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How to make your very own custom spell

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Light Up Those Summer Nights

Light Up Those Summer Nights


Beautiful Summer days full of possibilities and adventures can be great for your personal life but in your business life can be a different story. Unless you are in a summer tourist town; moving candles can be a little more of a challenge in the summer.  With temperatures on the rise, candles do not seem at first to be the most obvious choice for summer purchases.  We have thought about this going into June and we have highlighted all the many ways to use candles in the summer month.  We have created a special Summer Set which will feature our best selling “summer time” candles. It will also include signage that will highlight different ways to use our candles on the summer.

The Set includes 3 each of the follwing candles:

Happiness Blessed Herbal Pillar

Happy Home Blessed Herbal Pillar

Soulmate Affirmation

Love Affirmation

Sacred White Sage Pillar

Sweetgrass Container

Road Opener Hoodoo

Van Van Hoodoo

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5 Hoodoo Hacks for the Modern Witch

5 Hoodoo Hacks for the Modern Witch

Five Hoodoo Hacks for Modern Witches

By Devin Hunter

Devin Hunter is a professional Psychic Medium and modern witch and is the resident House Medium at The Mystic Dream in Walnut Creek, Ca. He holds third-degree initiations in both the Northern Star Tradition of Wicca as well as the Dianic Tradition of Witchcraft (the Cult of Diana) and is the founder of his own tradition, Sacred Fires. His AV Club favorited podcast, the Modern Witch, has helped thousands of people from all over the world discover and develop their magical abilities. He is a blogger for Witches & Pagans magazine and is the creator of Modern Witch Magazine. Devin is currently teaching with the Black Rose School of Witchcraft and is the reigning Master of Ceremonies at the New Orleans Witches’ Ball.



Hoodoo has become increasingly popular amongst pagans and the magically minded. Perhaps it’s down to earth nature and recipes that come with a discernible past are what entice us or perhaps we have fallen in love with hoodoo because it doesn’t come with the same rules many of our European magical traditions come with. Many practitioners don’t know this but Hoodoo has been shaping the magical frontier in the US since before the 80’s and has a history here since before the revolutionary war. In today’s post we explore five Hoodoo Hacks that will take your magic to the next level.



1)    Sweeten up anyone


Have you ever felt like someone didn’t like you and no matter what you do they just wouldn't play nice?  In Hoodoo there is an entire classification of spell work that deals with these sticky situations known as the Honey Jar or Sugar Spell. These spells use the power of sweetness to slowly turn otherwise uncomfortable relations into partnerships. The key here with these spells is that they are slow and take some time to kick in and must be maintained as part of a regular practice.  Find out more about Honey Jar and Sweetening Spells Here.



2) Candle remnants will reveal all


Don’t just throw those glass encased candles away after you have used them! As a glass encased candle spell burns it will leave herbs, wax, and curio pieces stuck to the sides of the glass that can be read like tea-leaves and can give you insight into how the spell worked. A candle that burns clear with no residual matter on the sides means that you have a successful spell, a foggy candle can mean that you need to refocus and seek clarity on the matter, and a candle that leaves lots of remnants or leaves soot can mean that your spell is not going to be effective. This practice is called Ceromancy and is used by many Hoodoo practitioners to keep tabs on the effectiveness of their spell work.



3) Reuse that brown bag


Hoodoo comes from the slaves and immigrants who made their way to our shores and many of them didn’t have money for expensive parchment. In spells thatrequire petition papers, name papers, or sigils Hoodooists use recycled brown paper lunch or store bags. Cut a square out from the bag and use the side that hasn’t been printed on. Brown paper bags soak up oils better than standard white paper and won't cost you a thing.



4) Household products are perfect in magic


In Hoodoo it is understood that if something has the ability to clean the dirt from your floors it also has the ability to clear the spiritual dirt away. Household products like lemon scented oil soap, blueing balls, and ammonia are used in Hoodoo to get rid of unwanted energy. When you are preparing your household cleaners activate them like you would an herb or stone and ask for the beneficial cleansing properties of the product to also aide you magically as you clear away unwanted juju.Check out this Hoodoo floor wash spell.



