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Get Set #6 The Big Payoff

Get Set #6 The Big Payoff

The Big Payoff

Do you ever work very hard on something and you just can’t seem to get the results you want?  There are times where it feels like there is a giant wall between you and your goals. For me, no matter how much I try, I can’t seem to get a savings started.  I save a bit and then my car breaks down or an unexpected bill arrives.  For these times it helps to get a kit together focus your energy on the big payoff, seeing results of something you have been working very hard on. It combines prosperity candles like Witches Purse and Money Draw with luck and the energy to see a project through.


Here is what’s in The Big Payoff Set:


Witches Brew: Witches Purse - This candle is made for unblocking and accessing prosperity.  


Blessed Herbal Candle- Money Draw - Drawing out quick solutions with prosperity.


Affirmation: Luck - Candle blends the colors, oils and sentiment that heightens your awareness to the luck that surrounds you

Wicked Witch Mojo Oil: Everything and Thensome - Rub a few drops onto the the Witches Pure candle in a downward direction to bring your desires towards you.


We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

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Gift Set #5 Comfort and Joy

Gift Set #5 Comfort and Joy

We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Can I Get a Little Comfort?

When you first move into a new house, after everything has been put away in its new place,

everything seems clear and organized. Fast forward years later and things have started to clutter.  Your own house can start to feel claustrophobic and create anxiety. This same feeling can happen spiritually as well. Years of ups and down and achievements and disappointments can cause you to be a spiritual horder.  This set is sweet and simple with just two candles devoted to cleanse away energy that causes worries, stress and a connection to the abundance of the universe.


Here is what is in a Comfort and Joy Gift set


World Magic Glass: Sacred White Sage- This focuses on spiritually cleansing any room, person or magical working. Sage clears the energy that had been limiting your growth

World Magic Glass: Sweet Grass -Sweet grass has been used for centuries by the native american people to cleanse away the worries, stress and energies that keep us apart from the sweetness of life.

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Gift Set #4 The Charmed LIfe

Gift Set #4 The Charmed LIfe

We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Charmed I'm Sure!

Take a moment to embrace the haves and don't let yourself be a have not.  You deserve a moment of the sweet side of life.  Too often we put deadlines, bosses, and even family before our own good self.  We are not suggesting to live only for yourself, but everyone's battery needs a recharge. This gift set is all about bringing good things inward.  The energy is positive and strong unblocking obstacles that are standing in your way and bringing balance to a frazzled space.  Can't get to the spa?  Barricade yourself in your favorite spot at home and combine these candles and oils to make it all dissolve into calmness.

Here are our suggestions for The Charmed Life gift set:

Blessed Herbal Oil: Happiness -Drop a bit on your wrists or add to your laundry to bring positive energy into your life.

World Magic Container Candle:Ganesha -Ganesha will help unblock kind obstacles whether physical or psychological that is stopping you from reaching your goals. 

Wicked Witch Mojo: Everything and Thensome -This candle helps you bring in the energy and luck to realize that you can have it all. 

Wicked Witch Mojo Oil: Wishin Mojo - Drop a little bit on this oil onto the Everything and thensome candle to up the luck factor or put a few drops on a picture of something you have been desiring. 

Blessing Kit: Good Karma-Super pack of candles unite with Emotional Balance, Healing and Needed Changes to bring good karma your way!




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Gift Set Idea #1: Adventures in Dating

Gift Set Idea #1: Adventures in Dating

It's a Jungle Out There Sometimes.

The other day I was both amused and horrified by my latest tumblr obsession byefelipe.  For those who do not know about it, it is a series of screen shots of some truly disturbing things that were said to women in the online dating world. I will leave it to you to look it up, but I will give a warning that the language and subject matter can be a shocker.

Dating has always been tough.  Meeting a nice person. The beating your self esteem can take. Dealing with jerks.  Now add the online element and it seems like a 10 fold adventure. We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets that can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development.  Adventures in dating is the beginning of a series of 13 sets for different ways to package and market the idea of gift sets.  We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Here is our suggestions on a great Adventures in Dating Set:

Blessed Herbal: Loves Enchantment  Turning thoughts into desire whether you are a long-married couple or a new love interest, ignite an electric attraction between you, creating a passionate experience.

Motor City Hoodoo:  Cleo Mae Even the strongest Woman needs a little help once in a while, am I right sister? Cleo Mae loves to give us some extra power to control any situation. So bring it on World! 

Motor City Hoodoo: Come to me The name says it all. Use this candle to get the significant other you want. Simple as lighting a candle!

Blessed Herbal Oil: Attraction  Use the power of attraction to bring what you need and want a little closer.

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