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Light Up Those Summer Nights

Light Up Those Summer Nights


Beautiful Summer days full of possibilities and adventures can be great for your personal life but in your business life can be a different story. Unless you are in a summer tourist town; moving candles can be a little more of a challenge in the summer.  With temperatures on the rise, candles do not seem at first to be the most obvious choice for summer purchases.  We have thought about this going into June and we have highlighted all the many ways to use candles in the summer month.  We have created a special Summer Set which will feature our best selling “summer time” candles. It will also include signage that will highlight different ways to use our candles on the summer.

The Set includes 3 each of the follwing candles:

Happiness Blessed Herbal Pillar

Happy Home Blessed Herbal Pillar

Soulmate Affirmation

Love Affirmation

Sacred White Sage Pillar

Sweetgrass Container

Road Opener Hoodoo

Van Van Hoodoo

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World Magic Set

World Magic Set

World Magic Display Set Now Available

What you focus on, grows...

The popular World Magic candle line is now available in a set! The world magic line has seen some of the biggest growth for us in 2014.   Sacred White Sage is both one of the top pillars, votive and is currently our bestselling glass container candle. The set comes with three each of the world pillars and a votive box each.  With the set, there is a special point of purchase sign to simply and clearing states the intention behind each candle in the line.

The pillars will burn for 70 hours and the energy behind each candle is reflected in the traditions of the namesakes of these candles.

Ganesha: Unblock Obstacles

Lakshmi: Bring Prosperity

Sweet Grass: Gratitude and Blessings

Sacred White Sage: Cleanse and Clear


The world magic set is your one stop shop for a thematic display for your store.   If you like our pillars but wanted something different, we also carry these candles in a glass container, which you can link to here. 


Point of Purchase Sign that goes with the World Magic Set. 


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Mother's Day Gift Sets Now Available!

Mother's Day Gift Sets Now Available!

Mother's Day Gift Set

We sat all the mother's in Coventry Creations down and asked them which candles would be their favorite candles to receive for mother's day.  From this information we created a mother's day display and the top four went into this kit. This gift set comes in a ready made box which includes a card detailing the candles uses, a set of 4 candles and a box of matches.

The Mother's Pamper Kit includes:

Inner Beauty: A grapefruit and ginger blend. Replace old self-defeating thoughts with self confidence and beauty.

Happiness Oil: Sweet Frankincense and Juniper will perk up your day, outlook and mood or borrow a little happiness from this wonderfully uplifting oil.

Lakshmi: A sandalwood & jasmine blend to bring in prosperity.

Calming: Whether it is your chaos or the drama that others bring to your life, this combination of votives will help find your center and release the emotions that hang onto the turmoil.


The kit comes in the special mother's day pamper box!



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Spring Clean Away the Negative Energy!

Spring Clean Away the Negative Energy!

Introducing Coventry Candle Sets.

Having trouble knowing exactly which candles to order?  Introducing Coventry Candle set ideas.  These sets will contain a combination of relevant or seasonal candles that are primed to display well together improving sales and creating something fun to talk about!

These sets will only be available on Coventry Creations Wholesale ( and each set will be available for a limited time!  Each items discribed in the sets will come in quantities of three.  The total amount listed for the set is for every candle and the point of purchase material but does not inlcude the cost of shipping. 

Have an idea for a set you would like to see?  Email us your idea at [email protected]

This Month's Set:

Power Up Your Energy with the Spring Cleaning Set!

Empowerment is the game here at Coventry Creations and we spend a lot of time thinking about how to successfully show the different ways that you can use Coventry products. March isn't always the easiest month to keep the energy in your store upbeat and positive. It seems to be a time where negative energy can be a huge downer in your sales. In March we are focusing on clearing out the negative energy and inserting positive feelings. We are calling it spring cleaning for your energy. We have a set complete with displays that reflect bright, happy colors and scents to help get through the gloom to sunnier weather.  The set will also include a point of purchase sign that talks about clearing out negative energy. 

A Set Contains 3 each of the following candles: 

Blessed Herbal Happiness 

Blessed Herbal Prosperity

Blessing Kit Luck

Witches Purse Oil

World Magic Lakshmi (glass container)

World Magic Sweet Grass Pillar

Motor City Hoodoo Crown of Glory

Motor City Hoodoo Lucky 7

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