5) Uncross yourself


It isn’t always easy to tell if you have been cursed or if you are just tripping yourself up. In Hoodoo there is a perfect way to take care of both with one shot. An uncrossing involves the untangling of energy and allows for us to smooth out the road ahead. This practice is primarily done as a magical bath or a candle spell and can be done for both general and specific needs. If you have been feeling off-base and confused, especially about the things that matter most to you an uncrossing can take the edge off and provided much needed clarity.Check out this Uncrossing spell from The Mystic Dream

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Is your Store Prepared for Mother's Day?

Be their hero

Mother's day is just around the corner and it is a great opportunity to boost sales and bring traffic into your store.  Although it is amusing to see the panicked faces of spouses or a kid with a $5 bill apathetically buying whatever they see first in honor of their dear mother, you can be their hero and save the day with thoughtful ready-made mother's day gift. 

In honor of all mothers; and all the mothers that who built this company and run it: we created two different mother's day offering based on their favorite candles. 

Mother's Day Pamper Gift Set


We sat all the mother's in Coventry Creations down and asked them which candles would be their favorite candles to receive for mother's day.  From this information we created a mother's day display and the top four went into this kit. This gift set comes in a ready-made box which includes a card detailing the candles uses, a set of 4 candles and a box of matches.

The Mother's Pamper Kit includes:

Inner Beauty: A grapefruit and ginger blend. Replace old self-defeating thoughts with self-confidence and beauty.

Happiness Oil: Sweet Frankincense and Juniper will perk up your day, outlook and mood or borrow a little happiness from this wonderfully uplifting oil.

Lakshmi: A sandalwood & jasmine blend to bring in prosperity.

Calming: Whether it is your chaos or the drama that others bring to your life, this combination of votives will help find your center and release the emotions that hang onto the turmoil.

Mother's Day Display Set


We sat all the mother's in Coventry Creations down and asked them which candles would be their favorite candles to receive for mother's day.  From this information we created a mother's day display. This display set comes with a point of purchase sign to draw folks right to the candles for mother's day purchases! They come with 3 each of the following: Inner Beauty, Goddess, Heart, Happiness Oil, Lakshmi, Calming and Come to Mama. You can find these sets under Coventry Candle Sets along with many other themed sets set up to promote up selling in your store. 

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World Magic Set

World Magic Set

World Magic Display Set Now Available

What you focus on, grows...

The popular World Magic candle line is now available in a set! The world magic line has seen some of the biggest growth for us in 2014.   Sacred White Sage is both one of the top pillars, votive and is currently our bestselling glass container candle. The set comes with three each of the world pillars and a votive box each.  With the set, there is a special point of purchase sign to simply and clearing states the intention behind each candle in the line.

The pillars will burn for 70 hours and the energy behind each candle is reflected in the traditions of the namesakes of these candles.

Ganesha: Unblock Obstacles

Lakshmi: Bring Prosperity

Sweet Grass: Gratitude and Blessings

Sacred White Sage: Cleanse and Clear


The world magic set is your one stop shop for a thematic display for your store.   If you like our pillars but wanted something different, we also carry these candles in a glass container, which you can link to here. 


Point of Purchase Sign that goes with the World Magic Set. 


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Dorothy Morrison Sets Are Selling Like Hot Cakes!

Dorothy Morrison Sets Are Selling Like Hot Cakes!

Dorothy Morrison’s Special Pour: A Success Story

In collaboration with the lovely Ms. Morrison we tried something completely new this February.  We made 4 styles of candles that mirror some of Dorothy’s favorite homespun recipes.  The result has been bigger than we could ever imagine!  Breaking from our tradition of only making 50 sets of special editions, due to high demand, we have decided to make one more batch. A batch means that as of right now, there are 13 sets still available for wholesale purchase before they go away.

