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Is your Store Prepared for Mother's Day?

Be their hero

Mother's day is just around the corner and it is a great opportunity to boost sales and bring traffic into your store.  Although it is amusing to see the panicked faces of spouses or a kid with a $5 bill apathetically buying whatever they see first in honor of their dear mother, you can be their hero and save the day with thoughtful ready-made mother's day gift. 

In honor of all mothers; and all the mothers that who built this company and run it: we created two different mother's day offering based on their favorite candles. 

Mother's Day Pamper Gift Set


We sat all the mother's in Coventry Creations down and asked them which candles would be their favorite candles to receive for mother's day.  From this information we created a mother's day display and the top four went into this kit. This gift set comes in a ready-made box which includes a card detailing the candles uses, a set of 4 candles and a box of matches.

The Mother's Pamper Kit includes:

Inner Beauty: A grapefruit and ginger blend. Replace old self-defeating thoughts with self-confidence and beauty.

Happiness Oil: Sweet Frankincense and Juniper will perk up your day, outlook and mood or borrow a little happiness from this wonderfully uplifting oil.

Lakshmi: A sandalwood & jasmine blend to bring in prosperity.

Calming: Whether it is your chaos or the drama that others bring to your life, this combination of votives will help find your center and release the emotions that hang onto the turmoil.

Mother's Day Display Set


We sat all the mother's in Coventry Creations down and asked them which candles would be their favorite candles to receive for mother's day.  From this information we created a mother's day display. This display set comes with a point of purchase sign to draw folks right to the candles for mother's day purchases! They come with 3 each of the following: Inner Beauty, Goddess, Heart, Happiness Oil, Lakshmi, Calming and Come to Mama. You can find these sets under Coventry Candle Sets along with many other themed sets set up to promote up selling in your store. 

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Dorothy Morrison Sets Are Selling Like Hot Cakes!

Dorothy Morrison Sets Are Selling Like Hot Cakes!

Dorothy Morrison’s Special Pour: A Success Story

In collaboration with the lovely Ms. Morrison we tried something completely new this February.  We made 4 styles of candles that mirror some of Dorothy’s favorite homespun recipes.  The result has been bigger than we could ever imagine!  Breaking from our tradition of only making 50 sets of special editions, due to high demand, we have decided to make one more batch. A batch means that as of right now, there are 13 sets still available for wholesale purchase before they go away.

The set comes with a darling POP sign and with the catchy names; our little downtown store has already gone through 3 cases.  Here is what comes in a case, 4 each of the following:


 hot damn write up

Rich Bitch write up

extreme bad ass write up

st dorothy write up




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4 Packs Now Available For The Love Candles Set

4 Packs Now Available For The Love Candles Set

We have now made available the Power Brokers Limited Edition in packs of 4. This pack will feature 1 each of the candle line.  It will include Love Spell, Stupid Cupid, Put a Ring on it, and Red Hots. 

Click on the link for the Power brokers to order either the pack of 16 (4 each) or the pack of 4 (1 each) There is also a point of purchase poster available for display at your store. 

The set Power Broker Love Set includes 1 each of the following (4 total):

Heather HeartfullLove Spell Text

Put a ring on it textRosie Pinger

LIndaLovelessStupid Cupid


Red hots textPeggy Passion


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Ready for Valentine's Day?

Ready for Valentine's Day?

Are We Really Just Love Machines?

If Valentine's Day is planed right, I can be a nice bump in sales in what can sometimes be lagging shopping months after the holidaypoolza that is Christmas time.   It is estimated that the average person is going to spend $130 on Valentine's related things up from $112 in past years. Now I know that a large portion is going to be spent on flowers, chocolates and the romantic dinner, but alternative gifts are on the rise as well. 


People are looking to ignite a passion on Valentine's day.  Make a deeper connection with someone or even celebrating deciding not to make a connection with the aforementioned someone. Sales for items like jewelry and joke gifts are up and even Valentine's themed gifts for pets are on the rise. (It is possible that my soul mate is a grumpy cat named Jimmy who likes to bite my face when I am napping)

This makes a great opportunity to capture a lost looking boyfriend looking for a nice alternative gift to roses, or a group of friends wanting to celebrate their friendship rather than finding true love this year. 

