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What are some ways to use sage?

What are some ways to use sage?

What are some ways to use sage?

Sweet Grass is a part of our World Magic Set, you can find a complete world magic starter kit under Coventry Candle Sets

Smudging with sprays is a well known tradition. You can google any number of combinations with sage and cleansing and smudging and receive many wonderful resources on how to use it for cleansing.  The most traditional way seems to be the smudge stick and there are many resources available on how to clear your home using this process. The Sacred White Sage candle is the less smokey alternative to use sage for cleansing.


Through out the years, I have heard both Jacki and Patty talk about different reasons to cleanse the space.  Here are some that our customers have found useful over the years. (especially those just digging into this world)


  1. Let’s get started-You woke up one morning and decided you are missing a spiritual connection to something.  Maybe it was just one yoga class too many or you read a book that made a thousand metaphysical light bulbs light up inside of you.  For many folks new to all this, it can be a scary thing.  Years of negative gunk and other peoples gunk clouding your spiritual path.  It could also be that your friends and loved ones may not be exactly accepting of your new focus.  They may be mocking or downright critical. Starting with Sage to clear all that out will put you in a much better place to get started.

  2. Spiritual housecleaning-It is good to clean out your spiritual self along with your regular house cleansing every once in a while.  This could be especially important after a trauma or conflict that can leave you feeling emotionally and spiritually stifled. Cleanse it out and strengthen your connection.  

  3. Spiritual Independence-Deciding to break away from family traditions or even to start down your own path opening yourself up to new ideas and beliefs will not always be an easy one.  Thankfully now, more than ever, there are communities to find and feel love and support.  Evan so, dealing with the those who will try to energetically block you from your breakthroughs and successes can make it a rough go.  A nice spiritual cleanse to keep yourself in a safe protected space and your eyes on your goals will help you feel the love and support from your higher power.

  4. Clearing out toxic romances-Get them out physically and get them out spiritually.  A toxic person will try to out all kinds of hooks in you.  They do not often go without a fight.

  5. Clearing out toxic friends-See above.  Whether it be unhealthy boundaries, jealousy or any number of bad habits a former friend might possess.  If you decided that they need to be cleared out of your life, clear them in all aspects.

  6. Clear out the office of toxic employees- Again see above. Same problem different title.

  7. Clearing out negative patterns in the office- Sometimes an attitude or negative thoughts can drain the productivity or creativeness of an office. Clear out the negative energy of that to bring back a productive work space.

  8. Clearing an object that you have absorbing negative energies-Get that gunk out of that object so it is ready to protect you from more negative energies that may come.


Sacred White Sage is a part of our World Magic Set, you can find a complete world magic starter kit under Coventry Candle Sets

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Why We Use Sweet Grass

Why We Use Sweet Grass

What is Sweet Grass for anyway?

Sweet grass can be found in North America, Europe and Asia.  Many Native American groups use sweet grass in prayer and in ceremonies for purifying.  The scent of sweet grass is attractive and pleasing and therefore attracts good and pleasing thoughts and actions. 

There are many uses for the Sweet Grass candle energetically.  It can be used to purify and bring out negative energy.  It can be used for manifesting thoughts and desires.  It can also be thought of in a way as an attraction candle, bringing positive and lovely thoughts your way.

Using the Sweet Grass candle is a great candle to burn in your home after a stressful event or if you would like to bring positive energy your way before you start need to start something  difficult of you have been avoiding.  Bring that positive energy your way!

Sweet Grass is a part of our World Magic Set, you can find a complete world magic starter kit under Coventry Candle Sets

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Gift Set #5 Comfort and Joy

Gift Set #5 Comfort and Joy

We here at Coventry Creations have started to create little gift sets ideas. These can be used in your store as kits for the day to day challenges and struggles we all go through.  This is a great way to package and display products together for a gift or even a personal development. We will also have available, printable cards to put in the gift set that explains what the products does for this particular intention. (coming soon!)

Can I Get a Little Comfort?

When you first move into a new house, after everything has been put away in its new place,

everything seems clear and organized. Fast forward years later and things have started to clutter.  Your own house can start to feel claustrophobic and create anxiety. This same feeling can happen spiritually as well. Years of ups and down and achievements and disappointments can cause you to be a spiritual horder.  This set is sweet and simple with just two candles devoted to cleanse away energy that causes worries, stress and a connection to the abundance of the universe.


Here is what is in a Comfort and Joy Gift set


World Magic Glass: Sacred White Sage- This focuses on spiritually cleansing any room, person or magical working. Sage clears the energy that had been limiting your growth

World Magic Glass: Sweet Grass -Sweet grass has been used for centuries by the native american people to cleanse away the worries, stress and energies that keep us apart from the sweetness of life.

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