraged to review the actions you have taken over the past two years and where you are unhappy with the results, begin to strategize a plan of action you can take once Mars goes direct. During his retrograde cycle, Mars is going to go back and forth through Aries, and he forms a square to the Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn. This aspect takes us back to the conjunction of these four planets that occurred in Feb/March, which of course is when the pandemic exploded and led to lockdowns and restrictions. Mars likes to ‘act’, and Saturn likes to restrict. So, it’s likely that a second wave of the virus could lead to further restrictions that could last on and off for the rest of 2020. Storm’s metaphor for Mars/Saturn is ‘driving with the brakes on’. This attempt to push the gas (Mars) and going nowhere (Saturn) can be extremely frustrating. The key to this aspect is to SLOW DOWN. The slower you go, the more you increase your chance for success. Finally, with Pluto and Jupiter involved you can expect more conspiracy theories, internet shenanigans, and Hatfield/McCoy animosities in politics. Just remember, Pluto’s purpose in Capricorn is to tear down governmental structures and hierarchies that are no longer serving the collective and Jupiter amplifies it. Often, we will see the darkness for a period before we see the light. We are in one of those cycles now and patience is required.

Candle Recommendations: BHC Protection, Hoo Doo Fiery Wall or Uncrossing, WWM Flying Monkeys.

Full Moon Magic. The Full Moon occurs on September 2nd in mystical Pisces. In paganism, the autumn months are synonymous with the thinning of the veil between the physical and spiritual realms. Astrologically, this occurs with the Full Moon in Pisces. The Full Moon in Pisces is great for increasing your spiritual connection, listening to messages in your dreams, and enhancing your psychic abilities. Also, since Pisces is a sign associated with healing, this is a great time for healing magic and intention work, especially if it’s aimed at removing illness and disease. Candle Recommendations: DDM Full Moon, AF Angel or Intuition, Chakra Magic Heart, BHC Healing

New Moon Magic. The New Moon occurs on September 17th in Virgo. This Virgo New Moon forms a lovely trine to Saturn in Capricorn, which could be beneficial to strengthen work relationships and build a better rapport with your supervisors. This New Moon is great for seeking a new job, a promotion, or would like to do health-related magic or intention work. Also, it’s recommended to begin a new health-related regime, such as diets or exercise programs during this lunation.

Candle Recommendations: HD Querent Caller or Road Opener or Crown of Glory, BHC Healing

August 31, 2020 – September 6, 2020. The first week of September is probably the most decent week of the month and things start unraveling slowly as the weeks go by. The stress this week involves relationships and financial matters, so stay on guard! The week begins with a harmonious trine between Mercury in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury trine Pluto is great for inner revelations and using your insights to transform who you are as an individual. Mercury will also trine Saturn later in the week and you are able to practically use any revelations gained from Mercury/Pluto in a productive and tangible way. The Goddess of Love (Venus) gets clobbered midweek leaving you feeling isolated and alone. Unexpected financial pains may also occur with this opposition. On Friday, Venus forms a harsh square to Mars in Aries. Problems that have simmered beneath the surface may burst out if you are not careful. Finally, this weekend both Mercury and Venus change signs. On Saturday, Mercury moves into diplomatic Libra and Venus moves into passionate Leo. Both sign changes should be an improvement and lighten existing tensions – at least for now. Candle Recommendations: BHC Stability or Inner Balance or Heart, Financial Growth (Blessing Kit)