In 2014 we retired some candles that although dear in our hearts, just were not selling that well. One hole we did see though is our sales for candles like Love Spell and Aphrodite sky rocketed in late January, early February.  Knowing that we did not want to leave you stranded in this time, Jacki took to her ever creative mind and re imagined some of her favorite Love themes into super heroes just in time for Valentine's Day.  

There are 4 each of the following in the Power Broker set:

Lovespell with Heather Heartful-Brighten the room and bring love your way

Stupid Cupid with Linda Loveless-Be your own woman, self-reflection and being grateful for all the amazing things you do for others.

Red Hots with Peggy Passion-Ignite the flames of passion or rekindle romances that have cooled down.

Put a Ring on It with Rosie Ringer- Attract the right person to you and help push through fears of commitment.


This set was inspired from super heroes because they symbolize such strength and strive to always help others.  These blends are amazing and will fill you store with romantic scents.  They will make a great edition to any Valentine’s Day display.



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The Power Brokers of Love Are Here!

The Power Brokers of Love Are Here!

Take Love by the Horns

We have thought a lot about why people burn our candles. What are they looking for? What do they want to come of it? We set out to interview many folks about what drives them to certain products and what motivates. The main theme we heard on repeat was all about finding time for themselves and tapping into their inner strength to achieve their dreams. It seemed to be all about self-motivation and finding balance with work, family and spirituality.

These conversations inspired Jacki to create the Power Broker line. The idea of super hero crossed her mind as they are a perfect symbol for inner strength. The Power Brokers will only be available for a short time. Whether you are looking to gain confidence, finding love or being an independent woman; these ladies are here for you!

Our newest limited edition: The Power Brokers are here!  Our special pour of these powerful ladies just in time for Valentine’s Day called The Love Edition. These candles combine ideas of empowerment and self-improvement while focusing on matters of the heart and learning to love yourself.


Don't miss out on these popular candles. We make a limited quantity of these sets and they are sold on a first come first serve basis. Once they are marked sold out they are unavailable until the next year.  All limited editions are subject to change based on popularity.  

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Coventry Creations Wholesale Holiday hours


The Holiday Season is here!  Here are the hours of operation for Coventry Creations Wholesale:

Dec 1st-18th- Open and shipping 9-5

December 19th-Open 9-12pm

December 22-23rd Open and shipping 9-5pm

December 24-26th Closed

December 29-30th Open 9-5pm

December 31st-Jan 1st closed

If you have any further questions, please email us at [email protected].



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Get Set #6 The Big Payoff

Get Set #6 The Big Payoff

The Big Payoff

Do you ever work very hard on something and you just can’t seem to get the results you want?  There are times where it feels like there is a giant wall between you and your goals. For me, no matter how much I try, I can’t seem to get a savings started.  I save a bit and then my car breaks down or an unexpected bill arrives.  For these times it helps to get a kit together focus your energy on the big payoff, seeing results of something you have been working very hard on. It combines prosperity candles like Witches Purse and Money Draw with luck and the energy to see a project through.


Here is what’s in The Big Payoff Set:


Witches Brew: Witches Purse - This candle is made for unblocking and accessing prosperity.  


Blessed Herbal Candle- Money Draw - Drawing out quick solutions with prosperity.


Affirmation: Luck - Candle blends the colors, oils and sentiment that heightens your awareness to the luck that surrounds you

Wicked Witch Mojo Oil: Everything and Thensome - Rub a few drops onto the the Witches Pure candle in a downward direction to bring your desires towards you.


We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

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Gift Set #4 The Charmed LIfe

Gift Set #4 The Charmed LIfe

We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Charmed I'm Sure!

Take a moment to embrace the haves and don't let yourself be a have not.  You deserve a moment of the sweet side of life.  Too often we put deadlines, bosses, and even family before our own good self.  We are not suggesting to live only for yourself, but everyone's battery needs a recharge. This gift set is all about bringing good things inward.  The energy is positive and strong unblocking obstacles that are standing in your way and bringing balance to a frazzled space.  Can't get to the spa?  Barricade yourself in your favorite spot at home and combine these candles and oils to make it all dissolve into calmness.

Here are our suggestions for The Charmed Life gift set:

Blessed Herbal Oil: Happiness -Drop a bit on your wrists or add to your laundry to bring positive energy into your life.

World Magic Container Candle:Ganesha -Ganesha will help unblock kind obstacles whether physical or psychological that is stopping you from reaching your goals. 

