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How to De-stress your House and Expel Other Negative Energies

How to De-stress your House and  Expel Other Negative Energies

We have been talking about ways to expel negative energies from your house with Jacki Smith and Patty Shaw, Owners of Coventry Creations. In the last blog post, we talked about some causes of negative energy build up in your household.  In this blog post, they discuss what are some simple ways to clear it all away. These are simple and easy ways to cleanse different types of energy from your home.  Some you many know about or have even forgotten about but it’s great to have a nice refresher!

Clearing Away Anger:

Walk through the house with buckets of cool, clear and clean water (all three, very important). It picks up a lot of emotions.  Then dump the buckets of water off your property. Afterward, light s peaceful, tranquil candle. “With ever you clear, you have to refill”


Clear Away Tiredness:

Open a window and make sure to sweep the old energy out of the window with a feather duster or baking pan, then wash the pan. Afterward, light an uncrossing candle with a fire(energy candle)


Clear Away Depression: Light a grief candle then a happiness candles.  Afterward, drum on something make it a happy beat.  This will fill your home with happiness and pleasure.


Clear Away Confusion: Use a pair of scissors and make a clipping motion in the air around you to cut the attachments of energy that are pulling you in too many different directions.


Clear Away Ghosts: Burn a sage candle to raise the vibration and tell them you leave your house now. Visualize a beam of white light filling your house and property. Ask Archangel Michael to help these lost souls find a way to the other side.


Too Much Electricity: Place smokey quartz or obsidian around your house and around your computer, TV and the clock radio near your bed. Burn a stability candle to ground extra energy in your aura into the earth.  


Brighten up your summer displays with the Summer Set from Coventry Wholesale.

The Set includes 3 each of the following candles:

Happiness Blessed Herbal Pillar

Happy Home Blessed Herbal Pillar

Soulmate Affirmation

Love Affirmation

Sacred White Sage Pillar

Sweetgrass Container

Road Opener Hoodoo  

Van Van Hoodoo

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Spring Clean Away the Negative Energy!

Spring Clean Away the Negative Energy!

Introducing Coventry Candle Sets.

Having trouble knowing exactly which candles to order?  Introducing Coventry Candle set ideas.  These sets will contain a combination of relevant or seasonal candles that are primed to display well together improving sales and creating something fun to talk about!

These sets will only be available on Coventry Creations Wholesale ( and each set will be available for a limited time!  Each items discribed in the sets will come in quantities of three.  The total amount listed for the set is for every candle and the point of purchase material but does not inlcude the cost of shipping. 

Have an idea for a set you would like to see?  Email us your idea at [email protected]

This Month's Set:

Power Up Your Energy with the Spring Cleaning Set!

Empowerment is the game here at Coventry Creations and we spend a lot of time thinking about how to successfully show the different ways that you can use Coventry products. March isn't always the easiest month to keep the energy in your store upbeat and positive. It seems to be a time where negative energy can be a huge downer in your sales. In March we are focusing on clearing out the negative energy and inserting positive feelings. We are calling it spring cleaning for your energy. We have a set complete with displays that reflect bright, happy colors and scents to help get through the gloom to sunnier weather.  The set will also include a point of purchase sign that talks about clearing out negative energy. 

A Set Contains 3 each of the following candles: 

Blessed Herbal Happiness 

Blessed Herbal Prosperity

Blessing Kit Luck

Witches Purse Oil

World Magic Lakshmi (glass container)

World Magic Sweet Grass Pillar

Motor City Hoodoo Crown of Glory

Motor City Hoodoo Lucky 7

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