September 7, 2020 – September 13, 2020. The second week of September is not as action-packed as the first week. In fact, except for the lovely trine between the Sun and Jupiter, everything else is low energy. The week begins with the Moon moving through Taurus on Labor Day and forms lovely aspects to the Sun and Jupiter. Monday should be rather calm, and you should spend some time enjoying the close of summer. Oh, and a little indulgence never hurt anyone. On Tuesday and during the day on Wednesday, the Sun forms a lovely trine to Jupiter in Capricorn. Sun/Jupiter aspects are incredibly positive, and an uplifting optimistic spirit is in the air. Later on Wednesday, Mars turns retrograde in Aries and this can be quite a downer. As I said earlier in the monthly overview, Mars retrograde can slow down our ability to act, and our ability to use the force of our will to get what we want is minimized substantially. This weekend, The Sun opposes Neptune leaving us feeling further drained and confused. It’s best to avoid untrustworthy people and don’t take anything at face value. Candle Recommendations: WWM Everything and then Some, HD Crown of Glory, BHC Energy, Truth Spell (Blessing Kit)

September 14, 2020 – September 20, 2020. The third week of September brings love and relationships front and center with a difficult aspect between Venus and Uranus. Relationship problems could reach a boiling point, and for some separations may occur. So, be on guard and try to be proactive rather than reactive. Also, we have a decent New Moon this week so take advantage of the energy. The week begins with a mixed bag of tricks. On Monday, the Sun trines Pluto in Capricorn. Sun/Pluto is about personal power and standing up for who you are as an individual. This aspect is about self-growth and the more you can express your own wants and needs, the more you can recognize someone else’s. On Tuesday, Venus squares Uranus. Although normally this difficult aspect works through relationships, finances can also be affected. Avoid making impulsive purchases or decisions over the next few days. As we move into midweek, you may want to watch what you say to others because Mercury squares Jupiter, which can lead to foot and mouth disorder. Despite your tongues needing to wag, the Sun does form a lovely trine to Saturn on Thursday and if you have tasks that need to be completed, Thursday and Friday would be great days to wrap things up. Finally, the weekend may be rather turbulent with the Moon moving through Libra and Scorpio. If relationship conflicts occurred earlier in the week, you may feel the need to fix things or make them better. Proceed with caution because the Moon makes nasty aspects to Pluto, Saturn, and Mars and you may just make matters worse. Candle Recommendations: Make Up or Break Up (Blessing Kit), BHC Heart or Healing, Chakra Magic Heart

September 21, 2020 – September 27, 2020. I’m going to be blunt; the final week of September is a rough one and this tense, combustible, and frustrating energy bleeds throughout October. We begin the week with a tense square between Mercury in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury/Pluto difficult aspects tend to be obsessive and worrisome. Avoid trying to coerce others into anything because it could lead to potential long-term conflicts. On Tuesday, Libra season begins, and our focus shifts from our day-to-day lives to relationship matters. Since the Sun in Libra is in a significant square to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn and an opposition to Mars, tensions could escalate quickly, especially if frustrations and resentments build over time. The Middle of the week brings more difficulty as Mercury squares Saturn and opposes Mars. This may be where the cork pops off the lid and leaves a mess that may be hard to clean up. Try to avoid disagreements with authority figures. The week ends with Mercury moving out of Libra and into Scorpio, where Mercury will remain (except for a brief dip into Libra when he retrogrades) until December. You will seek the truth in matters, but sometimes ‘knowing’ can lead to its own set of troubles. Candle Recommendations: WWM Outta’ My Way or Bitch Be Gone or Shut Your Mouth or Tornado Alley or Poof.

September 29 - October 4, 2020. Hallelujah, Saturn goes direct this week. You will feel like you’ve been let out of prison. Renewed strength and patience returns. You will need it because Mars squares Saturn and brings delays, obstacles, and frustrations. Midweek, Venus tango’s with Virgo the perfectionist. If you start looking at your mate with a critical eye and want to start fixing them, DON’T. It will not end well and you will be the bad guy. By the weekend, Pluto goes direct and triggers your need to do something about what you learned about power struggles that happened over the last 5 months. Reminder, September 14th activated your personal power, lean on that when you’re feeling less than.

Candle Recommendations: BHC Inner Balance, HD High John

Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars.

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New Moon in Virgo, September 17, 2020
Stillness in Action = Magical Mastery


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