Wicked Witch Mojo: Everything and Thensome -This candle helps you bring in the energy and luck to realize that you can have it all. 

Wicked Witch Mojo Oil: Wishin Mojo - Drop a little bit on this oil onto the Everything and thensome candle to up the luck factor or put a few drops on a picture of something you have been desiring. 

Blessing Kit: Good Karma-Super pack of candles unite with Emotional Balance, Healing and Needed Changes to bring good karma your way!




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Peace is making a comeback!

Peace is making a comeback!

We are making 1 small batch of the retired Peace candle for the New Year.  You can find it under Holiday Magic Limited Editions and then click on Peace.

Whether it be the world outside you or inner turmoil, the energy of Peace is forever important.  As we take the end of the year to look inward and reflect.  Use the sweet subtle scents of the Peace candle to guide your way. 
We will be making only 54 of the World Magic Candle Peace. They will be available on a first come first serve basis.  It will be available for purchase online on Monday December 2nd under the category HOLIDAY MAGIC LIMITED EDITIONS Since this batch is so small we are not doing reservations.  We will make it available on the website until it is sold out. 
Don't miss out on these popular candles. Limited editions can be found under HOLIDAY MAGIC category in the Coventry Wholesale shop. Once they are marked sold out they are unavailable until further notice.  All limited editions are subject to change based on popularity.  All limited editions do not qualify for our "NO DUST" exchange policy.


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Gift Set #3: Cha-Ching!

Gift Set #3: Cha-Ching!

We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Bringing in the Money Honey

Let's face it , it's all about the money.  We don't like to admit it but we do need a little prosperity to help us through life. Our experience here is that anything that is displayed or sold in reference to money is sure to be a big hit.  This combination works with some of our best sellers to ensure an attractive set.  Jacki designed this set to focus your energy on something big you have coming up.  Are you trying to save for a vacation, you need a new car, have your children have outgrown their clothes?  The set includes the Blessed Herbal candles of Attraction and Money Draw to pull in the prosperity and adding Success candle and the Happiness oil to put your intention in a positive and helpful space. 

Here are our suggestions for a Cha-Ching Gift set

Blessed Herbal: Attraction/LoveUse attraction to bring something to you.  If your focus is on your finances, use the attraction energy to help these things towards you, not away.  

Blessed Herbal: Money Draw- This candle is our best seller of all our lines. Mainly because it works quickly. This candle draws on energy to get cash right now.  It could be an unexpected bonus or having someone you had long since given up on returning money they borrowed. 

Affirmation: Success Determination is a big part of making this kit work.  If you want to get some extra money , you need some confidence. The Success candle brings in the energy to raise your self worth , know that you truly deserve good things in your life and that you are going to be that change that makes that happen. 

Blessed Herbal: Oil HappinessThe oils candle be used to anoint the other candles or even wear it as you walk around to bring positive feel good energy to your daily life.  When your outlook is optimistic, wonderful things can happen.

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Gift Set #2: Small Miracles

Gift Set #2: Small Miracles

Small Miracles Can Lead to the Biggest Changes!

At 6:30 am this morning I didn't wish to be rich, I didn't wish for my jeans to fit better, honestly, I didn't even wish for coffee.  At 6:30 am, all I wished for is that my husband get out of bed before me and take a shower.  We only have one bathroom in our house so him taking a shower means I get to sleep in. Today my wish came true and I was able sleep for 15 more minutes. This made my day, just a few extra minutes and I felt that I could take on the day with more energy and optimism then before. 

Sometimes we need just a little luck or a little good news to get us through the big challenges.  This set combines candles with tranquil energy and prosperity to help things start looking your way! We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets that can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!

Here is our suggestions on of candles to go in a Small Miracles Gift set

World Magic: Lakshmi Having reincarnated ten times to be with her beloved Vishnu, Lakshmi’s loyalty and commitment to prosperity continues to thrive. She sprinkles lotus petals in your path to remind you of the sweetness of life. Lakshmi opens the flood gates of heaven to fulfill your heart’s desire

Affirmation: Angel  Our Angel Affirmation candle will bring you the gentle confidence that the help you desire is here. 

Blessing Kit: Miracles Your miracle is only a wish away. Thoughts first manifest in the astral realm and it is the love in your heart that brings them into physical being. With this triad, open your heart to the healing powers that are waiting to bring this miracle to pass. 

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