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Peace is making a comeback!

Peace is making a comeback!

We are making 1 small batch of the retired Peace candle for the New Year.  You can find it under Holiday Magic Limited Editions and then click on Peace.

Whether it be the world outside you or inner turmoil, the energy of Peace is forever important.  As we take the end of the year to look inward and reflect.  Use the sweet subtle scents of the Peace candle to guide your way. 
We will be making only 54 of the World Magic Candle Peace. They will be available on a first come first serve basis.  It will be available for purchase online on Monday December 2nd under the category HOLIDAY MAGIC LIMITED EDITIONS Since this batch is so small we are not doing reservations.  We will make it available on the website until it is sold out. 
Don't miss out on these popular candles. Limited editions can be found under HOLIDAY MAGIC category in the Coventry Wholesale shop. Once they are marked sold out they are unavailable until further notice.  All limited editions are subject to change based on popularity.  All limited editions do not qualify for our "NO DUST" exchange policy.


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