By Storm Cestavani on Thursday, 30 May 2024
Category: Astro Magic

Storm's Weekly Breakdown for June 3, 2024 – June 9, 2024

June 3, 2024 – June 9, 2024

The major player of the first week of June is Mercury, the trickster god. In astrology, Mercury is the

planet linked to communication and intellect. It influences how we talk, think, and handle information. Governing both Gemini and Virgo, it affects our daily interactions, reasoning skills, and even short travel.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Mercury in Gemini -- We start the week with Mercury moving into Gemini. When Mercury moves into the sign of the twins, it’s like your brain hits a turbo button! It's the perfect time to chat up a storm, learn some nifty tricks, and become a multitasking wizard. Whip out those to-do lists and tick off tasks like a pro. Feeling social? Schmooze through your network like you're the host of an invisible talk show. And keep things light—stick to projects you can finish faster than a microwave dinner.

Recommended:  Truth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday is the busiest day of the week, astrologically speaking with three major aspects – Mercury trine Pluto, Mercury conjunct Jupiter, and the Sun conjunct Venus.

Let’s break them down:

Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius – As Mercury trines Pluto in Aquarius, get ready for some mental fireworks! Your brain turns into a detective, digging up deep truths and sparking “aha!” moments left and right. Conversations get intense—think late-night deep dives into the meaning of life, not just chitchat about the weather. It's like your thoughts have been hitting the gym and are now ready to flex some serious intellectual muscle. Talk about mind gains!

Recommended:  Problem Solving (Blessed Herbal)

Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Gemini— When Mercury conjoins Jupiter, it's like a meeting of the minds, creating a perfect time for learning and sharing ideas. Mercury conjunct Jupiter boosts your communication, making conversations more enriching and full of optimism. You might feel inspired to dream big, chase new educational opportunities, and even travel. It’s a fantastic time for expanding your horizons through discussions, studies, and exploring new places. So, soak up the knowledge and enjoy the intellectual adventure!

Recommended:  Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate HooDoo)

The Sun conjoins Venus in Gemini -- When the Sun and Venus conjoin in Gemini, it's a special time that brings out the best in our social and creative lives. The Sun conjunct Venus makes everything a bit brighter and more beautiful, encouraging us to enjoy art, nature, and time with friends. It’s perfect for starting new relationships or enhancing the ones we have. You might also feel inspired to spruce up your look or your surroundings, making the most of this harmonious period.

Recommended:  That Bitch!  (Venus – Astro Magic)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 – Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Moon in Gemini -- On Wednesday and Thursday, the Moon moves through airy Gemini. When the Moon is in Gemini, it's a great time to boost your communication skills. Think about catching up on emails, writing, or having in-depth conversations. It's also an ideal period for learning; dive into books or short courses that catch your fancy. Gemini's social vibe makes it perfect for networking or team meetings, helping you connect and exchange ideas effortlessly. If you've got a lot on your plate, use this time to multitask, as Gemini's energy helps you switch between tasks smoothly. Consider taking short trips to refresh your mind, and don’t forget to leverage technology to streamline your tasks and enhance your learning.

Recommended:  Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Moon in Cancer -- When the Moon is in Cancer, it's a prime time to dive deep into your emotions and focus on home life. Start by exploring your feelings through journaling or chatting with someone close. Spruce up your space to make it cozier or whip up a comforting meal. The Moon in Cancer is perfect for self-pampering, so maybe treat yourself to a spa day at home. It’s also a great opportunity to get creative with arts and crafts or to lose yourself in a good book. If you feel up to it, helping others or connecting with family can also enrich your experience during this time. Lastly, consider planting something or exploring your family history to feel grounded and connected.

Recommended:  Home Blessing (Affirmation)

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces -- The weekend starts off with Venus forming a difficult square to Saturn. When Venus squares Saturn, it often brings a serious tone to our relationships and finances. Venus represents love and value, and Saturn is about restriction and discipline. This combination can lead to feeling unloved or facing financial cautiousness. Relationships might hit a rough patch, requiring you to deal with issues more critically. Despite these challenges, it's also a chance for growth. You might find yourself re-evaluating what really matters to you in relationships and in life. Patience and reflection are key during this time, helping you to build stronger foundations and learn important life lessons.

Recommended:  Uncrossing (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate HooDoo)

We close the week with Mars moving out of Aries and into Taurus and the Sun forming a tense square to Saturn.

Mars in Taurus -- When Mars is in Taurus, it's all about using steady energy to achieve your goals. Think of it as having a calm but determined drive. Start by setting practical goals that you can tackle step by step. Stick with your plans, especially when things get tough, because this placement gives you extra persistence. It’s a great time to focus on money matters like saving or budgeting. Get active with enjoyable outdoor activities or crafts that keep you moving at a relaxed pace. Also, take this time to build strong, reliable relationships and work on feeling good about yourself. Embrace a slow and steady approach to your actions and decisions.

Recommended:  IDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic)

The Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces -- When the Sun squares Saturn, it's like hitting a tough spot where you feel all the weight of your responsibilities and limitations. It's a time when you might face extra challenges, criticism, or delays. The Sun is about who you are, while Saturn is all about rules and hard lessons. This setup tests your patience and determination, but getting through it can make you stronger and teach you the value of hard work and persistence.

Recommended:  Tornado Alley (Wicked Witch Mojo)