The set comes with a darling POP sign and with the catchy names; our little downtown store has already gone through 3 cases.  Here is what comes in a case, 4 each of the following:


 hot damn write up

Rich Bitch write up

extreme bad ass write up

st dorothy write up




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Come and get your Dorothy Morrison Special Pour!

Come and get your Dorothy Morrison Special Pour!

Dorothy Has ARRIVED!

Well you have been so patient with us and here is your reward!  The Dorothy Morrison Special pour candles are officially available for sale!  Click on the link to access the 16 piece set along with a lovely POP sign to help promote them in your store.

We have made 50 sets of these beauts and will be available until sold out!  Although we are only making these in February, they will be an amazing set of candles to sell throughout the year! Each candle has its own unique intentions and are based off of some of Dorothy's favorite recipes.

If you have any questions about the set, we are here for you!  Just email us at [email protected] and we will tell you as much as we possible can.

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Gift Set #3: Cha-Ching!

Gift Set #3: Cha-Ching!

We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Bringing in the Money Honey

Let's face it , it's all about the money.  We don't like to admit it but we do need a little prosperity to help us through life. Our experience here is that anything that is displayed or sold in reference to money is sure to be a big hit.  This combination works with some of our best sellers to ensure an attractive set.  Jacki designed this set to focus your energy on something big you have coming up.  Are you trying to save for a vacation, you need a new car, have your children have outgrown their clothes?  The set includes the Blessed Herbal candles of Attraction and Money Draw to pull in the prosperity and adding Success candle and the Happiness oil to put your intention in a positive and helpful space. 

Here are our suggestions for a Cha-Ching Gift set

Blessed Herbal: Attraction/LoveUse attraction to bring something to you.  If your focus is on your finances, use the attraction energy to help these things towards you, not away.  

Blessed Herbal: Money Draw- This candle is our best seller of all our lines. Mainly because it works quickly. This candle draws on energy to get cash right now.  It could be an unexpected bonus or having someone you had long since given up on returning money they borrowed. 

Affirmation: Success Determination is a big part of making this kit work.  If you want to get some extra money , you need some confidence. The Success candle brings in the energy to raise your self worth , know that you truly deserve good things in your life and that you are going to be that change that makes that happen. 

Blessed Herbal: Oil HappinessThe oils candle be used to anoint the other candles or even wear it as you walk around to bring positive feel good energy to your daily life.  When your outlook is optimistic, wonderful things can happen.

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Gift Set #2: Small Miracles

Gift Set #2: Small Miracles

Small Miracles Can Lead to the Biggest Changes!

At 6:30 am this morning I didn't wish to be rich, I didn't wish for my jeans to fit better, honestly, I didn't even wish for coffee.  At 6:30 am, all I wished for is that my husband get out of bed before me and take a shower.  We only have one bathroom in our house so him taking a shower means I get to sleep in. Today my wish came true and I was able sleep for 15 more minutes. This made my day, just a few extra minutes and I felt that I could take on the day with more energy and optimism then before. 

Sometimes we need just a little luck or a little good news to get us through the big challenges.  This set combines candles with tranquil energy and prosperity to help things start looking your way! We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets that can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!

Here is our suggestions on of candles to go in a Small Miracles Gift set

World Magic: Lakshmi Having reincarnated ten times to be with her beloved Vishnu, Lakshmi’s loyalty and commitment to prosperity continues to thrive. She sprinkles lotus petals in your path to remind you of the sweetness of life. Lakshmi opens the flood gates of heaven to fulfill your heart’s desire

Affirmation: Angel  Our Angel Affirmation candle will bring you the gentle confidence that the help you desire is here. 

Blessing Kit: Miracles Your miracle is only a wish away. Thoughts first manifest in the astral realm and it is the love in your heart that brings them into physical being. With this triad, open your heart to the healing powers that are waiting to bring this miracle to pass. 

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